Return Skalmarg's War Banner to the Wraithguard  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Quest Items:
    Related Zones:
    Era:Serpents Spine
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
    • All
    Appropriate Races:
    • All
    Entered: Fri Sep 22 18:38:34 2006
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    General Overview of the related tasks:

    So, this quest and the others related to it (Return Aerigin's Cloak to the Wraithguards, Return Firgant's Copper Ring to the Wraithguards, Return Aethmir's Pendant of Zek to the Wraithguards, and Return Skalmarg's Torn Leather Pendant to the Wraithguards) all work the same way. After any non-shade undead mob (a blighted icecaller, a corrupted remains, a crumbling ascetic, a fallen Krithgar warrior, a moldering corpse, a mummified spiritist, and a rotting Krithgar soldier) in Frostcrypt is killed, there's a chance that a mob called "spirit of xxx" will spawn. When hailed, they each lead you through the same dialogue chain:


    You say, 'Hail, spirit of xxx'

    spirit of xxx says 'Thank you for freeing me. I have gathered together, at great cost, the strength to stand before you for a moment. I am grateful for the sweet release you have granted me but I ask one additional [boon].'

    You say, 'boon'

    spirit of xxx says 'My people believe that to pass peacefully into the next world we will need to bring with us items of wealth and power. To this end we are interred with items of special meaning or power. The foul shades that now haunt this hallowed place care nothing for the sacred nature of these artifacts, just as they refuse to grant us the peace of death. They have [stolen] our artifacts!'

    You say, 'stolen'

    spirit of xxx says 'Now that you have freed me from my slavery to the Shades I will pass Beyond. Before I do I would ask you to [retrieve] the items stolen from me and return them to my kin. If you find my treasures you may give them to any of the Wraithguards. They will be able to deliver the items to my kin.'

    You say, 'retrieve'

    spirit of xxx says 'Thank you Soandso. May you find peace in this life and the next.'

    You have been assigned the task 'Return (item name) to the Wraithguards'.


    If you already have the task that a particular spirit can give you, then the spirit will simply despawn and you can move on.

    The names of the spirits and the tasks they assign are as follows:

    spirit of Thontik assigns Return Thontik's Blade to the Wraithguards.
    spirit of Aethmir assigns Return Aethmir's Pendant of Zek to the Wraithguards.
    spirit of Kalmaer assigns Return Skalmark's Torn Leather War Banner to the Wraithguards.
    spirit of Haridok assigns Return Aerigin's Cloak to the Wraithguards.
    spirit of Thurgant assigns Return Firgant's Copper Ring to the Wraithguards.

    Not sure why some of them assign the task for their own item, while others assign tasks for someone else's item, but there we are. The items themselves drop from the shade model undead mobs (a shade of Zek, a shadow priest of Zek, a shadowblade of Zek, a shadowcaller of Zek, a soldier of Zek, and a spirit of Zek) in Frostcrypt, and can be pre-looted. Upon returning any of the items to any wraithguard (I usually go with Wraithguard Sergrant Thavin, since he's right outside the entrance to Frostcrypt), you get the following text:

    Surely the soul of that ancient giant has gone to rest and is grateful for your help
    You gain experience!!
    You have successfully been granted your reward for: Return (item) to the Wraithguards

    The reward is always exp (something like 25-30% of an AA at level 86) and 10x Vial of Gooey Black Gel, which, when clicked, gives you a proc that does damage only against the shade model undead mobs in Frostcrypt, and stacks with other buff-type procs (like Devout Fury).


    Specific to Return Skalmarg's War Banner:

    This task begins with the spirit of Kalmaer, a skeleton NPC who spawns randomly from the corpses of undead giants in Frostcrypt.

    You say, 'Hail, spirit of Kalmaer'

    spirit of Kalmaer says 'Thank you for freeing me. I have gathered together, at great cost, the strength to stand before you for a moment. I am grateful for the sweet release you have granted me but I ask one additional [boon]'

    You say, 'What boon?'

    spirit of Kalmaer says 'My people believe that to pass peacefully into the next world we will need to bring with us items of wealth and power. To this end we are interred with items of special meaning or power. The foul shades that now haunt this hallowed place care nothing for the sacred nature of these artifacts, just as they refuse to grant us the peace of death. They have [stolen] our artifacts!'

    You say, 'Stolen?'

    spirit of Kalmaer says 'Now that you have freed me from my slavery to the Shades I will pass Beyond. Before I do I would ask you to [retrieve] the items stolen from me and return them to my kin. If you find my treasures you may give them to any of the Wraithguards. They will be able to deliver the items to my kin.'

    You say, 'I will retrieve them.'

    You have been assigned the task 'Return Skalmarg's Torn Leather War Banner to the Wraithguards'.

    spirit of Kalmaer says 'Thank you ______. May you find peace in this life and the next.'

    Return Skalmarg's Torn Leather War Banner to the Wraithguard

    Skalmarg's Torn Leather War Banner is dropped by shades of Zek. Turn in the banner to Wraithguard Thentil Strongarm in Valdeholm to receive experience your reward: 10 x Vial of Gooey Black Gel.

    You turn-in these items (see list of 5 above. They are pre-lootable) in to Wraithguard Thentil Strongarm. He gives; Vial of Gooey Black Gel (30% to magic spells (75), and Shades of Zek bane damage to melee).

    Upon Hand in:
    Your task 'Return Skalmarg's Torn Leather War banner to the Wraithguards' has been updated.
    Surely the soul of that ancient giant has gone to rest and is grateful for your help
    Your faction standing with Wraithguard Leadership has been adjusted by 50.
    You gain experience!!
    You have successfully been granted your reward for: Return Skalmarg's Torn Leather War Banner to the Wraithguards.
    Send a Correction
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    Turn-ins and rewards
    # Feb 25 2016 at 12:02 AM Rating: Excellent
    633 posts
    You turn these items (see list of 5 above. They are pre-lootable) in to Wraithguard Thentil Strongarm. He gives; Vial of Gooey Black Gel (30% to magic spells (75), and Shades of Zek bane damage to melee). His response is: Surely the soul of that ancient giant has gone to rest and is grateful for your help
    You gain experience!!
    (No faction hits + or -)
    Turn-ins and rewards
    # Mar 02 2016 at 5:31 AM Rating: Excellent
    4,580 posts
    KathleenF wrote:
    You turn these items (see list of 5 above. They are pre-lootable) in to Wraithguard Thentil Strongarm. He gives; Vial of Gooey Black Gel (30% to magic spells (75), and Shades of Zek bane damage to melee). His response is: Surely the soul of that ancient giant has gone to rest and is grateful for your help
    You gain experience!!
    (No faction hits + or -)

    Updated, thanks.
    # Mar 28 2009 at 8:43 PM Rating: Good
    674 posts
    [Sun Mar 29 00:22:28 2009] You say, 'Hail, spirit of Kalmaer'
    [Sun Mar 29 00:22:28 2009] spirit of Kalmaer says 'Thank you for freeing me. I have gathered together, at great cost, the strength to stand before you for a moment. I am grateful for the sweet release you have granted me but I ask one additional [boon]'
    [Sun Mar 29 00:22:33 2009] You say, 'boon'
    [Sun Mar 29 00:22:33 2009] spirit of Kalmaer says 'My people believe that to pass peacefully into the next world we will need to bring with us items of wealth and power. To this end we are interred with items of special meaning or power. The foul shades that now haunt this hallowed place care nothing for the sacred nature of these artifacts, just as they refuse to grant us the peace of death. They have [stolen] our artifacts!'
    [Sun Mar 29 00:22:37 2009] You say, 'stolen'
    [Sun Mar 29 00:22:37 2009] spirit of Kalmaer says 'Now that you have freed me from my slavery to the Shades I will pass Beyond. Before I do I would ask you to [retrieve] the items stolen from me and return them to my kin. If you find my treasures you may give them to any of the Wraithguards. They will be able to deliver the items to my kin.'
    [Sun Mar 29 00:22:43 2009] You say, 'retrieve'
    [Sun Mar 29 00:22:44 2009] You have been assigned the task 'Return Skalmarg's Torn Leather War Banner to the Wraithguards'.
    [Sun Mar 29 00:22:44 2009] spirit of Kalmaer says 'Thank you Melodee. May you find peace in this life and the next.'
    Aanuvane Bristlecone 350 Baking, Brewing, Jewelry Making, Tailoring, Blacksmithing, Fletching, Pottery, Research, 250 Fishing
    Muertenie Petitmort 350 Master Tinker
    Kadcea 350 Master Alchemist
    Orelinde 350 Master Poison Maker
    Kynsh/Rabon/Atracker and a whole host of additional alts
    Povar via Quellious via Rodcet Nife

    Thentil Won't Take It
    # Dec 12 2008 at 8:37 PM Rating: Good
    Thentil Won't Take It as of tonight, 12/12. I will report it as broken. I am ally with WGL.

    Tunary of Quellious
    Fight smarter not harder.
    # Mar 12 2007 at 5:45 AM Rating: Decent
    You get 10 of these gels.
    no faction
    # Jan 06 2007 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
    Just did this today, no faction hit. /shrug
    still gives faction hit
    # Dec 26 2006 at 10:20 PM Rating: Decent
    Did this quest today and it still gives positive faction hit
    # Dec 18 2006 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
    As of 12/17/06 this quest no longer gives a faction hit.
    # Dec 18 2006 at 5:11 PM Rating: Excellent
    6,998 posts
    Irrik wrote:
    As of 12/17/06 this quest no longer gives a faction hit.

    Removed the faction hit, thanks.
    # Oct 16 2006 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
    Turn banner into Wraithguard Thentil Strongarm. Dubious is lowest required faction for turn in.

    Reward is:

    (10)Vial of Gooey Black Gel
    EXPENDABLE Charges: 1
    Effect: Spirit of Valdeholm (Any Slot, Casting Time: 2.0) at Level 70
    Recast Delay: 5 seconds, Recast Type: 13
    WT: 0.5 Size: SMALL
    Class: ALL
    Race: ALL

    and + faction with the Wraithguard Leaders.
    # Dec 18 2006 at 5:12 PM Rating: Excellent
    6,998 posts
    Arcavian wrote:
    Turn banner into Wraithguard Thentil Strongarm. Dubious is lowest required faction for turn in.

    Reward is:

    (10)Vial of Gooey Black Gel
    EXPENDABLE Charges: 1
    Effect: Spirit of Valdeholm (Any Slot, Casting Time: 2.0) at Level 70
    Recast Delay: 5 seconds, Recast Type: 13
    WT: 0.5 Size: SMALL
    Class: ALL
    Race: ALL

    and + faction with the Wraithguard Leaders.

    Which faction is required?
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