Gnoll Fur  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Loot
  • Money
Faction Required:
Rogues of the White Rose (Min: Indifferent)
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Quest Items:
    Related Zones:
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
    Appropriate Races:
    • All
    Entered: Wed Sep 5 14:53:34 2001
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    In the Halas bank on the second floor, you will find Cappi McTarnigal. Hail him and he will ask if you are a member of the white rose. When you tell him you are he asks you for mammoth calf hides but at the same time his fellow trainer, Ysanna Macgibbon, mentions gnoll fur.

    You will need to be indifferent to both Cappi and Ysanna in order to do this quest:

    You say, 'Hail, Cappi McTarnigal'

    Cappi McTarnigal says 'Hail there, ____! If you are not a [member of the White Rose], then it be best that you stay on the lower level. This here floor is for honest ...ermm respectable rogues only.'

    You say, 'member of the White Rose'

    Cappi McTarnigal says 'I hope that you are indeed respectable, and loyal to Halas and the Rogues of the White Rose. To do otherwise would bring the wrath of the Six Hammers down on you. But enough with talk! Our caravan to the frigid north leaves in less than two days, and we are short on mammoth calf hides. Return four of them and you will be given items that show your loyalty to our Clan.'

    Ysanna MacGibbon says 'The mammoth calf hides are used to shield our beasts of burden from the icy wind. You are probably now asking what shields us Northmen from that same icy wind eh? Well, along with many other furs and leathers, we have come to find that [gnoll fur] of all things is a good insulator against the cold. Look at their tiny bodies and it's obvious their fur does something good.'

    Now move to target Ysanna before continuing

    You say, 'gnoll fur'

    Ysanna MacGibbon says 'You should not be asking where or what a gnoll is, but asking how I make use of that patch fur I find on their corpse. It is quite simple, take four pieces of gnoll fur and sew them together. Take the result and sew four of them together. And again with that product. In the end you will have a bundle of tailored gnoll fur. You can either return it to me or keep it for yourself.'


    Gnoll Fur Patch 21
    Gnoll Fur Patch Quarter 26
    Patched Gnoll Fur Bundle 31

    Give Ysanna the Patched Gnoll Fur Bundle.

    Ysanna MacGibbon says 'You have done well. Here is a small reward for your effort.'

    Your faction standing with Rogues of the White Rose increased by 5.
    You gain experience!!
    You receive 3 silver from Ysanna MacGibbon.
    You receive 1 platinum from Ysanna MacGibbon.

    Reward is: Fang of the Wolf
    Submitted by: Ridolain
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    For those of us non-barbarian's
    # Apr 09 2001 at 6:29 AM Rating: Default
    I've done some research and it looks like this quest is out if you aren't barbarian- either you don't have the faction to get Cappi to talk to you, or by the time you do like the three things in the whole game that can get you faction about 137 times, you're high-enough level that the prize isn't worth it. Someone please tell me that I'm wrong and there is a way.

    Too bad, cause it sounds like a fun quest.

    -Gwern, Rogue, Xev
    Is it 256 or 64 patches you need??
    # Apr 03 2001 at 8:24 PM Rating: Default
    The way I understood is that it took 256 patches of gnoll fur to do this?? I have 16 gnoll fur patches on me and if it doesn't fail, I can make the 4 of the next level and waste them on the bundle... problem is I only have 24 tailoring so odds are I will fail when I try to do the dagger. But reading this, what I find extremly stupid by Verant is that you can fail in making the bundle unless you have high tailoring, but most people don't have tailoring until they reach level 20-25 at which point this weapon is completely useless?? Am I ranting for nothing of can I expect to be able to make this weapon at my 24 tailoring?? I'm doing it for a Shaman BTW and just for fun, plus I'm gaining levels so I can't complain.
    RE: Is it 256 or 64 patches you need??
    # Apr 05 2001 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
    I must admit to being a little confused about "but most people don't have tailoring until they reach level 20-25" - pretty much all of my characters start tailoring from level 1 - how else do you carry all the spider(ling) silks around with you?
    Great Newbie Quest
    # Apr 01 2001 at 9:22 AM Rating: Default
    Personally, I think this quest is one of the best newbie Rogue quests going.... Hand the cape back to the female trainer and you get your own MAGIC fang.

    There are very few low end magic piercers for newbies to buy... And this thing beats the crap out of the Dagger of Dropping. Yes, it isn't a dragoon Dirk, but its a great weapon for its attainable level. The bonus is its free and relatively easy to get.
    Gnoll Fur Bundle
    # Mar 28 2001 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
    I had alot of fun doing this quest... It took forever because my Warrior is a dumb as a doorknob, but I still have mine. Even now that I am all decked out in fine plate. I just like having proof that my guy killed 100+ gnolls. I wish there where more idems like this.
    # Feb 25 2001 at 5:16 PM Rating: Default
    IS this the blade that the Rogues in the White Rose Guild are weilding? The long daggers with ring hilts? please let me know, i am wondering which blde it is they are weilding and if this is it.
    Skill does increase
    # Jan 05 2001 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
    Tailoring will indeed improve by combining patches of gnoll fur to make gnoll fur patches. I just went from 7 to 14 in tailoring using what I had gathered the last level (around 80 patches). I may not actually finnish the gnoll fur bundle, but my skills increase and I have something to use my loot on (and of course the all the loot other people leave behind)
    RE: Skill does increase
    # Feb 12 2001 at 12:00 PM Rating: Default
    The first combine, from 4 patches of gnoll fur to 1 gnoll fur patch is trivial at level 21 at least, which was where i was when I first attempted it, but I did increase from 21 to 22 combining 4 gnoll fur patches to gnoll fur patch quarter. I had many failures at each stage, but I was able to make the Gnoll Fur Bundle on the first try (at level 26 it was not trivial). Whew!

    Right now, the thing's sitting in the bank, waiting for me to find a way to raise my faction with the Rogues
    RE: Skill does increase
    # May 21 2001 at 4:20 AM Rating: Default
    Lucky you! I have tailoring 27 but still failed to make the Bundle so now I have to go kill another 64+ gnolls. Ah well, at least it's got me up to Lvl 9 and now I can SoW my way to BlackBurrow! I didn't mind so much the failures making the patches and even the quarters but it seems really harsh that making the final item is still fail-able (is that a word?)

    Calmac, Shaman of 9 Winters, Zebuxoruk
    It's ok
    # Jan 01 2001 at 11:24 PM Rating: Decent
    I think this item is ok, because I hate all the useless stuff you get from monsters (bat this and that, furs and teeth and I don't know what). With this quest you at least have something you can make with it, or go together with others to make. The piercer is quite nice too, and being magical a non twinked person will have use for it later when fighting magical creatures. Quest for your stuff, don't beg!
    RE: It's ok
    # May 26 2003 at 8:17 PM Rating: Decent
    Try baking with bat wings and beetle eyes and so forth....edible goo, batwing crunchies, etc. ... somewhat cheaper than buying rations
    Why are people disappointed
    # Dec 29 2000 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
    I'm really not sure why people think this is so bad. This gives a MAGICAL piercer which can be earned legitimately by a barbarian of about lvl 5-6 - or a minor bonus cloak if you choose to keep the bundle - which surely can't be bad?
    Because of twinking
    # Dec 29 2000 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
    101 posts
    This is absolutely true - and the person who pointed out that this is barely better than a Giant Snake Fang has apparently forgotten that the GSF drops from 8th level mobs, not to mention that it's non-magical.

    The fact is that the majority of new characters today have access to some sort of twink source, whether it's a friend, a higher level character, or a guild. When you look at it that way you can understand the derision most players feel toward genuine newbie equipment.

    Personally, when I was 5th level, I would have been overjoyed to have access to a magical weapon besides the hideously expensive (at the time) Combine weapons. Now, however, if I started a Rogue I'd probably give him a Drachnid Leg Tip or something and wouldn't need this.

    For genuine untwinked Rogue characters 7th level and lower, who are the intended target, this is a great weapon.

    Shaman of Halas
    RE: Because of twinking
    # Dec 31 2000 at 10:22 PM Rating: Default
    these are great quests (this one and the black wolf armors) for newbie rogues. i would do these even if i was twinked to the core, its just fun to do quests. and if you get something you arent going to use, give it to a newbie who obviously doesnt have anyone to twink him. be kind to newbies every now and then. they just may turn out to be a guildmaster or rich player and you won't be dissapointed :)
    RE: Because of twinking
    # Jan 23 2001 at 4:17 PM Rating: Default
    I agree , I wish this quest had been around when my rogue was a newbie I would not have had to spend 10pp( which was a fortune to me back then) for a crysknife so I could have a magical weapon, One more things, for those who dont know you can pick up gnoll fur by the tons in bb as most people dont bother to loot it
    This item is really difficult to get for an untwinked player
    # Jan 05 2001 at 1:08 PM Rating: Default
    I started a barbarian rogue on vazaelle, new server, and i must say i appreciated the fact that they added these 2 quests (fang + black wolf armor). i am now lvl 15 and i have full black wolf armor, but i am still far of geting this nice fang and i want 2 hehe).
    After one week one a new server you have lots of master smith, but it's very difficult to find someone with 60+ in tailoring, and it takes an eternity to reach 60+ skill for a rogue barbarian (with his 60 base int and 70 base wis).
    The way the quest work is as follow :
    - part 1 : you combine 64 patches of gnoll fur 4 by 4 to get 16 gnoll fur patches (with 29 skill it's trivial but my success rate is around 3/4).
    - part 2 : you combine the 16 gnoll fur patches 4 by 4 to get 4 gnoll fur patch quarters (this is far from being trivial wih 29 skill. my success rate is well under 50%).
    - part 3 : you combine the 4 gnoll fur patch quarters to get the gnoll fur bindle. I heard this part wasn't trivial.
    It takes roughly one hour of constant killing for a lvl 15 rogue to get 20 patches of gnoll fur by himself (at offhours when BB is not crowded at all). I had lvled from 6 to 9 in BB collecting patches and got only 60 of them.
    As you can see the quest is more difficult than it could seem at first sight. On a new server the reward is certainly nice, but i start thinking that it's really not worth the effort, unless you're decided to become a master tailor rather than levelling...
    This has been a pain in my arse
    # Mar 08 2001 at 4:20 PM Rating: Default
    I have a lvl 30 ogre that I brought to BB and got over 200 patches. and you know what. I still do not have this freaking item made.

    My bard is doing the tailoring and only have 2 quarters so far. I am afaid to combine the 4 quarters woried that I have to do the whole thing over again.

    I will never do this item again, its takes to much time.
    And also..
    # Jan 05 2001 at 1:13 PM Rating: Default
    The combining of these patches of gnoll fur, gnoll fur patches etc CAN'T improve your tailoring skill. I think it's the same for all quests involving tailoring recipe with components specific to the quest. So it's not a fun and easy way to improve your tailoring...
    RE: And also..
    # May 24 2001 at 5:11 PM Rating: Excellent
    178 posts
    This is incorrect on both counts. You can definitlely improve tailoring skill with this, and with most other quest tailoring recipes, provided that you don't have sufficient skill for the tailoring attempt to be "trivial".

    The trivial level on the patches before the final bundle is not high, though. If this is all you are doing to improve tailoring, your attempt on the final bundle has a good chance of failing, as your skill will be far short of the trivial level for that last combine.
    # Jan 05 2001 at 1:11 PM Rating: Default
    '- part 3 : you combine the 4 gnoll fur patch quarters to get the gnoll fur bindle. I heard this part wasn't trivial with a skill of 60.'
    Interesting Aside
    # Jan 10 2001 at 6:20 AM Rating: Default
    I have an 11 Rogue on the same new server. I had all four quarters and started playing my other characters..figuring it would be a bit anyway for a master tailor to be around. 2 weeks later..tonight actually..I logged on and thought, I have NOTHING to really lose here. I combined all four..and VOILA!!! The bolt of fur! Yes ladies and gents..I'm headed to my snowy home now from Freeport to collect my fang..Um..and body since a Lioness Matriarch killed me along the way. ;) Well.. you can't get all the luck in one night!

    64 gnoll furs needed (with no failures)
    # Dec 29 2000 at 9:18 AM Rating: Default
    26 posts
    and all this work for a piercer that is 1 delay better then a giant snake fang. Yeah, I'd say it's dissapointing...
    RE: 64 gnoll furs needed (with no failures)
    # May 23 2002 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
    The difference however, is that a snake fang is not magical and this is. Big difference if you are trying to hunt ghouls or wisps later.
    Skill level
    # Dec 29 2000 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
    I'm at 13 tailoring skill (pitiful, I know - I'm working on it) and it's not trivial.

    Hopefully it'll be a nice way to get tailoring up in BB after spiderling silk -> silk thread in Everfrost becomes trivial.
    # Dec 29 2000 at 2:06 AM Rating: Excellent
    233 posts
    Does this quest increase faction with the Halas rogues? If it does it will be the first of its kind.
    RE: faction
    # Feb 19 2001 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent

    Upon completion of this quest faction with the Rouges of the White Rose will increase. I also received 1pp, 2gp, and 1sp.

    This is a really nice weapon for you lower level shaman. I spent several days collecting the patches of gnoll fur. I spent a good deal of my time killing the for gnolls in the tunnel leading from Everfrost Peaks to Blackburrow. Yes it took some time, but it was much less than the time I spend trying to get caster beads for the Gavel of Justice. I then convinced a master tailor to do the combinations. He succeeded with no failures.

    a.k.a Meshach, 9th season barbarian Shaman.
    RE: faction
    # Dec 29 2000 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
    26 posts
    I would assume that it would. The mammoth quest does too so this is actually the 2nd quest to do so, but these quests seem to have been added recently.
    RE: faction
    # Dec 29 2000 at 12:48 PM Rating: Default
    Haven't done the quest yet, but if it does raise faction with the rogues then those of us KOS to the banker in Halas (remember the gnoll fang quest when you were newbies?) maybe we can finally get to bank in our home city again.
    RE: faction
    # Dec 29 2000 at 2:59 PM Rating: Default
    Yeah, but the quest givers are on the same faction. If the banker will kill you dead, they will kill you dead.
    Skill level?
    # Dec 28 2000 at 11:38 PM Rating: Decent
    What skill level in tailoring do you need to make this? A friend told me this was trivial at 1...
    RE: Skill level?
    # Apr 27 2001 at 8:44 PM Rating: Decent
    I made two gnoll fur bundle capes a little less than a week ago. Tailoring skill was in mid 50's at the time. All combines were trivial.
    A great source for gnoll fur is the vendor in Qhills and at Sneed's in N. Qeynos. I didn't even know about the fang quest. I read about the cape on a message board and bought stacks of gnoll fur (very cheap w/ buffed charisma >110) to make the capes. I sold one cheap and gave the other to a newbie. The cape is rather heavy.
    But not a bad newbie cape for a newbie still wearing patchwork. ;)
    I wish this quest had been around when I was first starting my first character (a druid) who practically grew up in Blackburrow. :P
    Good luck to all,
    Kidin on Tunare
    Frekkels on E. Marr
    RE: Skill level?
    # Apr 02 2001 at 1:49 PM Rating: Default
    I came upon this quest from a tailoring guide at, the patch combining is listed at triv 23 and the 4 quarters is triv 26. I spent about 4 hours hunting down an entire bag - 160 of the patches.

    I did eventually manage to make 1 of the bundles, as on the 1st attempt on combining the quarters did fail. This was with an 80 skilled tailor too.
    So expect alot of failures on the way.

    I will say that this is a cheap way to work on tailoring, but you wont make any money on it like you can making tattered armor (a few GP per piece when sold to a vendor)

    concerning the fang of the wolf quest:
    As for shamans this is a rather sorry @$$ weapon except for a noob, but you may want to consider using it for a few levels if you are poor, want to learn tailoring, and/or want to have practiced using a piercing weapon so you will be practiced when you get your epic.

    RE: Skill level?
    # Dec 31 2000 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
    Well, if it's trivial at 1 skill, then that's great, makes the quest that much easier. But, if it doesn't, it's still nice, since it would be a good way to build up tailoring-- 21 skill checks, provided no failures (and if there are failures, even more), with all of the cost of these checks being from drops off very low level monsters. Nice quest. :)
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