The Vengeful Musicians  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 2 ratings)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Tradeskill
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Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Mon Jan 22 19:56:25 2001
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Thadres Thyme may be found in McQuaid's Dark Stout at +105, -200. She's not on Find, but close to Donald McQuaid who's on Find. She's a Qeynos rogue on Circle of Unseen Hands, though negative faction with her doesn't seem to prevent talking to her and obtaining the quest.

You say, 'Hail, Thadres Thyme'

Thadres Thyme says 'Hello, ______! It's hard to believe just how cold it gets here! It really has been wearing me down. Especially after the [journey] from Qeynos.'

You say, 'What journey?'

Thadres Thyme says 'I have been traveling the face of Norrath to unravel the mystery of why my beloved [brother] attacked a group of traveling bards. He didn't survive the fight. It's been so long, I can't really remember what he looked like! I miss him so much . . . Now all I have are his [diary] and some brewing recipes he sold before his death.'

You say, 'Who was your brother?'

Thadres Thyme says 'My brother was Delius Thyme. I think he was a great man. ______, have you ever lost someone close? I don't know if I can ever forgive myself for letting him travel on his own after his sanity began to fade. Oh, Delius, please forgive me!'

You say, 'What about his diary?'

Thadres Thyme says 'The diary? It's one of the two connections I still have to my brother. Sadly, [pages] are missing from it. I've been looking for them.'

You say, 'What pages?'

Thadres Thyme says 'I believe the pages contain the events that drove my brother to insanity. I have been searching for the remaining three missing pages. There is some hope; I found a couple of pages over in Everfrost Mountains.'

Head to Everfrost Peaks and find and kill vengeful soloist, vengeful composer, and vengeful lyricist, all undead skeletons, all around level 10, and all wandering the newbie area. They are placeholders for each other, when one dies, another one (possibly the same one) spawns a few seconds later.

Loot Delius Thyme's Diary Pg. 74-76. The pages are NO TRADE and TEMPORARY, so be sure to collect all 3 pages and turn them in before quitting the game. Alternatively, you can store Temporary items for as long as you want in your house if you have one.

Page 74 reads:

Oct 2
Today was an especially cold day. Never stay in Halas again. The only bright point was I met a Master Brewer named Garsen who agreed to join our group and help us explore the uncharted depths of Permafrost. He seems to speak only in rhyme which is a bit annoying but his skill with weapons makes up for it. He said he has to keep practicing because he is writing countless books of Brewing Limericks.

Oct 3
Everfrost Mountains must be the coldest place on Norrath, and to make matters worse we were almost killed by a Mammoth that appeared over a peak. Tolan was almost slain but Garsen saved him.

Oct 4
We discovered underground caverns. The only thing more frightening than
monsters is Garsen opening his mouth. I'd say, " I need to sit and rest". He'd follow with; "Do you really think that's best?" Tolan said, "We could really use a Cleric". Garsen replied, "Don't be a hysteric". I can't take it, can't take it.

Page 75 reads:

Oct 5
Garsen was quite offended by Tolan's outburst today. Tolan said that our food tasted like it came from the sewer and Garsen, as usual, replied with a rhyme, "It could taste better with a skewer." Tolan made him realize how irritating his voice is. One more rhyme, ONE more damn rhyme, and I'll kill him myself.

Oct 6
Garsen was quiet all day today and didn't mutter a word even when he was almost killed and needed help.

However, when we stopped to camp we had to sleep right next to each other because of our location. Garsen was murmuring rhymes in his sleep. Every damn word out of his mouth rang in my ears. Each syllable lingered just long enough to drive me crazy. I kept praying that the next word would not rhyme. Satisfaction never came.

Tolan and I talked and decided to help him sleep a bit better.

Oct 7
We rifled through our departed friends things and found the unfinished limericks and component charts on the brewing trade. After destroying many Tolan suggested someone might want to buy the rest. We'll try to sell them in Halas.

Page 76 reads:

Oct 23
Just got out of prison and finally received my possessions back. I arrived back in Halas on the 9th and sold the limericks to a Barbarian who paid a hefty amount of silver for the work. As I was walking down the street a Blacksmith said, "I'll have to charge my usual fee of 12 copper." His patron replied, "If I pay you that much I'll be a pauper." I had no idea if the rhyme was intentional or not but uncontrollable rage swept over me. Slowly, ever so slowly, I turned, grabbed the patron by the throat and squeezed. It took six guards to free him. One guard gave me a strong warning and said, "You must now leave our city". Which was fine but another guard said right afterward, "Do this again and face the committee."
Before I could realize it, my hands were wrapped around the guard's throat. Jail wasn't that bad save the rats, bats, mildew, and stench. Unusually, the jail served rat sandwiches everyday. At least no one has said a rhyme to me since. The end to the horror seems far from sight. Rhyming winter nightmares have sadly impaled me. Writhing with nightly havoc, sanity eludes me.

Turn in the three pages to Thadres Thyme.

Thadres Thyme says 'Thank you very much. Now, please help me find all three missing pages.'
Thadres Thyme says 'Thank you very much. Now, please help me find all three missing pages.'
Thadres Thyme says 'Thank you, thank you. Let me read them. Oh! How could I want these brewing recipes after they made my brother insane? Where are they? I think this is all of them. Take them away from me! Delius can smile upon me now.'

You gain experience!!
You have completed achievement: Halas Quests - The Vengeful Musicians

Garsen's Brewing List or Garsen's Secret Brews
Submitted by: Neren Silverwolf, revised write-up by VoidCadet
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Disappointing reward...
# Jul 25 2001 at 1:17 AM Rating: Default
I did this quest at lvl 6 thanks to some serious buffs from a high lvl friend. I was kinda disappointed in the reward though. The book doesn't do me any good right now, so it's just gonna sit in the bank and rot till I decide to use it...

6 Shaman, The Namless Server
RE: Disappointing reward...
# Jan 15 2002 at 10:21 PM Rating: Default
i agree ...I WAS NOT SUPER BUFFED(only had the ones i cast on myself) and killed em all at lvl 6 im a shammy had full leather and a rusty spear and i nuked til he died with my frost rift and kept hitting with my spear and i didnt even lose 1 bub health turned in the pages and only got a list...guess ill have to do it some more for the other 3 xp :) ...oh yeaq 1 was yellow other 2 were red to me
incorrect time
# Jul 20 2001 at 5:32 PM Rating: Default
it just depends how lucky you are to find them. It took me 20 min. just to find 2 but the 3rd to me took along time to find him if you wait by the last gobling camp before getting to blackburrow you should atleast find 1 on the way there. And the other 2 should show up later
Incorrect Time
# Jun 30 2001 at 1:00 AM Rating: Default
In the top where it says it takes 2 hours to complete is kinda incorrect. It took me about 15-20 minutes to kill all 3 of the skellies.
Enjoy Killing Skellies
# May 22 2001 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
I had lost of bad times trying to run from these darn things and let me tell you, they are FUN to kill

May the fires protect you
Made alot of friends
# May 01 2001 at 4:05 AM Rating: Good
I'm walking though the peaks the other day with my level 12 ranger. I decide to mose on up to Halas to say hi to my GF (a barbarian warrior) and my best friend (ditto). Both are new and of low level (2 and 5).

As i'm moseing (cause thats what rangers do when we have dodge and 105 agility, we mose, we're just cool like that) up a whole ARMADA of low level people come runnin like the ******* from one side of the fork at the exit chasm from Halas and start bookin towards the city.

Behind them comes this skeleton just strutin along like he owns the place. So i decide what the hey, what ever this venegful guy is who cons black to me he can't be that tough, and my GF was amoung those running and my friend sent me a 'RUN' tell so i'm thinking this could be a fun scrap...

Boy was i right!!! I got a full blue bar of xp for killin him and he didn't even take down more then a red bar and a quarter if health. All i did was pummel him with kicks, velium long sword slashes, and flame lick.

So what happens? I look over and i swear to god 10 newbie's are all looking and cheering for me like i'm Karana himself come to smight the unholies.

Never felt so proud in my life. Plus i ended up with alot of people buying me ale's and short beer's. I love drinking.

And don't even get me into how a barbarian warrior girlfriend can show her appreciation later ;)
RE: Made alot of friends
# Oct 20 2003 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
674 posts
Really good post. good spirit.
· 'Valdon Gravedancer' Terris-Thule. Dwarven Cleric 34th circle.
· 'Junglebug Sugarpants' Terris-Thule. Halfling Druid. 52nd season.
· 'Shinook Eldergod' Terris-Thule. Troll Shaman of 32nd rite.
· 'Soultree Vixen' Terris-Thule. Woodelf Ranger of 34th season.
RE: Made alot of friends
# Mar 28 2003 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
Gotta agree whole-heartedly with this post. I was heading back to BB with my lvl 12 Ranger when I happened upon the Lyricist (conned blue), and wiped him out in short order with hardly a scratch. Flame Lick seems to be particularly effective when kicking the re-animated crap out them. Not 2 mins later I run right into the Composer who was a little tougher but made the same pile of bones in the end.

Looks like the Pianist may be either a new addition or very rare since there is nothing on him/her (skeletons are quite androgenous). My money is on new since you only need the 3 sheets not 4.

These guys are no match for the Protectors of the Pine.


Edited, Fri Mar 28 10:37:57 2003
RE: Made alot of friends
# May 25 2001 at 10:05 PM Rating: Default
Absolute ROFLMAO post ! I just wanted to point out how role-playing and free-lance adventuring were both a part of this, as no one can Party like us Barbarians ! These skeles terrorize new players who haven't learned to Con all targets, and are frequently confused for the Decayed Skeles that wander the Newbie trail ! Again, GREAT Post ! =)
RE: Made alot of friends
# May 14 2001 at 10:06 PM Rating: Decent
I must agree with you these things are soo easy. If your at full health and these things con yellow take them on very easy weak ac and weak hitting. The quest kinda sux cause the guidebook has like some riddles or something.
# Apr 29 2001 at 7:58 PM Rating: Decent
the vengefulls are nearly impossible at a low level!
Very satisfying, regardless.
# Apr 25 2001 at 8:38 AM Rating: Default
I got smashed by them so many times as a newbie, it was GREAT to come back and wipe the snow with them, regardless of what the reward was.

Barbarian Rogue
Crimson Dragon Clan
Mithaniel Marr
# Apr 21 2001 at 6:58 AM Rating: Default
the soloist suck beacuse at level 5 i was killing them without help but iwas not twinked either.
i am a barbarian warior so they were no match any way but i dont recomend doing this quest untill they con blue or black) my name is gillian
Horribe faction for good races
# Apr 01 2001 at 2:32 PM Rating: Default
Don't give her the pages just kill her that way you get good faction
# Apr 01 2001 at 2:30 PM Rating: Default
Horrible faction for good races
This quest would be better
# Mar 05 2001 at 5:16 AM Rating: Decent
if Halas had full brewing facilities. Regardless, after doing this with my shaman 4x from lvl 8 to 10, my lvl 7 ranger will be headed to Halas soon to offer his services in tracking vengefuls to anyone interested in great exp or brewing. By the time he gets a few books pulling calves for a half decent group should be a possibility.
Thadres Thyme (Unseen Hand or Sabers)
# Feb 13 2001 at 2:40 PM Rating: Default
Just revisited Thadres and I'm am now KOS to her. I am KOS to all Unseen Hand Members of Qeynos now as will. She could be a Unseen member.....

Gaeaddar Dreamweaver
Enchanter of the 3rd Circle
Nobles Of Justice
# Feb 12 2001 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
The only good thing to this quest is the fact that you get to (finally) beat the undead stuffing out of the Vengefuls.

Even so, I wouldn't recommend it for anyone less than level 8 (10 if you're not as buff as most). The Brewing guides don't sell for much once you get them, the exp. hit for turning in the pages isn't all that high either, and you have to stick around and nail all three in one sitting! (they don't always spawn in order, so you end up with extra pages, usu. page 75 in my experience). I usually leave the extras on the ground, which means anyone scavenging after me has an easier time of it.

Upside: the Vengeful Musicians are tougher and meaner than the basic skels wandering around the tundra (not the decaying ones, those're only good for bone chips and basic weaponry). As such, they can give you a good shot to the experience bar when you drop them. Also, hanging around nailing the trio really makes the newbies happy.

#Anonymous, Posted: Jan 28 2001 at 8:53 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) 1st, this quest is real good exp, second get the name, THYMES, every time someone RHYMES he attacks them, het it, god verant is dumb
#Anonymous, Posted: Jan 12 2001 at 6:23 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i like it
#Anonymous, Posted: Apr 21 2001 at 5:58 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I don't like you.
Good Fighting, but Lousy Reward
# Jan 12 2001 at 4:16 AM Rating: Default
They seem to spawn in front of BB, and there's a definite progression; the lyricist is really wussy to a 9th level warrior, and the soloist isn't much better.

Since they still con red to said 9th level warrior, they're great xp, but the reward...let's just say I knew coming in it wasn't that great, but darn, just a recipe book? Why? So we'll be encouraged to be brewers?


Gendacea, Barbarian Warrioress
Crusaders of Drunken Might
Fennin Ro
RE: Good Fighting, but Lousy Reward
# Jan 12 2001 at 6:24 AM Rating: Default
The Vengefuls are great for experience
# Oct 08 2000 at 4:13 PM Rating: Default
Once, when playing a necro that was about 6th level, one of them got trained on me while I was in the cave to Blackburrow. I was at about half health and mana and my pet was nearly dead BEFORE it got there and it conned red to me. I still won and got some nice experience for it. Now these guys are my favorite way of levelling from levels 6 to 9 or so because they are so easy and have so few hitpoints for their level. They are really great for low level clerics.
This one stinks
# Aug 21 2000 at 6:33 AM Rating: Decent
For the level of the monsters, this quest gives little satisfaction for all those newbie kills these 3 Skelly's rack up. One of my first depts of honor as a young Barbarian Warrior was to hunt the 3 undead bards, and avenge myself, and my brethren upon them. Once I had completed the task I was rewarded with a brewing recipe book. Oh boy!!!

Gavin Macalister
WolfGuard of the North
Wolves of the Tundra

"Well, we din gat drrressed up fer notin"
no rent
# Aug 17 2000 at 11:51 AM Rating: Good
The pages from the vengefuls are no-rent, meaning you have to do the entire quest in one shot. Not usually difficult if you are high enough to kill them anyway.
# Aug 11 2000 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
The vengefuls con very high. My lvl 9 Bard, while on a trip to Halas, took one out with only minimal help from a passing Barb.
RE: Conning
# Apr 01 2001 at 2:34 PM Rating: Default
Go for composers
Conned Yellow at SIX
# Mar 21 2001 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
The composer conned yellow to my level 6 Shaman, and using Frost Rift and taking damage, I defeated him three times. The Soloist wandered by me, and was very red, and I was nowhere near safety, and had to fight him. Luckily another shaman wandered by and healed me in battle. A Total of 75 points of healing me! Now, I had 141 points going in, but I think I would have died without his help. I have not faced the Lyricist yet, so don't know how he cons.

Level six to seven was spent at location #3 ( and easily made level 7 with Goblin Scouts, and made great loot just whacking whatever else walked by.
RE: Conning
# Dec 30 2000 at 5:35 AM Rating: Default
The Composer conned Blue to my 9th Cleric. The Lyricist conned Yellow, and the Soloist conned Red. So I think the level info above is a little incorrect.

BTW, NOTHING beats a cleric for fighting skellies. :)
RE: Conning
# Apr 21 2001 at 5:53 PM Rating: Default
Well now someone never actually took the time to fight them, did they? They overcon seriously. A level 5 is a challenge for the lyricist.
RE: Conning
# Feb 13 2001 at 3:17 AM Rating: Decent
I couldn't pass this a Paladin, my Honor was besmirched BIG TIME. Now, clerics fight skellies well, but NOTHING EVER will beat a Paladin for undead crunching. Necro's come damn close tho!

Erobate (Paladin-in-Training)
over 20+ seasons serving Mith Marr
Member of guild-Elidor
Tunare Server
This quest is nice
# Jul 20 2000 at 6:07 AM Rating: Decent
I liked this quest for many reasons. The experience is excellent, the secret recipe book is very useful to brewers (normally the book you recieve for completeing the quest for the second time), and there is just something satisfying in whacking the banes of my newbie existance.
Thadres Thyme
# Jul 19 2000 at 5:51 AM Rating: Decent
As a newbie, The Vengefuls suddenly appear & crunch you. If you're lucky, you run in time. Once you're old enough to handle them, you want something for the wait. No such luck!
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