Khati Sha Recruit (Beastlord #2)  

Quest Started By:Description:
(From 1 rating)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
  • Tradeskill
Factions Raised:
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    Era:Shadows of Luclin
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
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    Entered: Thu Apr 25 22:38:41 2002
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    This is the Vah Shir Beastlord quest series. You must first do the citizenship quest.

    Part 1 - Handwraps

    Animist Poren needs to see your Acrylia Slate.

    Animist Poren says "I have much for you to do . There is a great need for capable Khati Sha in this new land. It is important that you progress speedily. We need to outfit you with the equipment that defines our chosen path. We'll start with your battleclaws, but be aware of the fact that it will take you some time.before you can use both sets in combat. Just keep them both with you while you learn.

    Animist Poren says "Take this stitching pack and combine two shadeling silks from the xakra worms. Combine two of the threads to make a bandage. Take this pattern and sew together three of the bandages. With considerable practice this will produce the handwraps that will be a foundation for your first sacred weapon. When you have created them retuen to me the scrap material.

    He then gives you a Khati Sha Handwrap Pattern and a Stitching Pack.

    To make the handwraps:

    (1) Combine two shadeling silks in the Stitching Pack to make a Shade Silk Thread. Silks are found on the Xakla Larvae in the pit (Shar Vahl) and on the Xakla Silkworms in Shadeweaver's Thicket.
    (2) Combine 2 Shade Silk Threads in the Stitching Pack to make a Shade Silk Bandage.
    (3) Combine 3 Shade Silk Bandages and the Khati Sha Handwrap Pattern to make Khati Sha Handwraps.

    Successfully making the Handwraps (which is possible with a Tailoring skill of 4 - though unlikely!) also generates a Silk Scrap. Return the scrap to Animist Poren for part 2 of the quest

    Part 2 - Claws

    Upon giving Animist Poren the Shade Silk Scraps:

    Animist Poren says, 'That took quite some time considering the simplicity of the task. Please _______, work on becoming more efficient. We have much to do and time is of the essence. In your stitching pack, combine the handwraps, two young hopperclaws and forged fasteners. Return to me with the resulting claws and your [initiate's cloak.]'

    You gain experience!

    You say, 'What initiate's cloak?'

    Animist Poren says, 'You should have received your initiate's cloak if you presented your acrylia slate and notarized application to Elder Animist Sahdi. You can give those two items to him if you have not already and receive your cloak.'

    You say, 'What are forged fasteners?'

    Animist Poren says, 'Perhaps one of our smiths can assist you with the forged fasteners. I'd check the armory.'

    Ask Kagazz about "Forged Fasteners". He is behind the armoury by the forge at (/loc 254, -182, -189).

    You say, 'Can you make forged fasteners?'

    Kagazz squints as he reads your lips, 'Fasteners you say? Show me your slate and I'll make you a deal.

    Give him your Acrylia Slate of Sharl Vahl. He returns it and says:

    Kagazz says, 'My wife is making some jewelry. Not the sparkly stuff, mind you. She is nearly blind so appearance means little to her. She is intent on making jewelry with a more, uhh, natural feel. Currently she's constructing a special scorpion leg necklace, and is in need of more scorpion legs. I can't leave the shop so I need your help. Fill this box with scorpion legs and I'll pay you with metal fasteners that any merchant will gladly buy.'

    Collect four NO TRADE "Scorpion Leg" or four "Scorpion Legs" (these latter are marked as QUEST ITEM and are stackable). Either will work but they cannot be mixed. Combine these in the box Kagazz gave you to receive Box of Scorpion Legs. Return this to him to receive one (1) Forged Fasteners. Also note that the fasteners are NO TRADE so any merchant will not, in fact, gladly buy them as he claimed.

    Upon Turn in:

    Kagazz says, 'Ahh, _______! I thank you, my wife will be most grateful. Here are the fasteners I promised you. You know ______, there was a time that young, would-be smiths would seek my approval so that they could study the ways of the forge under my tutelage. That was back when I was Master Smith, before I named Barkhem my successor.'
    You gain experience!


    1x Forged Fastners,
    2x Young Hopperclaw,
    1x Khati Sha Handwraps,
    In the Stitching Pack

    On successful combine, you receive Primary Silk Khati Sha Claw and Secondary Silk Khati Sha Claw. NOTE: the Handwraps are lost in the combine and are not returned in a later stage of the quest.

    Return both Silk Khati Sha Claws AND your Initiate's Cloak of Shar Vahl to Animist Poren. Animist Poren is at 275, 47, -258. Enter the castle (west central district), descend the stairs, and turn right. Walk through the arch and turn right again. Descend the stairs at the end of the hallway. Enter the door and take the door on your left. Animist Poren is in this room.

    Upon Turn In:

    Animist Poren says "Well, you're off to a slow start, but it is a start. You will do well to accomplish your tasks in a more timely fashion. You have chosen a path full of trials, . I say again, time is of the essence. Take my seal to Mahron Sood and prepare yourself for the upcoming challenges."

    You gain experience!

    You recieve: Reinforced Primary/Secondary Claws as well as the Cloak of The Khati Sha Recruit and the Seal of Animist Poren

    Animist Poren shouts " Friends, I have news to share! It has taken longer than it should, but at last has completed our initiatory tasks and will now be given the priveleges reserved for the Khati Sha recruits!. Soon we hope to have this citizen ready to aid in the exploring of this new land. Please give support in whatever ways you can and trouble this recruit as little as possible, for seems to be easily distracted."
    Send a Correction
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    journeymans cloak
    # Feb 17 2002 at 6:39 AM Rating: Default
    stats on the Cloak of the Khati Sha Journeyman is..: Ac 7, str 3, sta 2, wis 1, hp 10... Tailoring mod: 3%. now, the sta bonus may be wrong, but this is pretty much it. Good luck.

    Siaa Miese
    Beastlady of Red Sky
    Bertoxxulous Server
    Citizenship Cloak
    # Feb 15 2002 at 10:22 PM Rating: Default
    Due to link death and inability to log in from server, my corpse disappeared along with my cloak at level 6. Understandably, I was reluctant to start over at this point. Does anyone know if this quest can be completed without the citizenship cloak, or if not, is there a way to get another?
    RE: Citizenship Cloak
    # Apr 09 2002 at 7:04 AM Rating: Decent
    I put my hopperclaws, forged fasteners and wraps in the stitching kit (doesn't work in sewing kit, btw), hit combine, and handed the results to Poren with my cloak, without noticing the "you lacked the skills" message I got. Poren gave me the wraps back and ate my cloak.

    I petitioned the GM, concerned that I would not be able to complete the quest without the cloak. Within 15 minutes, a GM had tracked me down in the pits and handed me a replacement. Quite a bit handier than redoing the citizenship quest with a new character. And Thank You Verant for the excellent customer service (on this particular occasion).

    Zortaz, Vah Shir Beastlord
    RE: Citizenship Cloak
    # Feb 26 2002 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
    I had a similar incedent where i handed in the claok w\o the other items and the questr givere ate them is how i resolved this ..

    Start a new Vah Shir char .... redo the quest up until your new char has a cloak ... turn in just the cloak NOT the slate ... .log out and bring back your main char ... turn in all the other items for that part of the quest and you should get it ALL back .. its a way to multi quest the items.
    RE: Citizenship Cloak
    # Feb 17 2002 at 11:34 PM Rating: Default
    RE: Citizenship Cloak
    # Mar 29 2002 at 3:09 AM Rating: Default
    Ok to redo the quest just hail the register person say i need a new slate or i lost my slate or something like that she'll give you a new one hand that to animist poren and you're restarted
    RE: Citizenship Cloak
    # Feb 24 2002 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
    No she won't I've tried that and she keeps the acrylia slate.
    # Feb 12 2002 at 12:00 PM Rating: Default

    subject: Claw Quest Here's my question. I have bag with hooper tails ready to hand in to NPC do i combine them first in bag or just hand bag to her without combining first?
    RE: anonymous
    # Feb 12 2002 at 12:36 PM Rating: Default
    combine then hand
    Young Hopper Claws
    # Feb 10 2002 at 4:15 PM Rating: Default
    Can the young Hopper Claws be found anywhere else but in the Pit?....I have hunted there for hours and have killed maybe five, but with no claws.

    Lynxtooth 9 Bst
    RE: Young Hopper Claws
    # Apr 15 2002 at 9:38 AM Rating: Decent
    As for making the young rockhopper spawn, get under the North bridge (the one on the otherside of the pit from Shadeweavers zone). KILL EVERYTHING. Bugs, scorpions, clawed hoppers..everything. Eventually they will start popping. Just keep everything around the bridge dead :)

    Kenya - 22 Kitty Cat with a pet kitty cat! :)
    Lanys T'vyl
    RE: Young Hopper Claws
    # Feb 18 2002 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
    I have found that killing the scorpions under the north bridge will make the bugs (I never can remember their proper name) pop, and killing the bugs will make the young hoppers pop. It still takes forever, but maybe this will help.
    RE: Young Hopper Claws
    # Feb 11 2002 at 11:04 PM Rating: Decent
    102 posts
    Sorry, only in the Pit. I suggest broadcasting on ooc that you're looking for the claws. A lot of people out killing hoppers are looking for the other stuff they drop and are often willing to tell you if a claw drops. And get your tailoring up high. Failing the combine sucks.
    Need help with HQ Hopper Hide
    # Feb 06 2002 at 2:28 PM Rating: Good
    OK, here is my problem. I need the HQ Hopper hides, I've killed young rock hoppers for days and haven't found any hides except the green ones, I can't combine these with the knife to get straps, do I need the red ones and do they drop from the young hoppers in the pit or is there another hoppper they drrop from?

    LVL 6 VaShir BST
    RE: Need help with HQ Hopper Hide
    # Feb 07 2002 at 12:21 AM Rating: Decent
    I found most of my HQ Hopper hides on the low level Needle Claw Hoppers in Shadeweavers Thicket.
    it took my 6 trys to make the leather straps atr a tailoring skill of 26. Hope this helps, good luck.

    13th level Beastlord
    Bristal Bane server
    RE: Need help with HQ Hopper Hide
    # Feb 06 2002 at 6:32 PM Rating: Good
    Probably not going to find the hides in the pit. I suggest going south of Shar vahl and hunt hoppers in shadeweavers thicket. You will find HQ hopper hides there.
    cant make 2nd strap
    # Feb 05 2002 at 5:37 PM Rating: Default
    I made 1st strap, but always fail making 2nd.Says ive made alternate something, cant remember. Ive wasted bout 10 HQ hopper hides,skill cant get any higher for tailoring it says when i make bandages n stuff, and combination skill at trainer says im master at combining! ok so now im lost as heck trying to get 2nd strap, 1st was easy, got it first try.Any help would be gratly appreciated
    RE: cant make 2nd strap
    # Feb 05 2002 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
    102 posts
    Well as for being 'master of combining', note the position of the 'Combine' skill in your skill list. Down with the languages. Combine refers to the language of the Combine Empire. Not combining items. Sounds like you got really lucky making your first strap, and need to raise your tailoring more. I recommend making tattered hopperhide armor (damaged hopperhide + armor pattern) and shaded hopperhide armor (tattered hopperhide + xakra kel armor + needle) Good luck.
    Bah, trivial code!
    # Feb 05 2002 at 1:34 AM Rating: Default
    I got to lvl 10 before I figured out how to do the quest for the upgraded handwraps. Now I cannot get scorpion legs and young hopper claws because of the trivial loot code. I also cannot afford to pay anyone lower lvl to help. I am on roleplaying server so I also cannot make a lower level character to kill em so I can loot em sooo... am I screwed or what?
    RE: Bah, trivial code!
    # Mar 14 2002 at 9:35 AM Rating: Default
    There is no trivial loot code! It went out the door - even the warrens and stonebrunt shouldn't have it anymore.
    RE: Bah, trivial code!
    # Mar 14 2002 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
    Trivial Loot Code was all over on Firiona Vie (Roleplaying server). It was only pulled from that server within the last couple patches.
    RE: Bah, trivial code!
    # Feb 18 2002 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
    I did Broker Fhaars' (sp?) quest at lvl 15 and had no problem with trivial loot. I found several young hopper feet while I sought the hopper hides. They are all just rare drops, so it takes a lot of time.
    Kaam Rahiir
    # Feb 02 2002 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
    Does anyone know when this quest ends or if it's just an on-going quest? Also is the "remainder" of this quest past the hopper tails printed out somewhere?

    Edited, Sat Feb 2 20:40:29 2002
    RE: Kaam Rahiir
    # Feb 04 2002 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
    Well, I'm answering my own question. I found this entire quest at the following link. Hope this helps others.

    Kaam Rahiir
    # Feb 02 2002 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
    Ok, I am up to the part where I need to find Kaam Rahiir in the Library to show him my claws, but I cannot find him. This is the step after the cloak and glowing heart combine. Any help on where to find Kaam Rahiir would be appreciated.
    RE: Kaam Rahiir
    # Feb 02 2002 at 8:58 PM Rating: Good
    You can find him in the library bldg to your left if come around to the back of the pond of water that is in Shar Val. There is like a hallway behind the pond, enter heading west where the palace is. If you are facing the palace, he's in the bldg immediately to your left.

    Edited, Mon Feb 4 12:43:09 2002
    lost cloak
    # Jan 31 2002 at 3:42 AM Rating: Default
    i lost my cloak i now have another one thanks to the above advice what i need to know how ever is what do i do now do i have to start the whole quest over and can i since i already have the weapons or do i need to dye and not loot the and start the quest over or can i just keep upgrading them using the plan cloak i dont mind if i dont have the upgraded cloak but i need to know what to do so i can continue on if u have any info please leave it...
    signed confused
    Khati sha recruit quest
    # Jan 30 2002 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
    My saga continues: I finished the quest up to part where I need a glowing heart stone. I went to caverns and headed to the lakes like one note recommended but I immediately ran into a bunch of Gor Taku builders that coned white to my lvl 15 beastlord and thay all jumped me. I excaped with my life but lost pet. Anyone got any suggestions how to get into area where the muck diggers that drop the glowing hearts reside without being constnantly attacked by Gor taku?
    RE: Khati sha recruit quest
    # Feb 01 2002 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
    102 posts
    Sounds like you took a wrong turn. Those builders are indeed pretty yucky. Head down the north road in Shadeweaver's to the cave entrance at the end. Go in, head west down the tunnel until you reach a left turn, take that turn. Now you're going south. Continue until you see a right turn (this one's easy to miss) and turn right there. Take another right a little further on, and that'll take you into Paludal. Once you're in Paludal you're pretty safe at level 15. All the aggressive stuff I saw was green to me. Just follow the tunnel to the big lake, then head around on the right side and take a small offshoot tunnel to a smaller lake. I found a glowing digger already spawned at the entrance to the smaller cavern when I got there. Hope that helps, and good luck.
    khati sha recruit quest
    # Jan 30 2002 at 2:57 PM Rating: Default
    MY thanks for pointing out error. Until it was pointed I had not noticed the young rock hopper claws. I had only seen the needle thin claws.. Makes a difference which ones that are used. Finished the quest. See my previously posted perceived problem.
    khati sha recruit quest
    # Jan 30 2002 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
    MY thanks for pointing out error. Until it was pointed I had not noticed the young rock hopper claws. I had only seen the needle thin claws.. Makes a difference which ones that are used. Finished the quest. See my previously posted perceived problem.
    khati sha recruit quest
    # Jan 30 2002 at 9:28 AM Rating: Default
    previously posted under wrong quest. I got stitching pack, got hand wraps, got the forged fasteners, got the needle thin claws, but when i attempted to combine them in stitching pack i keep getting message " you cannot combine these items in this container type". I am a Beastlord and other than I started late (lv 15) I appear to meed all requirements. Anyone know what problem might be??
    RE: khati sha recruit quest
    # Jan 30 2002 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
    not to be short with you


    Part 2 - Claws

    Animist Poren tells you to combine the following in the Stitching Pack with the following:

    (1) Handwraps
    (2) 2 Young Hopperclaws. The Young Hoppers can be found in the pit.
    (3) Forged Fasteners. To get the fasteners, ask Kagazz about "Forged Fasteners" (he is behind the armoury by the forge). He tells you that he can provide them and asks you to fill a box with 4 Scorpion Legs. These can be found on Scorpions in the pit. When you return the box, he gives you the Forged Fasteners.

    young hopper claws - NOT NEEDLE

    sorry for the yelling
    shar vahl quest
    # Jan 30 2002 at 9:17 AM Rating: Default
    shar vak quest. I have folowed the quest. Got the stiching pack, got wraps, got fastners, got yhe two needle thin claws, but when I hit combine I get a message "you cannot combine these items in this container type" anyone have any idea what has happened?? Also I am a beastlord and other than I seemed to have started this quest late (lvlo 15) I think I meet all requirements.
    umm, ur wrong
    # Jan 30 2002 at 8:58 AM Rating: Default
    ummm, ur all wrong about the molars, I was hunting wolves with a friend looking for molars, I killed about 50 sonic wolves, 20 wolflings and 10 pups, only got one molar and it was off a sonic wolf!! and tendons r rly rare too :( only got 3 (

    Ruran 20 kitty
    #Anonymous, Posted: Jan 29 2002 at 2:04 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) For all those worrying because they lost their Initiate's Cloak--all is lost. The ONLY way to get the Seal of Animist Poren is to REMAKE your character and redo the entire quest series...Because everything along the line to get the Initiate's Cloak is NODROP, I made a new char and checked every item in the rather irritating back-and-forth quest chain. As for those who lost the Apprentice Cloak, I'm guessing you're also going to be grumbling for a long while, because you'll also have to remake the character...In order to get the cloak, you need the letter you start the game with at level 1...Which is, most irritatingly, nodrop.
    RE: Tragedy Strikes!
    # Jan 29 2002 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
    Sorry but the above poster is just wrong

    here are the steps to getting a new cloak

    1) log your main beastlord out in fron to guild leader
    2) make a new beastlord char
    3) run through citizen quest with newbie
    4) hand in citizen application papers to guild leader - log out
    5) log in main beastlord - hand in slate - BAM new cloak
    RE: Tragedy Strikes!
    # Feb 15 2002 at 2:09 PM Rating: Default
    I have an easier way.....

    /Petition I have lost my *Insert Item here* and need some asstiance in restarting this quest.

    Then explain to the GM (Note only a GM can help you on this) what has occured and they can help you restart the quest from where you messed up at. I am talking about like Cloaks, Letters and stuff.
    RE: Tragedy Strikes!
    # Feb 25 2002 at 2:58 AM Rating: Default
    Only one side effect with this:
    Gm's don't give a damn about lost quest items. They won't help you. I tried, they laughed, I cried. I had no slots available for a new char, but enlisted someone who did. Your best bet is to create a new char, have him do the cit quest up to turning in the slate, log, relog main, turn in slate, and start over. You can try messing with Gm's but they won't help
    RE: Tragedy Strikes!
    # Feb 01 2002 at 10:41 PM Rating: Decent
    what i dont get is how do you turn in your guild papers and your slate at the same time?...arent they suppose to be turned in at the same time to get the cloak?
    # Jan 29 2002 at 1:27 AM Rating: Default
    can anyone that has gotten pretty high on this quest give me the upgrade stats of each level after the reinforced one plz?
    What lever are the sonic wolves?
    # Jan 28 2002 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
    And where do they spawn in Hollowshade Moor? I turned in my hooper tails, upgrade my cloak to apprentice, and showed my claws to Kaam Rahiir. What is next? At level 23, the sonic wolves are conning bright red. Are there weaker "pup" out there that drop the 2 molars that I need?
    RE: What lever are the sonic wolves?
    # Jan 29 2002 at 5:40 PM Rating: Good
    Sonic Wolf Pups and Sonic Wolflings will drop the molars. They tend to spawn between the streams.

    Edited, Tue Jan 29 16:41:11 2002
    hopper tails
    # Jan 28 2002 at 3:09 AM Rating: Default
    Are the hopper tails he is looking for the no drop young rockhopper tails that come off the rockhoppers in hollowshade or is there another kind just called hopper tails?
    RE: hopper tails
    # Jan 28 2002 at 2:56 PM Rating: Good
    Yes - they are the young hopper tails.
    # Jan 28 2002 at 12:50 AM Rating: Default
    Ok I finished my hopper tails and turned them in, then took the letter back to keri miann..she told me to put a light source(rock which I now know is not what I used) and my recruit cloak in this box and bring them back to her...I did not notice the combine button and just gave her the box. She just said thank you, the (nasty word here). So I lost my khata sha recruit cloak and She won't give me a new box. WHAT can I do?
    11 BST
    What next
    # Jan 27 2002 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
    I heard that you can upgrade your claws further with something from Sonic wolves. Anyone know how you kick this bit off , who you speak to, etc ?

    Galore, beastmistress exquisite,
    Firona Vie Server, pridemember of the Chosen of Vah
    # Jan 27 2002 at 1:45 PM Rating: Default
    Okay i got into Qawnshroud, got my bag to collect tails, and....Where the hell are the hoppers. i says they are near the compound in the high ground, only thinmgs i saw where wolves, rhino beatles and owlbears. not a sign of a hopper.

    help, where are they.
    RE: Hopper Tails
    # Feb 02 2002 at 9:58 PM Rating: Decent
    Okay, to collect the hopper tails, I zoned into Hollowshade Moore, took an immedite right, parked my pet on the hillside there on the right and pulled the hoppers back to my where my pet was "guarding." They were very easy to get and didn't take me long at all. A few rhino beatles argoed but not many. A couple of times, it got rough and I ran to the guards. I tried standing out in front of the guards at that supply fort nearby and was argoed on constantly.

    Edited, Sat Feb 2 20:58:51 2002
    what r the spets to make the sonic wolf claws
    # Jan 26 2002 at 5:06 PM Rating: Default
    i got the books the mount but the book r kinda confuseing to me not sure what to get and how to finish the quest
    what r the spets to make the sonic wolf claws
    # Jan 26 2002 at 5:05 PM Rating: Default
    i got the books the mount but the book r kinda confuseing to me not sure what to get and how to finish the quest
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