Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Hand  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Guide
Quest Goal:
  • Loot
Faction Required:
Blacksail Smugglers (Min: Indifferent)
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Quests:
Era:The Buried Sea
Group Size:Solo
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Sat Apr 21 20:24:40 2007
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This is not a task.

Is there Lore concerning Jonas Dagmire?

The individual bones that make up the hand of Jonas Dagmire are awarded by completing certain solo tasks given in Barren Coast and The Buried Sea.

All tasks are completed in static zones.. although drops may be found in instances they count for nothing. Tasks may be completed in any order that suits you.

Ignoring the whirlpool isle, there are seven islands in Buried Sea:

Jardel's Hook: 9 tasks, 9 bones.
Maiden's Grave: 5 tasks, 3 bones.
Blacksail Folly: 5 tasks, 3 bones.
Deadbone Reef: 5 tasks, 3 bones.
Suncrest Ridge: 5 tasks, 3 bones.
Monkey Rock: 5 tasks, 3 bones.
Redfeather Isle: 5 tasks, 3 bones.

The way that each isle (apart from Jardel's Hook) works is that the first two tasks offer only experience and faction. You are offered one bone as an option on your third win, two bones as options on your fourth win, and all three bones as options on your fifth win.

Thus, 39 tasks must be completed in order to collect all 27 bones. Each bone is an augment with low level stats.

Halon Griere sells a 10-slot container called Bone Joint Compound for 10 Doubloons. You must have at least indifferent faction with Blacksail Smugglers in order to purchase it.

The bones can be combined in the container to create thumb, forefinger, etc, each of which is itself an augment with mid-level stats. These may then be combined to create the hand itself, a much better augment.

You will need 70 Doubloons to purchase enough Bone Joint Compounds for all 7 combines required.

Round 1 of Combines in the Bone Joint Compound:

Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Backhand:
Jonas Dagmire's Trapezium
Jonas Dagmire's Trapezoid
Jonas Dagmire's Triquetrum
Jonas Dagmire's Hamate
Jonas Dagmire's Capitate
Jonas Dagmire's Scaphoid
Jonas Dagmire's Pisiform
Jonas Dagmire's Lunate

Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Thumb:
Jonas Dagmire's Thumb Distal Phalanx
Jonas Dagmire's Thumb Metacarpal
Jonas Dagmire's Thumb Proximal Phalanx

Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Forefinger:
Jonas Dagmire's Forefinger Distal Phalanx
Jonas Dagmire's Forefinger Middle Phalanx
Jonas Dagmire's Forefinger Proximal Phalanx
Jonas Dagmire's Forefinger Metacarpal

Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Long Finger:
Jonas Dagmire's Long Finger Distal Phalanx
Jonas Dagmire's Long Finger Middle Phalanx
Jonas Dagmire's Long Finger Proximal Phalanx
Jonas Dagmire's Long Finger Metacarpal

Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Ring Finger:
Jonas Dagmire's Ring Finger Distal Phalanx
Jonas Dagmire's Ring Finger Middle Phalanx
Jonas Dagmire's Ring Finger Proximal Phalanx
Jonas Dagmire's Ring Finger Metacarpal

Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Little Finger:
Jonas Dagmire's Little Finger Distal Phalanx
Jonas Dagmire's Little Finger Middle Phalanx
Jonas Dagmire's Little Finger Proximal Phalanx
Jonas Dagmire's Little Finger Metacarpal

Round 2 of Combines in the Bone Joint Compound:

Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Hand:
Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Backhand
Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Thumb
Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Forefinger
Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Longfinger
Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Ring Finger
Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Little Finger

A task checklist:

Jardel's Hook Island
[ ] The Meek Shall What? - Bilgewater Bill
[ ] Just Desserts - Scurv-acious Bella Straw
[ ] Low on Rum - Murderous Mal
[ ] Thieves Among Thieves - Murderous Mal
[ ] Deliver the Goods - Murderous Mal
[ ] Snake Milk - Sid Hacke
[ ] Fire in the Hold - Darius Blythe
[ ] Old Cutlasses For New - Darius Blythe
[ ] That was the Deal - Darius Blythe

Redfeather Isle
[ ] Raptors, Basilisks, and Pumas. Oh My! - Rickan
[ ] A Red-Plumed Hat - Rickan
[ ] Regrua-Shell Armor - Rickan
[ ] Ahoy! Treasures Washed Ashore - Johnny the Black Crow
[ ] Charting Redfeather Isle - Johnny the Black Crow

Blacksail Folly
[ ] Recruitment Letters - Logan Grimm
[ ] Pirate Rum - Logan Grimm
[ ] Hair of the Dog - Logan Grimm
[ ] Killing the Rivals - Logan Grimm
[ ] The Makings of a Disguise - Logan Grimm

Deadbone Reef
[ ] Deadbone Meats - Sid Hacke
[ ] Shark Meat - Sid Hacke
[ ] Small Matters - Sid Hacke
[ ] Rumors of a Flame - Sid Hacke
[ ] Hidden Riches - Sid Hacke

Suncrest Ridge
[ ] Investigating the Combine Ruins - Brynden Snow
[ ] Mapping Suncrest Ridge - Brynden Snow
[ ] Steamdrake Potions - Brynden Snow
[ ] The Abandoned Relics - Brynden Snow
[ ] Totem of Water and Fire - Brynden Snow

Maiden's Grave
[ ] Uncovered Treasure - Pirate Symthe
[ ] The Lost Crew - Captain Pete
[ ] Scouting Maiden's Grave - Captain Pete
[ ] Siren Combs - Merchant Wain
[ ] Siren Hair - Merchant Wain

Monkey Island
[ ] Jaguar Trophies - Trophy Hunter Locke
[ ] Monkey Trophies - Trophy Hunter Locke
[ ] Python Trophies - Trophy Hunter Locke
[ ] Raptor Trophies - Trophy Hunter Locke
[ ] Scouting Monkey Rock - Trophy Hunter Locke

Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Hand
Augmentation type: 7 8
AC: 15
STR: +10 DEX: +10 STA: +10 CHA: +10 WIS: +10 INT: +10 AGI: +10 HP: +135 MANA: +135 ENDUR: +135
Regeneration: +4
Required level of 65.
WT: 0.0 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Submitted by: Lias Roxx, Defiant, Zek
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Item Drop Suggestion
# Aug 03 2022 at 8:10 AM Rating: Decent
5 posts
I don't know if it's a bug or what but for certain collection quests like "Low on Rum" and "Old Cutlasses for New" I found that once my leader (I 3-box) has completed the quest, items seemed to no longer drop. In short I got tired of having the items in inventory and turned in the quests before my other two characters had collected the items. After killing for nearly two hours and having no quest item drops, I decided to make my 2nd char the group leader to see if that would work. Within minutes I was getting quest item drops again.
Hero's armor for acheivement
# Nov 01 2017 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
137 posts
Note that completing the quests for each Island will complete an achievement that will reward you with a piece of Hero's armor. Upon finishing the final augment you will receive weapon and secondary slot item.

So in the end you will have a full set of Hero's armor and weapons. The hand augment is great but the real benefit is to get this set of armor. Similar to Elegant Defiant but more HP and mana.

The Hero's armor is recommended at 75 so the quest is best for those around 68-75.

Here is the link for the final achievement:
easy doubloons
# Nov 11 2011 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
I found a very easy way to get doubloons. near the crescent reach stone in POK is a female NPC that allows you to trade loyalty points for various items. A bag of doubloons is 100 doubloons and costs 10 loyalty points. That is more then enough to purchase all the joint compound needed for this quest.
easy doubloons
# Nov 10 2015 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
228 posts
Had just been at her ... sorry ,, but to this date there are NO doubloons for sale there ... had over 5000 crowns (no idea where from), so I had enough for buying ... but nothing costed 10 crowns, and there was no bag or similar with doubloons either. So only way to get doubloons are group missions. But a hint ... If you are high enough (did it with lvl 80 war), you just need 1 friend (who not even must have finished anything in buried, or have any special faction) and fill the 3rd lot with a merc. So you get the mission, can zone into missionarea, and do it on your own. - beware .. you CAN cancel the group after bein IN the missionzone without probs, BUT if you get killed, you WONT get back into it, if you dont have again all requirements (mean you HAVE to be 3 at least for zoning back in your open mission-zone!

Good luck for getting doubloons!
Leader of the CobraForceCrew
Leader of the Dragonring
Ayonae Ro (Tribunal)
easy doubloons
# Dec 20 2015 at 7:56 PM Rating: Good
51 posts
Yes, you have to have an "All Access" account to get the currency from her, and there are plat bags, doubloons bags, and a few others, that if you have a "silver" or "bronze/greenie" account, they are blocked from those accounts being able to receive them, but, you can ask a nice All Access player to have them get them for ya, and just pay them plat for it, and they cost as of right now, 11crowns for the bag of 100, so, they are not all that expensive, and most All Access players would have plenty of crowns to buy em and not even think about it, since the All Access accounts get 120crowns a week, while the Silver Accounts get 60crowns, and the Bronze/Greenie Accounts get 30crowns a week.............

The reason you had so many crowns, is because you obviously logged onto an old account, that you started a few years prior, like I have done with 2 of my accounts(1 had 5,580Crowns while other had over 15,000Crowns.), which, over the years, they gave you the crowns, even though you were not logged into your account all that time......
easy doubloons
# Nov 11 2015 at 7:31 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Firecobra wrote:
Had just been at her ... sorry ,, but to this date there are NO doubloons for sale there ... had over 5000 crowns (no idea where from), so I had enough for buying ... but nothing costed 10 crowns, and there was no bag or similar with doubloons either. So only way to get doubloons are group missions. But a hint ... If you are high enough (did it with lvl 80 war), you just need 1 friend (who not even must have finished anything in buried, or have any special faction) and fill the 3rd lot with a merc. So you get the mission, can zone into missionarea, and do it on your own. - beware .. you CAN cancel the group after bein IN the missionzone without probs, BUT if you get killed, you WONT get back into it, if you dont have again all requirements (mean you HAVE to be 3 at least for zoning back in your open mission-zone!

Good luck for getting doubloons!

On my all-access account, regular server she does indeed sell bags of currencies, including doublooons.

Are you free-to-play? Progression?
# Apr 06 2010 at 12:41 PM Rating: Good
22 posts
Darkdawn #1: Sunstone Savages will normally yield about 150 doubloons /25 goblin kills and ur done
# Aug 22 2012 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
67 posts
I got 50 Doubloons for completing Darkdawn #1: Sunstone Savages.
# Feb 18 2010 at 3:36 AM Rating: Decent
77 posts
Easiest Way to get Doubloons? the seventh hammer server None in bazzar
# Feb 18 2010 at 3:40 AM Rating: Decent
2,308 posts
Mer #1: Mer's Lost Love is the one I did.
Corrected Quest NPC Name
# Jul 03 2009 at 4:44 PM Rating: Good
97 posts
Name mis-spelled in the quest:

Brynden Snow
Sorta Easy now
# Jan 22 2009 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
Been workin' on this task for two days, and got two islands done, almost done with the my third, hopefully I'll be done with five before I camp tonight. So if you're working on this now, it's really easy. =D
Sorta Easy now
# Nov 13 2009 at 6:17 AM Rating: Default
I've been doing this now for my 80 Zerker, burned through it in nearly 2 nights of playing, although my first night I had to stop and help a guildy with a quest which was fail anyways.
Sorta Easy now
# Jan 27 2009 at 7:17 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah even for a rogue =)
Which gives which?
# Dec 30 2008 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
Is there a list of which island gives which bones upon completion of all tasks?
Bone Checklist
# Oct 18 2008 at 3:07 AM Rating: Decent
160 posts
As you accumulate them...

Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Backhand:
[ ] Jonas Dagmire's Trapezium
[ ] Jonas Dagmire's Trapezoid
[ ] Jonas Dagmire's Triquetrum
[ ] Jonas Dagmire's Hamate
[ ] Jonas Dagmire's Capitate
[ ] Jonas Dagmire's Scaphoid
[ ] Jonas Dagmire's Pisiform
[ ] Jonas Dagmire's Lunate

Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Thumb:
[ ] Jonas Dagmire's Thumb Distal Phalanx
[ ] Jonas Dagmire's Thumb Metacarpal
[ ] Jonas Dagmire's Thumb Proximal Phalanx

Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Forefinger:
[ ] Jonas Dagmire's Forefinger Distal Phalanx
[ ] Jonas Dagmire's Forefinger Middle Phalanx
[ ] Jonas Dagmire's Forefinger Proximal Phalanx
[ ] Jonas Dagmire's Forefinger Metacarpal

Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Longfinger:
[ ] Jonas Dagmire's Long Finger Distal Phalanx
[ ] Jonas Dagmire's Long Finger Middle Phalanx
[ ] Jonas Dagmire's Long Finger Proximal Phalanx
[ ] Jonas Dagmire's Long Finger Metacarpal

Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Ring Finger:
[ ] Jonas Dagmire's Ring Finger Distal Phalanx
[ ] Jonas Dagmire's Ring Finger Middle Phalanx
[ ] Jonas Dagmire's Ring Finger Proximal Phalanx
[ ] Jonas Dagmire's Ring Finger Metacarpal

Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Little Finger:
[ ] Jonas Dagmire's Little Finger Distal Phalanx
[ ] Jonas Dagmire's Little Finger Middle Phalanx
[ ] Jonas Dagmire's Little Finger Proximal Phalanx
[ ] Jonas Dagmire's Little Finger Metacarpal
Mikaal Drazzminius
Tier'Dal Necromancer
Necrotalk Admin
EQ Traders Super Moderator
EQ Magelo Advisor/Moderator
Rodcet Nife by Birth / Quellious by Merger / Povar by Re-Merger
the list
# Jun 08 2008 at 8:34 PM Rating: Decent
Jardel's Hook (The Buried Sea)
[]The Meek Shall What? - Bilgewater Bill
[]Just Desserts - Scurv-acious Bella Straw
[]Low on Rum - Murderous Mal
[]Thieves Among Thieves - Murderous Mal
[]Deliver The Goods - Murderous Mal
[]Snake Milk - Sid Hacke
[]Fire In The Hold - Darius Blythe
[]Old Cutlasses For New - Darius Blythe
[]That Was The Deal - Darius Blythe
Redfeather Isle (The Buried Sea)
[]Raptors, Basilisks, Pumas, Oh My! - Rickan
[]A Red-Plumed Hat - Rickan
[]Regrua-Shell Armor - Rickan
[]Ahoy! Treasures Washed Ashore - Johnny the Black Crow
[]Charting Redfeather Isle - Johnny the Black Crow
Blacksail Folly (The Buried Sea)
[]Recruitment Letters - Logan Grimm
[]Pirate Rum - Logan Grimm
[]Hair of the Dog - Logan Grimm
[]Killing the Rivals - Logan Grimm
[]The Makings of a Disguise - Logan Grimm
Deadbone Reef (The Buried Sea)
[]Deadbone Meats - Sid Hacke
[]Shark Meats - Sid Hacke
[]Small Matters - Sid Hacke
[]Rumors of a Flame - Sid Hacke
[]Hidden Riches - Sid Hacke
Maiden's Grave (The Buried Sea)
[]Uncovered Treasure - Pirate Smythe
[]The Lost Crew - Captain Pete
[]Scouting Maiden's Grave - Captain Pete
[]Siren Combs - Merchant Wain (Barren Coast)
[]Siren Hair - Merchant Wain (Barren Coast)
Suncrest Ridge (The Buried Sea)
[]Investigating the Combine Ruins - Bryden Snow (Barren Coast)
[]Mapping Suncrest Ridge - Bryden Snow (Barren Coast)
[]Steamdrake Potions - Bryden Snow (Barren Coast)
[]The Abandoned Relics - Bryden Snow (Barren Coast)
[]Totem of War and Fire - Bryden Snow (Barren Coast)
Monkey Rock (The Buried Sea)
[]Jaguar Trophies - Trophy Hunter Locke (Barren Coast)
[]Monkey Trophies - Trophy Hunter Locke (Barren Coast)
[]Python Trophies - Trophy Hunter Locke (Barren Coast)
[]Raptor Trophies - Trophy Hunter Locke (Barren Coast)
[]Scouting Monkey Rock - Trophy Hunter Locke (Barren Coast)

Jonas Dagmire's Capitate
Jonas Dagmire's Forefinger Distal Phalanx
Jonas Dagmire's Forefinger Metacarpal
Jonas Dagmire's Forefinger Middle Phalanx
Jonas Dagmire's Forefinger Proximal Phalanx
Jonas Dagmire's Hamate
Jonas Dagmire's Little Finger Distal Phalanx
Jonas Dagmire's Little Finger Metacarpal
Jonas Dagmire's Little Finger Middle Phalanx
Jonas Dagmire's Little Finger Proximal Phalanx
Jonas Dagmire's Long Finger Distal Phalanx
Jonas Dagmire's Long Finger Metacarpal
Jonas Dagmire's Long Finger Middle Phalanx
Jonas Dagmire's Long Finger Proximal Phalanx
Jonas Dagmire's Lunate
Jonas Dagmire's Pisiform
Jonas Dagmire's Ring Finger Distal Phalanx
Jonas Dagmire's Ring Finger Metacarpal
Jonas Dagmire's Ring Finger Middle Phalanx
Jonas Dagmire's Ring Finger Proximal Phalanx
Jonas Dagmire's Scaphoid
Jonas Dagmire's Thumb Distal Phalanx
Jonas Dagmire's Thumb Metacarpal
Jonas Dagmire's Thumb Proximal Phalanx
Jonas Dagmire's Trapezium
Jonas Dagmire's Trapezoid
Jonas Dagmire's Triquetrum
# May 07 2008 at 6:14 AM Rating: Decent
I am stuck can't find quests that give fore metacarpal, ring metacarpal, or middle metacarpal
Tips For Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Hand Quest
# Apr 29 2008 at 6:17 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
I finished the Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Hand Quest last week....couple things I would recommend to those about to begin to help speed up the Quest:

1. Work at one island at a time and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ALL THE TASKS ACTIVE FOR THE ISLAND YOU ARE WORKING ON. A number of the tasks on each island overlap (one task is kill "x" mob/ second task is loot "y" off "x" mob). By having all the tasks active on each island you avoid having to redoo some kills.

2. DO SUNCREST RIDGE ISLAND FIRST/EARLY - reason is that the task called "Totem of War and Fire" is a time sink. You have to get two named mobs to spawn. This can be a longish camp (5 + hours). By doing this island first, you ensure the task is up enabling you to pop in the zone to check for the mob at any time or ideally while you are working on other tasks on other islands. If you leave this task until last, you will likely get stuck needing to camp the spawn with lots of down time.

3. Do BLACKSAIL FOLLY ISLAND SECOND/EARLY - the task "Pirate Rum" can be a time sink - you need a "rum recipe" to drop off the named pirates (which is an uncommon/rarish drop?). The named pirates summon and many are located in their fort area - usually done with partial group - requiring a key. However, there is a campfire on the beach that has a group of 3 or so NAMED pirates that can be done SOLO (get LEV - tag a named, root him on beach, clear adds aggro by running to next island. By the time you run back, adds are gone and NAMED will still be there rooted for solo kill). Any of the NAMED on the beach can drop the recipe. By getting this task up early in your quest, you will have more attempts at soloing the 3 named (between other productive things) and save time camping named or making a group.

4. BRING EXTRA EMPTY BAGS! Lots of stuff to loot...some you need to hand in. Extra space lets you sort through stuff without having to destroy things mid-task or run to a vendor.

5. DO ALL THE BONE COMBINES AT THE END (recommend not sub-combining the bones)-Each finger bone is NOT combining them, you protect yourself from inadvertently choosing a bone you already have as a reward (and then needing to re-doo a task). By saving all the bones to combine at the end, it simplifies your reward choices (only the ones you need will be an option), lowers the chance of an error, and helps your record keeping!

Most of this Quest can be solo'd fairly easily although having just one person along speeds up many of the tasks which require lots of light blue killing.

I didn't keep track of experience but my estimate is that I grinded about 30 aa's in the process of completing the Quest.

Good luck!

80 Paladin

Edited, Apr 29th 2008 3:20pm by Righteous

Edited, Apr 29th 2008 5:20pm by Righteous
Tips For Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Hand Quest
# Sep 23 2011 at 1:15 AM Rating: Decent
159 posts
You do the tasks out of order all u get is XP u wasted 5 hours of my timt....*****!
Tips For Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Hand Quest
# May 22 2008 at 1:21 AM Rating: Decent
How do you know what quests go with which island? All of the quest givers seem to be on Jardel's Hook.
Tips For Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Hand Quest
# Jun 26 2008 at 9:14 AM Rating: Good
30 posts
Here's a checklist of the Tasks by Island with name of Task Giver.

~ Jardel's Hook Island ~

[ ] ... The Meek Shall What? - Bilgewater Bill
[ ] ... Just Desserts - Scurv-acious Bella Straw
[ ] ... Low on Rum - Murderous Mal
[ ] ... Thieves Amoung Thieves - Murderous Mal
[ ] ... Deliver the Goods - Murderous Mal
[ ] ... Snake Milk - Sid Hacke
[ ] ... Fire in the Hold - Darius Blythe
[ ] ... Old Cutlass For New - Darius Blythe
[ ] ... That was the Deal - Darius Blythe

~ Redfeather Isle ~

[ ] ... Raptors, Basilsks, Pumas, Oh My! - Rickan
[ ] ... A Red Plumed Hat - Rickan
[ ] ... Regrua-Shell Armour - Rickan
[ ] ... Ahoy! Treasure's Washed Ashore - Johnny the Black Crow
[ ] ... Charting Redfeather Isle - Johnny the Black Crow

~ Blacksail Folly ~

[ ] ... Recruitment Letters - Logan Grimm
[ ] ... Pirate Rum - Logan Grimm
[ ] ... Hair of the Dog - Logan Grimm
[ ] ... Killing the Rivals - Logan Grimm
[ ] ... The Makings of a Disguise - Logan Grimm

~ Deadbone Reef ~

[ ] ... Deadbone Meats - Sid Hacke
[ ] ... Shark Meats - Sid Hacke
[ ] ... Small Matters - Sid Hacke
[ ] ... Rumors of a Flame - Sid Hacke
[ ] ... Hidden Riches - Sid Hacke

~ Suncrest Ridge ~

[ ] ... Investigating the Combine Ruins - Bryden Snow
[ ] ... Mapping Suncrest Ridge - Bryden Snow
[ ] ... Steamdrake Potions - Bryden Snow
[ ] ... The Abandoned Relics - Bryden Snow
[ ] ... Totem of War and Fire - Bryden Snow

~ Maiden's Grave ~

[ ] ... Uncovered Treasure - Pirate Symthe
[ ] ... The Lost Crew - Captain Pete
[ ] ... Scouting Maiden's Grave - Captain Pete
[ ] ... Siren Combs - Merchant Wain
[ ] ... Siren Hair - Merchant Wain

~ Monkey Island ~

[ ] ... Jaguar Trophies - Trophy Hunter Locke
[ ] ... Monkey Trophies - Trophy Hunter Locke
[ ] ... Python Trophies - Trophy Hunter Locke
[ ] ... Raptor Trophies - Trophy Hunter Locke
[ ] ... Scouting Monkey Rock - Trophy Hunter Locke

You can find info on each quest here:

Any Task Write up?
# Dec 16 2007 at 11:43 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone have or know of a write up which shows you what tasks you can get to complete at the same time?
Hand and Back Hand
# Nov 01 2007 at 12:22 AM Rating: Decent
1,273 posts
Does anyone know for sure if you can complete the full hand, then run the few tasks over to get the backhand (one of the middle stage aug's) again? There are a few similar scenarios in EQ where by starting a progression aug/item over, it either removes the completed one, or prevents you from combining it after collecting all the pieces. In theory I think it should work, but confirmation would be greatly appreciated!
Hand and Back Hand
# Nov 07 2007 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
Any aug from this quest only fits in hand position. Not sure it would make sense to repeat it.
Hand and Back Hand
# Apr 14 2008 at 8:43 PM Rating: Decent
124 posts
Maybe he wants one for slot 7 and 1 for slot 8...

Better augs out there for em imo, but whatever
The Rathe
Krosar Shadowflame - 125 Necro
Rasork - 120 Druid
Inarraa Serra - 120 Shadowknight
Imacatlol - 120 Bard
Yaldax Toknight - 120 Rogue
Savi Yorr - 120 Paladin
Hand and Back Hand
# May 16 2008 at 11:55 PM Rating: Decent
160 posts
The aug is Lore. Can only have one, anyway...
Mikaal Drazzminius
Tier'Dal Necromancer
Necrotalk Admin
EQ Traders Super Moderator
EQ Magelo Advisor/Moderator
Rodcet Nife by Birth / Quellious by Merger / Povar by Re-Merger
Hand and Back Hand
# Mar 03 2009 at 5:33 AM Rating: Decent
633 posts
They are not saying two of the same Lore item. They are saying one full completed lore item (hand) and another second lesser/different lore item (backhand) - hence the posted title.
Over all thoughts on it
# Sep 29 2007 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
I did the entire quest playing my and my wife's chars, a group of 6...

Jardel's Hook quests:Easy, easy to repeat fire in the hold and thieves among thieves over and over while collecting the pieces needed to complete for 6 chars on the other quests...

Maiden's : Very easy

Monkey Isle: Annoying killing light blues all day long, but easy

Redfeather Isle: Easy

Suncrest Ridge : Biggest timesink in the whole quest...having to spawn two named mobs per char. The named mobs do indeed have multiple spawnpoints.

Blacksail Folly: Left this one til last, it went pleasantly fast, and was fun killing all those named pirates. The clothes DO stack so you only need 4 inventory slots for the disguise quest.

Deadbone : Underwater fighting is no fun. Got 2 booster packs there. Probably biggest timesink after Suncrest.

We did two doubloon missions, scored 50 doubloons each mission, they were on Deadbone and both quite easy and fast. I don't see why doubloons sell for so much in the bazaar....and with as much random loot off named mobs as we got from each island, I'm surprised any of it is sellable in the bazaar.
Toucan Tanksem
of Vallon Zek, Sebilis, Venril Sathir, Antonius Bayle, and now Toukan of Povar
Sid Hacke
# Aug 30 2007 at 2:21 AM Rating: Decent
Im lvl 67 and Sid wont give me the tasks. I even tried skipping the hailing part and just said the key words and he kept telling me im too low. Any thoughts on it or ways around it?
Sid Hacke
# Nov 01 2007 at 12:19 AM Rating: Decent
1,273 posts
Look up the quests in alla and just /say the relevant message to him to start the task. He only checks your level to decide how to respond to you, NOT whether or not he will actually Give you the task. This works in a number of cases throughout EQ, including some who you don't have good faction with.
Monkey Rock Task Level Req
# Jul 18 2007 at 9:30 PM Rating: Decent
45 posts
I was able to get all five tasks from Trophy Hunter Locke on my level 60 cleric.
this might have been asked before but
# Jul 07 2007 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
If you happened to destroy a bone way back in the day before you ever thought to complete the quest can you get it ?
RE: this might have been asked before but
# Jul 07 2007 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,087 posts
Yes, just do the task again (multiple tasks offer the same bone in some cases)
Then be sure to choose the one you need.
I think bones you have will be in red, and the ones you can choose will be a different color.
Pain Mistress Okami L`Assundre of Tarew Marr
Dark Elf Shadow Knight
Drinal (Tarew)
Retired after 500 days /played
Retired again
RE: this might have been asked before but
# Nov 11 2007 at 2:26 AM Rating: Decent
Ones you need will be yellow
quests listed for the hand augment
# May 01 2007 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
50 posts
These are the quests that are for each island to gather the bones of jonas hand

barren coast:
Suncrest ridge
Investigating the Combine Ruins(Brynden Snow)
Mapping Suncrest Ridge (Brynden Snow)
Steamdrake Potions(Brynden Snow)
The Abandoned Relics(Brynden Snow)
Totem of War and Fire(Brynden Snow)

Monkey Isle
Jaguar Trophies (Trophy Hunter Locke)
Monkey Trophies(Trophy Hunter Locke)
Python Trophies(Trophy Hunter Locke)
Raptor Trophies(Trophy Hunter Locke)
Scouting Monkey Rock(Trophy Hunter Locke)

Maidens Grave
Siren Combs (Merchant Wain)
Siren Hair(Merchant Wain)
The Buried sea:

Jardels hook
Salmagundi Stew (Bilgewater Bill)
The Meek Shall What?(Bilgewater Bill)

Deliver the Goods (Murderous Mal)
Thieves Among Thieves(Murderous Mal)
Low on Rum(Murderous Mal)

That was the Deal(Darius Blythe)
Fire in the Hold (Darius Blythe)
Old Cutlasses for New (Darius Blythe)

Just Desserts (Scurv-acious Bella Straw)

Snake Milk (Sid Hacke)

Redfeather island
A Red-Plumed Hat (Rickan)
Raptors, Basilisks, and Pumas. Oh My!(Rickan)
Regrua-Shell Armor(Rickan)

Ahoy! Treasures Washed Ashore (Johnny the Black Crow)
Charting Redfeather Isle (Johnny the Black Crow)

Deadbone Reef
Deadbone Meats(Sid Hacke)
Shark Meat(Sid Hacke)
Hidden Riches(Sid Hacke)
Rumors of a Flame(Sid Hacke)
Small Matters(Sid Hacke)

Blacksail folly
Hair of the Dog (Logan Grimm)
Killing the Rivals (Logan Grimm)
Pirate Rum (Logan Grimm)
Recruitment Letters (Logan Grimm)
The Makings of a Disguise (Logan Grimm)

Maidens Grave
Scouting Maiden's Grave (Captain Pete)
The Lost Crew (Captain Pete)

Uncovered Treasure(Pirate Smythe)

quests listed for the hand augment
# May 01 2007 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
50 posts
so there be 40 quests in all not 39 ya scabs!
quests listed for the hand augment
# Oct 23 2007 at 8:27 PM Rating: Decent
Well if you think about it, theres more than 40 quests here!!! You also have to do a couple group missions to get the Doubloons to get the bone joint compounds!!! min of 2 missions so for those of you that say 39 missions its actually 41 and those that say 40 its actually 42 but either way its more than 40 missions!!!
quests listed for the hand augment
# Jun 21 2007 at 5:07 AM Rating: Decent
Only 39, i did 39 quests and was able to get the aug, 8 bones for hand, 4 for the 4 fingers, and 3 for the thumb. I was able to duo all but 3 of the quests with a 75 war and 75 sham, no raid gear at all. The only quests that presented a challenge were the one where u need to get the Rum Recipe(puller can make this easy, though it is a rare drop), Fire in the Hold also required a puller to get the dockworkers deaded but after that i just dropped package in the bar and ran off the rest of mobs, and Deliver the Goods only because i was not prepared for the 3 mobs that rush up, but had i been my sham couldve rooted 2 and war dealt with em 1 at a time. Doing all the quests did take some time, but all in all it was not very hard a necro could do all of the quests np.
quests listed for the hand augment
# May 18 2007 at 5:23 AM Rating: Decent
385 posts
Salmagundi Stew (Bilgewater Bill) does not have to be done to get the hand.
Is there Lore concerning Jonas Dagmire?
# Apr 27 2007 at 8:22 AM Rating: Decent
Is there Lore concerning Jonas Dagmire?

He lost a hand! 8)
General Info
# Apr 23 2007 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
2,607 posts
Other than the middle island (whirlpool), there are 5 or more tasks on each of the islands in the Buried Sea.

You can actually do these tasks in any order or sequence you so please.

However, you will NOT be offered any Bones as a reward until the THIRD different task on the same island.

Essentially, all the tasks on the same island have the SAME rewards. More options simply open up as you do more tasks.

While the same MOB's and drops are seen in instanced missions, the kills and drops will NOT count towards these tasks. Only the kills/drops in the static TBS will count.

The hand piece has 8 parts. Each finger has 4 parts. And the thumb has 3 parts. A total of 27 Bones.

You can combine any one section (hand, finger or thumb) once you have all the parts for it.

HOWEVER! Be warned that they are lore, so be very careful not to choose a task and choose a bone you all ready had and combined into a finger or something. (Task will not let you choose a lore item you have -- but if you combine some, those lore items are gone and task will let you choose it again).

General Info
# Apr 27 2007 at 5:16 AM Rating: Decent
63 posts
GOMN wrote:
However, you will NOT be offered any Bones as a reward until the THIRD different task on the same island.

The above statement is true for all isles except Jardel's hook. On Jardel's hook tasks you get a bone from the first task to the last.
Level req
# Apr 22 2007 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Anyone know the level requirement? Its more than 65
Level req
# Apr 22 2007 at 11:30 AM Rating: Excellent
182 posts
I was able to get every single one of the 37 quests with both of my level 65 characters. Bear in mind that all 27 bones, each of the intermediate augs (thumb, etc) and the final hand augment, are all required level 65.

There was one quest giver, might have been Sid Hacke, who did not respond to hails at level 65 (saying I was too young), but who then gave the tasks when the correct prompts were given. As far as I am concerned, that is a bug. If they intended the tasks to only be given to higher levels then they would not have had a required level 65 on the rewards.
Level req
# Jul 25 2007 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone happen to recall if 2 or 3 pieces come from the Maiden's Isle quests ?? Im only getting 2 options ... but I've heard 3 ...
Level req
# Sep 12 2007 at 5:50 AM Rating: Decent
Maiden's grave has 3 bones like the other islands, except Jardel's Hook, which has 9. You won't see the reward options for bones until you have done enough of them to open up the remaining rewards, so you can't really choose the order you get the bones in if that is what you were hoping to do. They seem to intend for you to need lots of bank / inventory space in order to do this quest.
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