/timer 320
Switch the target with the TAB key after 3 /pats, and press the hotbutton again.
You will receive six factions hits in about 32 second.
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This special achievement can be completed in Shar Vahl, Divided.
Gently admire the softness of Palav and Rajyk with /pat. Obtained by reaching Kindly standing with Way of the Feline. Palav and Rajyk are two tigers located in Shar Vahl, Divided at the entrance of the palace on the west side of the zone. You can /pat Palav and Rajyk to improve your Way of the Feline faction by +1, but if you try to pat more often, they become tired of the pats. It is once every 10 seconds or up to 3 times within 30 seconds per tiger. If you try to pat more often than that, you will not get new faction increases until the timeout has passed. Success messages: (tiger) nuzzles intently into the pat, appreciating the affection. (tiger) leans into the pats and purrs heavily. (tiger) rubs a soft cheek against ___'s hand, then flops and exposes a belly ready for belly rubs. Failure message: (tiiger) has become tired of the pats. Begone! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Submitted by: Gidono | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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