Adventurer's Stone  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 6 ratings)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Faction
  • Loot
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Related Zones:
    Related Creatures:
    Related Quests:
    Era:Lost Dungeons of Norrath
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
    • All
    Appropriate Races:
    • All
    Entered: Tue Sep 9 17:55:32 2003
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    Short version

    Once you reach level 15, you will receive a "mysterious message:"

    A mysterious voice whispers to you, 'If you can feel me in your thoughts, know this -- something is changing in the world and I reckon you should be a part of it. I do not know much, but I do know that in every home city and the wilds there are agents of an organization called the Wayfarers Brotherhood. They are looking for recruits . . . If you can hear this message, you are one of the chosen. Rush to your home city, or search the West Karanas and Rathe Mountains for a contact if you have been exiled from your home for your deeds, and find out more. Adventure awaits you, my friend.'

    If you are not sure what town you started in, you can also go to the Rathe Mountains gypsy camp or the SE corner of Western Karana. Once you arrive there, you will receive another "mysterious message" telling you to find a specific NPC. You need to find the person mentioned and hail him. He will tell you about the wayfarer camps and mention 5 more NPC's - one per camp. Head to a camp and talk to the NPC there and he will ask you some questions. Answer them and you will get flagged to use the adventure system and the Magus teleports that take you from camp to camp.


    Question 1: adventures
    2: favor journal
    3: Morden Rasp
    4: farstone

    Known "hometown" NPCs:

    Ak'Anon - Flapti Bizztrin (+1245, -930)
    Butcherblock Mountains - Vual Stoutest (-1120, -2500)
    Commonlands - Barstre Songweaver (-1665, -110)
    Crescent Reach - Vladnelg Galvern (-1360, -1585, sitting in a chair on the second level near the banker) Detailed steps to get to him: Take elevator to 1 floor up. Then look for stairwell near SE corner area. Go towards the Potion and Alchemy Sellers area. Look around the tables. He should be sitting near at one of the tables. Almost across from the Alchemy potion sellers.
    East Cabilis - Zauz Malgorne (+260, -265)
    East Freeport - Miocaei Herlsas (-1480, +625, at the back of the Pit)
    Erudin - Orwin Flintmaker (bottom of the stairs in the Vasty Deep Inn, at -1160, -150)
    Erudin Palace - Ienala Eceiaiu (+790, +860, in the last room in the back of the bank)
    Everfrost Peaks - Teria Grinntli (1860, -5030)
    Grobb - Blorgok Gkapbron (+220, +100, inside the Berserker guild)
    Kelethin (Greater Faydark) - Enyaanuia Windancer (-525, -565, in a tavern off the fletching platform)
    Halas - Jowra McGynnall (+340, -310)
    Mountains of Rathe (Frogloks) - Fipnoc Birribit (-1215, +390)
    Mountains of Rathe (non-Frogloks) - Nemeen Pekasr (+3990, +1385)
    Neriak Commons - Kwilrz Vn`Ycxa (+75, -865, in The Refined Palate)
    Neriak Third Gate - Torxal Smalane (+775, -1370, -80, near the Furrier Royale)
    North Kaladim - Halthar Mowestone (+470, -90)
    North Qeynos - Drun Vorwig (+280, +90)
    North Ro - Ruanya Windleaf (+7445, -955)
    Northern Felwithe - Larroniae Huial (+130, -430, Shop of All Holos)
    Oggok - Puwdap (+360, +1080) in the cave just north of the beastlord GM
    Paineel - Yenlr Undraie (+810, +625, wearing a white robe, just inside as you get off the elevator)
    Qeynos Aqueducts - Dollin Nusmag (+405, -595)
    Rivervale - Jimbledorp Heptybak (+430, -380)
    Shar Vahl - Vlarha Myticla (-440, -255)
    South Kaladim - Kennelia Gwieal (+90, +245)
    South Qeynos - Warehnn Awlne (-10, -35)
    South Ro - Selephra Giztral at (-116.97, -289.24)
    Southern Felwithe - Thwinose Vilgarn (+355, -805)
    Surefall Glades - Narwkend Falgon (+180, -60, inside the ranger guild)
    The Rathe Mountains - Fipnoc Birribit (-1220, 390) (just south west of PoK book under same tent), he sends you to speak to any of the following NPCs.
    West Cabilis - Yzilimn Pxikn (+275, +520)
    West Freeport - Genniau Noghce (-155, -420, inside Tassel's Tavern)
    West Karana - Melaara Tenwinds (-3330, -14815, southeast corner of the zone)

    Detailed Version

    This is the introduction you'll see in Greater Faydark. Others will be very similar.

    A mysterious voice whispers to you, 'If you can feel me in your thoughts, know this -- something is changing in the world and I reckon you should be a part of it. I do not know much, but I do know that in every home city and the wilds there are agents of an organization called the Wayfarers Brotherhood. They are looking for recruits and . . . If you can hear this message, you are one of the chosen. Rush to your home city, or search the West Karanas and Rathe Mountains for a contact if you have been exiled from your home for your deeds, and find out more. Adventure awaits you, my friend.'

    You have entered The Greater Faydark.

    A mysterious voice whispers to you, 'Enyaanuia Windancer in the tavern by Trueshots Bows has just joined the Wayfarers Brotherhood and has some information about them, and how you can start doing odd jobs for them. You looked like the heroic sort, so I wanted to contact you . . . discreetly.'

    You say, 'Hail, Enyaanuia Windancer'

    Enyaanuia Windancer says 'Come to find out about the Wayfarers Brotherhood, hm? I think I saw you around here long ago. Because you are familiar to me, I will trust you with some [information].'

    You say, 'I want some information.'

    Enyaanuia Windancer says 'The Wayfarers Brotherhood is pretty particular about who they do business with. You will need to prove yourself to them. You can start gaining their gratitude by helping them. The Wayfarers Brotherhood will ask you to answer some questions when you first meet with them. They tend to call all of their assignments 'adventures.' You'd do well to keep that in mind as they'll be more likely to give you some tasks. There is other information that makes them easier to [deal with] too.'

    You say, 'Deal with?'

    Enyaanuia Windancer says 'There are several camps of Wayfarers Brotherhood explorers around the world. In each camp you'll find a trusted Wayfarers Brotherhood member that has the task of recruiting adventurers that will take on interesting, and potentially lethal, [work]. Some members will tell you stories, if they think you are worthy of learning such prized information. Others will share their treasures with you, but only if you do work for them.'

    You say, 'Work?'

    Enyaanuia Windancer says 'The Wayfarers Brotherhood believes in giving something for something. For each adventure you take from them, they will add you to their Favor Journal. With the points of Favor that their record keepers have counted for you, you can trade your good Favor for wonderful treasures and goods. Also, the more adventures you do for the Wayfarers Brotherhood, the more your Favor increases. The harder jobs get you more Favor, by the way. As you gain more Favor, the Wayfarers Brotherhood treasure keepers will let you peek at some of their more unique and sought after items. So, it pays to get in good with them, you see! And there's [more]!'

    You say, 'There's more?'

    Enyaanuia Windancer says 'You should also know that there are five magi in the Wayfarers Brotherhood that have found very unique magic stones in the world that they are able to use to transport adventurers to one another. They have placed a magus with one of these stones at each large camp. They call it Farstone Magic. And that's not the only [interesting ore] we've seen lately.'

    You say, 'Interesting ore -- you are messing with me, elf woman!'

    Enyaanuia Windancer says 'We've found some strange items off the dead in the dungeons. At first we just thought they were simple things -- rocks, pebbles, gems, and the like -- and then we noticed they had very unusual auras about them. Well, one day, Morden Rasp was toying with one -- a shiny green shard -- and he went to scrape it with his dagger. Suddenly, the shard began to reform and fused with his dagger. While the dagger remained as fine as ever, Morden himself felt a surge of strength! So, you will want to watch out for these strange magic pieces in the world. Now, I suggest you go talk to Selephra Giztral, Barstre Songweaver, Vual Stoutest, Teria Grinntli, or Ruanya Windleaf. They handle all of those who are interested in working for the Wayfarers Brotherhood and getting rewards. Remember well what I've told you!'

    You have completed a step toward becoming a great adventurer. Well done!

    In the Everfrost Peaks:

    You say, 'Hail, Teria Grinntli'

    Teria Grinntli says 'Welcome stranger. I'm afraid you must answer some questions before I can consider opening our wealth of skill and knowledge to you. First, what does the Wayfarers Brotherhood call the tasks they will ask you to do for them?'

    You say, 'Give me adventures!'

    You have completed a step toward becoming a great adventurer. Well done!

    Teria Grinntli says 'We will reward based on your improving position with the Wayfarers Brotherhood. We keep a certain type of log that records how often and well you help us. What is it called?'

    You say, 'It's a favor journal.'

    You have completed a step toward becoming a great adventurer. Well done!

    Teria Grinntli says 'Who discovered that some treasures have strange magical properties by poking one with his dagger?'

    You say, 'Morden Rasp'

    You have completed a step toward becoming a great adventurer. Well done!

    Teria Grinntli says 'Our brilliant magi use a special kind of magic to help teleport us between camps. What is it called?'

    You say, 'A farstone'

    Teria Grinntli says 'Congratulations! I believe now that you are trustworthy enough to take on some of the adventures the Wayfarers Brotherhood have to give. We will be able to continue with our discussions once you complete some adventures. We can also help you with travel between our camps. Be well, fair Guiscard. I'm sure, someday, you will be a great addition to the Wayfarers Brotherhood.'

    You have completed a step toward becoming a great adventurer. Well done!
    Your faction standing with Wayfarers Brotherhood has been adjusted by 100.

    Teria Grinntli says 'Take this Adventurer Stone with you on your journeys into the dungeons. You will find it useful. Should you lose it somehow, come talk to me and I'll replace it.'

    - Faction with Wayfarers Brotherhood
    - Adventurer's Stone (needed to use the Magus portals)

    These same steps will work on any of the following NPCs: Selephra Giztral, Barstre Songweaver, Vual Stoutest, Teria Grinntli, and Ruanya Windleaf.

    Upon the hail that maxes out the stats of your Adventurer's Stone, you will see in red:

    It's time to acknowledge you as a Wayfarer. Give Chaenz Abella in the Commonlands your Adventurer Stone and he'll replace it with your very own Wayfarers Emblem. Or, if it's being used in a charm, you must remove it to get your new one. And, if you simply destroy the stone, he will replace it with your much-deserved emblem. Just tell him you want your [emblem].

    Head to Chaenz Abella in the Wayfarer's camp in the Commonlands.

    Chaenz Abella says 'I heard you had become knowledgeable about all aspects of the dungeons we've found. I must confess that I never had you pegged for such a great adventurer! I suppose I should welcome you -- as a member of the Wayfarers Brotherhood. The honor is well deserved. Congratulations!'

    Chaenz Abella says 'Here is a token of my appreciation. Should you lose your Wayfarers Brotherhood Emblem or misplace it, I or Barstre, Selephra, Ruanya, Teria, or Vual will replace it.'

    Receive Wayfarers Brotherhood Emblem.
    Send a Correction
    Post Comment
    NPC for dwarfs - South Kaladim
    # Aug 28 2005 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
    77 posts
    The NPC that dwarfs need to hail in their home city is Kennelia Gwieal loc +87, +243. She is in the Pub Kal near the arena.
    Adventure Stone not increasing in stats
    # Jul 21 2005 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
    85 posts
    My 33rd level character has completed 18 adventures in MMC done the hails until I got the you need to adventure more response, got the yellow text saying the power of my stone has increased, auged my charm with it, removed the charm and re-equipped it, Zoned, logged out and back in, and still no stats... perhaps the stats on the Adventure stone are level limited?

    Edited, Thu Jul 21 18:13:42 2005
    Something's Wrong.
    # Jul 12 2005 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
    It's been so long since I have had to do this, but recently, I just PL'd a rogue twink. Her home city is in Freeport, but, when I speak with the NPC there (Miocaei Herlsas) he acts as if I am in the city trying to request information from him. As opposed to the normal, " Because you are familiar to me, I will trust you with some [information]" type of line, I get "Ah, I'm please to see your interest in helping the Wayfarers Brotherhood, however, I'm not at liberty to discuss the finer details with you. Prove your worth and seek out more knowledge of the path to becoming an adventurer."

    I can't remember having to do ANYTHING before speaking with the NPC in your starting city. And I've never had this problem before. Anyone know anything?

    judasnephilim, you need a group of at least three people, and to speak with the NPC's at the camp who have the (Adventure Recruiter) tags above their heads in order to begin a mission and zone into any of the dungeons. Hope that helps. =)

    Edited, Tue Jul 12 21:09:46 2005

    Edited, Apr 23rd 2010 9:54am by Xionnae
    RE: Something's Wrong.
    # Dec 27 2005 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
    My brother is having the same problem today. Level 26 human mage directed to go to Miocaei Herlsas but not getting correct text back.

    Off to rathe I guess...
    # Jul 12 2005 at 1:24 AM Rating: Decent
    ok what am i missing? got the stone. dungeons closed. dont know where to start gettin "kills". do i need a grp to do this?
    Halas NPC
    # Jul 10 2005 at 10:52 PM Rating: Default
    102 posts
    Halas - Jowra McGynnall, at McDaniels Smokes&Spirits (loc: P338 N308)
    Level for adv in LDoN
    # Apr 12 2005 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
    What minimum level do you need to be to survive an adventure?
    RE: Level for adv in LDoN
    # Apr 03 2006 at 7:47 AM Rating: Decent
    134 posts
    lvl 15
    Help to Surefall Glade starters
    # Jan 02 2005 at 9:56 AM Rating: Excellent

    'Warehnn Awlne over at the Mermaid's Lure has just joined the Wayfarers Brotherhood and has some information about them, and how you can start doing odd jobs for them. You looked like the heroic sort, so I wanted to contact you . . . discreetly.'
    RE: Help to Surefall Glade starters
    # Jan 20 2005 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
    THANKS! Ive been searching everywhere I could find for that!
    Human contact?
    # Nov 13 2004 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
    Can anyone tell me who I would see to get my stone for a human druid? I got the message, but ignored it and now I dont get it anymore.
    # Oct 18 2004 at 10:42 PM Rating: Decent
    The one you will need to see in Shar Val to start the quest for your adventure stone is named Vlarha Myticla. If you use your find and go to Barkeep Rawlf (he is listed under general supplies).

    Hope this helps my fellow kats !
    Rivervale Contact
    # Sep 29 2004 at 1:49 AM Rating: Decent
    The contact for Rivervale is Jimbledorp Heptybak in the north end of town at loc 430, -382.


    Edited, Wed Sep 29 02:50:08 2004
    According to Mltsand
    # Sep 28 2004 at 10:30 PM Rating: Excellent
    Selphra Giztral - South Ro - Adventure Camp
    Bealya Tanilsua - West Commonlands - n455 p2600 (small hut south of lake, near inn)
    Selphra Giztral - South Ro - Adventure Camp
    Deblik Grumblok - Innothule Swamp - n1700 p1150 (se of feerott zoneline)
    Selphra Giztral - South Ro - Adventure Camp

    Teria Grinntti - Everfrost - Adventure Camp
    Ubzial Iyeaql - Qeynos Hills - p3300 n500 (near blackburrow)
    Teria Grinntti - Everfrost - Adventure Camp

    *Mistmoore Crypts*
    Vual Stoutest - Butcherblock - Adventure Camp
    Henai Silentwalker - Dagnors Cauldron - n1660 n1230 (near unrest)
    Vual Stoutest - Butcherblock - Adventure Camp
    Elwinn Prelilaen - Lesser Faydark - p700 n580
    Vual Stoutest - Butcherblock - Adventure Camp

    Barste Songweaver - East Commonlands - Adventure Camp
    Ginehl Wiquar - West Freeport - n606 p180 (pok book)
    Barste Songweaver - East Commonlands - Adventure Camp
    Shumpi Wimahnn - Highpass Hold - p185 n20
    Barste Songweaver - East Commonlands - Adventure Camp

    Ruanya Windleaf - North Ro - Adventure Camp
    Farwein Windrun - South Ro - n2800 p500 (far south wall)
    Ruanya Windleaf - North Ro - Adventure Camp
    Nifel Faliwae - Greater Faydark - n1960 p2400 (just south of BBM zoneline)
    Ruanya Windleaf - North Ro - Adventure Camp

    According to Mltsandwich's post.

    allakhazam would u like to put this in to the quest info plz?
    it will help people to locate the quest npc more easily
    East Cabilis
    # Sep 19 2004 at 10:49 PM Rating: Default
    101 posts
    The quest giver for Iksar is in East Cabilis, by the Necromancer guild

    Yzilimn Pxikn, loc +277.18, +520.66, -8.29
    RE: East Cabilis ... errr ... West Cabilis
    # Nov 07 2004 at 6:04 PM Rating: Decent
    correct LOC ... wrong side of town ... West Cabilis
    Shar Vah NPC for stone
    # Sep 12 2004 at 8:25 AM Rating: Decent
    The Location of the NPC for the Cat's is -442.71 / -255.23

    You can use the find key to get close by tracking Barkeep Rawlf (general supplies)

    Hope this helps some of you
    Shar Vah NPC for stone
    # Aug 08 2006 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
    159 posts
    []100 % ACCURATE....Thanks have as nice day ![/][]100 % ACCURATE....Thanks have as nice day ![/]
    # Aug 20 2004 at 2:17 AM Rating: Decent
    110 posts
    Ok, I'm going to get LDoN tommorrow and want to get my stone. What does the guide mean by "Upon the hail that maxes out your stone" how exactly do you get "points" ect, basic stuff I need to know. Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.
    RE: Help
    # Aug 31 2004 at 11:57 PM Rating: Decent
    If you are just starting out - the second part is something that you will not have to worry about for some time..

    Bascially you get points for successfully completing and adventure (or completing it after time has expired). These points can be used to get goodies... that is the first part.

    The second part is, you have to successfully complete a number of adventures at each camp to upgrade your Adv stone. You will get an upgrade after 10 or so, then a bit later, and so on.

    To get the full benefit from the Adv stone you need somewhere around 380 successes. Once you have maxed the stats at each camp is when you are instructed to get the Emblem...

    Hope this helps...the dialogue in game and these introductry pages will get you going...

    RE: Help
    # Sep 12 2004 at 6:46 PM Rating: Decent
    110 posts
    Thanks. I have been doing a few Ldons and I understand now. Thanks for the help. =)
    # Aug 16 2004 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
    stne is ez to get just look up stuff go to bb and tell the dude
    Gnome Start
    # Aug 04 2004 at 10:21 PM Rating: Decent
    The person you need to talk to in Ak'Anon is Flapti Bizztrin, he is in the bar South of the bank (/loc 1243, -930)
    No stone
    # Jul 03 2004 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
    I never got my stone when I started LDoN's and now that I want it, I don't know who to go to to get it, there is no message for me anymore. I'm a Barbarian Warrior. Any info is appreciated.
    RE: No stone
    # Jul 05 2004 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
    Just click on any of the related creatures for the name and location. There are quite a few if you are good. I know there is one in the Rathe Mts. but I can't remember and couldn't find his name.
    # Jul 01 2004 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
    The person to start this quest with in Erudin is Ienala Eceiaiu. She a female Erudite in plate found in the front room of the Erudin Port Authority, loc +200, +20.
    Where are all the camps
    # Jun 17 2004 at 2:36 PM Rating: Default
    Does anyone have a list of all the Wayfarer Camps that have a magus, including the new GoD camps? Is it just the original 5 (North and South Ro, Everfrost, BB, and EC), plus Nedaria?
    Lots of Confusion
    # May 21 2004 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
    38 posts
    Time to clear up the confusion.

    1) EVERY 10 wins in ONE camp(with at least 2 wins in 2 additional camps) will power up your stone +2 HP and +2 MANA. (You must HAIL the camp leader once for every 2 wins until they tell you to fins someone else...then you HAIL that NPC every 2 wins).
    2) The Augemnt is RECOMMENDED 65...therefore you will only see +1/+1 if you are under 65.
    3) The level RANGE..for any LDoN at ANY level is 7. If you are having a problem making that work,
    you should have each person camp and relog and reform group. If that fails, /petition.
    4) EVERY 5 times you power up the stone with 10 single camp wins(EXAMPLE: 20 wins in BB, 10 wins in N RO, 10 wins in EF, and 10 wins in SRO...OR 50 wins in BB.) You then get +1 to all stats and +1 to all save. This is in addition to the HP and at 50 wins (in groups of 10) and the Hails completed, at 65, the stone would be +1 to all stats and saves and +10 HP and +10 MANA.
    5) You do NOT need the stone to zone into LDoN, only to use the Magus.
    6) By the above math (and it is verified), you need 100 WINS per scenario (points do not affect the stone) to MAX the stone at +10 to all stats/saves and +100 HP/MANA.

    Hope this clears up the confusion.....
    RE: Lots of Confusion
    # Jun 02 2004 at 8:30 PM Rating: Decent
    This is not accurate. It would work out to 100 wins per theme if the stat gain were consistent, but it is not.

    Once you get the stone to +34hp, +34 mana, future jumps are all +3, +3 instead of +2, +2. In addition, finishing a camp gets you a +3, +3 short of 10 wins in some cases (for example your 70th win in MM gets you +3, +3 and then your 76th in MM gets you another +3, +3).

    As Jooneau posted, "See Emredrum's post below for the exact numbers." I believe EC may be 76 and the minimum total wins 368, but his numbers appear to be accurate for the other camps.

    RE: Lots of Confusion
    # May 24 2004 at 1:27 PM Rating: Good
    32 posts
    #1, #2, and #6 are wrong.

    #1 I have gotten +3 HP/MANA on an upgrade before.

    #2 The recommended level on the Adventurer's Stone has no effect on the augment.

    #3 You only need 70ish wins per theme to maximize your stone. See Emredrum's post below for the exact numbers.
    Found Beginning LDoN quest-giver for DEs
    # Apr 19 2004 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
    Kwilrz Vn'Yxca is located in Neriak Third Gate in Cuisine Excelsior. The bar is marked on your map.

    No LDoN!!
    # Apr 17 2004 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
    Is this quest even partially possible without LDoN? is it even worth it without LDoN? What good does being a member of the wayfaers brotherhood do you if you dont have LDoN?
    RE: No LDoN!!
    # May 05 2004 at 2:16 AM Rating: Default
    87 posts
    yes is is Posible to get the adventure stone quest if you dont have LDoN. i know this cus my alt account does not have LDoN and yet i did the quest.

    Their is a reason to do the quest too BTW if yrou want to be able to use the Camps to port between camps then yrou need the stone. granted you cant get stats on it but for mear transportation its what you need to do
    120 Wood Elf, Druid w/ 80,000+ AA on Test Server
    Baking 395 M3 ---- Fletching 395 M3
    Brewing 395 M3 ---- Pottery 395 M3
    Jewelry 395 M3 ---- Smithing 395 M3
    Tailoring 395 M3 ---- Research 395 M3
    Fishing 265
    Artisan's prize + Maxed Blooded Earring of Rallos Zek
    RE: No LDoN!!
    # Jul 09 2005 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
    Such a druid indeed. Sad that with all that wisdom a druid should have. He still fails to spell MAXXED correctly.
    RE: No LDoN!!
    # May 09 2004 at 6:20 AM Rating: Default
    Damn lessw. you got a hardcore character there
    RE: No LDoN!!
    # Aug 02 2004 at 7:34 PM Rating: Good
    114 posts
    Do you ever sleep??
    RE: No LDoN!!
    # Apr 19 2004 at 10:57 PM Rating: Decent
    No, there is no point to doing this quest if you don't have LDoN.

    Even if you could get the aug (and I doubt you could), the only way to give it stats is by doing LDoN missions.

    Edited, Mon Apr 19 23:59:25 2004
    stats on it?
    # Mar 28 2004 at 6:07 PM Rating: Default
    i have about 30 wins in BB and i have seen no change in my stone.. do you NEEED to be level 65 for any stat change to show up?
    RE: stats on it?
    # Apr 14 2004 at 5:13 AM Rating: Decent
    At BB wayfarer camp hail Vaul Stoutest about 15 times. Then you'll see stats start to appear, but only after you've logged/zoned once.
    RE: stats on it?
    # May 20 2004 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
    Dont have to zone, just unequip/re-equip your charm (w/stone in it of course) and stats take effect immediately. Of course, zoning would do this too.
    Cant get stone
    # Mar 28 2004 at 2:47 AM Rating: Default
    Tried everything, cant replace mine.
    Destroyed adventure's stone
    # Mar 23 2004 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
    Hello all, I destroyed my adventure's stone one night and I am not to sure how to get a new one.
    I see post about this matter and it looks like all
    one needs to do is talk to the NPC who gives you the stone and it well be replaced, but I never have done a LDoN as of yet and I do not remember
    the NCP in Halas or the one in Everfrost Peak's that I talked to that night so long ago. If anyone
    can explain this to me I well be one happy Beast!!
    RE: Destroyed adventure's stone
    # May 19 2004 at 8:19 AM Rating: Decent
    40 posts
    You easily replace your stone by simply hailing any of the 5 NPC's located at the 5 camps. They only will respond with a new adventurers stone if you have none in your possession.

    This may be done at any time and an unlimited number of times. In addition, it will have the exact smae stats as it had b4 you destoyed the one your had in your posession.

    It is done this way so that the young adventurer may upgrade their charm as they grow in age and skill without fear of forever losing their adventurers stone or being "locked" into the stone being aug'd into a crappy charm.

    Hunter Petrawood Justintimetokill
    Forest Stalker of Tunare
    Fironia Vie
    My Magelo
    RE: Destroyed adventure's stone
    # May 19 2004 at 8:09 AM Rating: Decent
    40 posts
    You easily replace your stone by simply hailing any of the 5 NPC's located at the 5 camps. They only will respond with a new adventurers stone if you have none in your possession.

    This may be done at any time and an unlimited number of times. In addition, it will have the exact smae stats as it had b4 you destoyed the one your had in your posession.

    It is done this way so that the young adventurer may upgrade their charm as they grow in age and skill without fear of forever losing their adventurers stone or being "locked" into the stone being aug'd into a crappy charm.

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