The Mastery of Fear (Group)  

Quest Started By:Description:
(From 1 rating)
Time:15 minutes
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Expedition
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Loot
Failure Lockout Timer: 02:00:00
Success Lockout Timer: 72:00:00
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Era:Omens of War
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:3
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Dec 7 21:22:06 2004
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This is a single group trial.

You say, 'Hail, Projection of Mind'

Projection of Mind says 'Halt, Vah Shir, and hear my words. Your background and your status are of no consequence. All are welcome to participate in the trials to prove their worth, or die trying. Whosoever approaches me has addressed the embodiment of Mind, keeper of the trials of Fear and Hatred. The former is a small-scale test, while the latter is large-scale. My task is to explain the rules and usher hopefuls into the battle arena. Would you like to hear the rules for [small-scale] or [large-scale] trials, or do you wish to enroll in [Fear] or [Hatred]?'

You say, 'Fear'

Projection of Mind says 'Fear is power. An opponent whose resolve has been broken has already been defeated. You must learn to invoke terror in the hearts of your enemies and destroy them as they cower in weakness. If you have this ability, now is the opportunity to prove your worth!'

The direction to the entry to your instanced zone(s) have been marked on your compass.
Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Fear is now available to you.

You have entered Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Fear.

The trial has begun. You cannot bring any additional people into your expedition at this time.

To pass the Mastery of Fear, you need to survive the waves of mobs (there is a pre-determined amount of waves needed to be killed in order to win). There is no boss in this trial, as the Master only stands and watches. Tell him "begin" to start the trial.

Mobs with "fearless" in their name must be killed regularly through nuking and melee. If a mob does not have "fearless" in its name, use your highest level Fear spell possible and Fear them away. These mobs hit extraordinarily hard, so you don't want them wailing away on your group.

Mobs come in fours (wolf - elemental - skeleton - dragorn) and spawn individually depending on how long you take to kill them.

Upon successful completion of the trial, the Shell of the Master will spawn with your rewards.
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Failure Lockout?
# Nov 25 2021 at 12:41 PM Rating: Excellent
67 posts
This doesn't seem to have a failure lockout anymore.
Can win even if you all die
# Jun 27 2018 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
51 posts
We wiped just now on Lockjaw, but had killed enough mobs so we still got the win. Ran back, zoned in, rezzed up, got the loot. Hadn't released from corpses yet when the timer ran out, don't know if that made a difference, but last character died with about 30 seconds left on the timer, two mobs still up.
# Dec 21 2013 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
443 posts
dont seem like mercs count as a player when requesting.
# Dec 14 2013 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
309 posts
Non-fearless mobs have 420,000 hit points or so (decap dealt 412k, didn't die but had 1% life left). Unable to get an accurate parse from fearless mobs as they died in a single round of melee. Mobs hit for like 150 ish. That's it, just 150.
Warrior Fear ability do not work
# Sep 03 2013 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
138 posts
"Your target avoided your Lionhearted Rally Cry Rk. II ability."

Because the ability also has a snare component and all mobs in this trial are immune to run-speed changes, the Warrior AE Fear ability from Underfoot will not work. Got this message on 100% of my fear attempts doing the trial, so don't be caught by surprise by that.
Lockout Timer
# Nov 26 2011 at 7:32 PM Rating: Excellent
36 posts
There is a 2 hour lockout on fail and 72 hrs for win

Edited, Nov 26th 2011 10:32pm by buckdaddy
Text for Projection of Mind for Fear group trial
# Aug 11 2010 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
You say, 'Hail, Projection of Mind'
Projection of Mind says 'Halt, Vah Shir, and hear my words. Your background and your status are of no consequence. All are welcome to participate in the trials to prove their worth, or die trying. Whosoever approaches me has addressed the embodiment of Mind, keeper of the trials of Fear and Hatred. The former is a small-scale test, while the latter is large-scale. My task is to explain the rules and usher hopefuls into the battle arena. Would you like to hear the rules for [small-scale] or [large-scale] trials, or do you wish to enroll in [Fear] or [Hatred]?'
You say, 'fear'
Projection of Mind says 'Fear is power. An opponent whose resolve has been broken has already been defeated. You must learn to invoke terror in the hearts of your enemies and destroy them as they cower in weakness. If you have this ability, now is the opportunity to prove your worth!'
The direction to the entry to your instanced zone(s) have been marked on your compass.
Proving Grounds: The Mastery of Fear is now available to you.
To win this trial is pretty simple
# Dec 13 2009 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
You must kill fearless mobs and fearable mobs, fear able must be feared because it kills them really faster than hitting and not fearing, if you keep em feared they will die fast. Just fear all fear able mobs and kill the fearless at the end if you killed enough even if some up still you will win.
Fearable mobs
# Jul 13 2009 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
86 posts
I know this is old and not many people care anymore, but I'd like to add that all the fearable mobs in this instance are level 51. So they can be hit with even gimpy fear spells. I was really concerned going in, because the only fearer I had was a sk. I wound up getting almost all fearable mobs (literally a 9-to-1 ratio of fear-to-kill) but we wound up winning with just lowbie SK fear spells.
Kill All
# Apr 10 2009 at 7:05 AM Rating: Good
Confirmed, you MUST kill all the mobs in the allotted time. We had two non-fearables left at the end, we were all alive but still failed.
Bring someone that can FEAR
# Apr 08 2009 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
27 posts
Tried as solo 85 monk, with mercenary. The fearless mobs did not form any problem.
But the fearable mobs have a LOT of hp, and you WILL fail the trial if you can't kill them by the end of the trial, it's not only about surviving.

goal is to survive
# Feb 16 2009 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent
55 posts
75 average group. Dotted and nuked even the feared mob. All casters were oom with 3 mins to go. Second attempt just everyone focus on the fearless mobs. Designated fearer just kept fearable mobs feared. Time expired with plenty of mana. Your mission is to stay alive for 15 mins, not to kill as many as possible.
goal is to survive
# May 01 2009 at 4:35 AM Rating: Decent
485 posts
You can still fail the trial if you survive. Did this today and failed. Best fear spell i had available as of this writing was clerics Deistic Bellow a level 63 spell. It sucked to say the least.
Can be done without fear
# Feb 02 2009 at 9:26 PM Rating: Decent
Just did this with all 85s War ,wizy ,wizy,ranger,mage,shaman, no fear was available,the fearable mobs has a ton of hps,they only took like 10pecent damage of the wizys nukes,which made it a pita,but we still passed.Needless to say at lvl 85 full group you should pass it :P Word of advise get a fear class,makes it a ton easier!!

Short Answer
# Jan 08 2009 at 5:23 AM Rating: Decent
Must kill 4 of each type (any version): Elemental, Dragorn, Skeleton, Wolf
Fearless are quick kills, as are the others once they have been feared.
If not "Fearless" you must fear them in order to take them down faster (otherwise takes forever to kill them and you will fail).
Sorry for posting the answer to this trial (but I got tired of 2 hour restarts to learn it myself).
# Sep 14 2008 at 7:15 AM Rating: Default
Just did with a 77 pally, 20khp, 3200ac, 900 aa, a 78 shammy box, qvic geared 400 aa, and my wifes 69 echanter alt baz geared 18aa. We got lucky with the number of fearable mobs being high and only 1 point did we have 3 mobs that were unfearable at one time.
# Jul 25 2008 at 9:30 PM Rating: Decent
did this with 5 80's, warrior, wiz, monk, bard, cleric. cleric feared... was pita... easiest 8 resists ever.
# Dec 30 2007 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
i did this a long time ago. if i remember right it was myself (73 monk at the time), a 75 cleric, a 75 wizards, 2 necros at 75, and a 70 war. we killed all the waves and at the end more kept coming. eventually there were maybe 20 mobs. the wizard zoned, i FDed at about 5% and everyone else was killed. when i lost aggro the shell appeared and i looted Despair from it. i would love to know why so many mobs started popping up from nowhere.
trial of fear
# Feb 14 2007 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
did this the other day .. group make up is your friends that want to do it with you . its reccomended to have 1 fearer and a slower (perfer not the same person maybe)

if your wondering im 18.5k 3k ac pally . mobs hit me for 180 trial was a joke for me

so heres what we discovered . feared mobs are 100% slowable . fearless mobs are mostly sucessfull , once the feared ones are slowed . ignore .. just fear them if they break fear .. oh well . they hit once a min with turgurs on

as for the fearless mobs we had 3 right at the end (whoopie) i think i got down to 80% , the highest hit i saw was 1100 on my shm (19% shielding 100 avoid)

just dont be afraid of trying new stuff , hense its the trial of fear ;)

ps, puncuation was killed dureing the making of this post speling is in the hospital and its not looking good
Pally Blind or Undead Fear??
# Jan 05 2007 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
Anyone know if paladin blind spell or undead fear will work?

Pally Blind or Undead Fear??
# Jan 27 2007 at 8:18 AM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
Undead fear works on the skeletons. Blind is not fear.
How to beat this mission
# Nov 22 2006 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
Ok...What is the best group set up for this? 2 TANKS? 1 Cleric? 1 necro? 1 Ench? and a DPS?
# Aug 09 2006 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
I go into this trial as the only fear caster and also act as CC/DPS. The best group setup, as far as I'm concerned, is two tanks of any kind, Cleric, Shaman, any DPS and me (Necromancer). The information posted is a bit off, in that it says these mobs come in waves. In fact, only the initial four mobs come at the same time, otherwise the mobs repop in the order they die in. Knowing this, you can be facing the correct projection, preferably with one tank fighting a mob and one tank out in front to intercept the INC (I don't have to worry so much about this, but I am not your typical silk wearer). Cleric should have fear memorized as a just in case type of thing. If four fearable mobs pop at once, sometimes it can be tricky to get all feared in time to prevent a casualty if you are the only one fearing, and I don't like using mass fear since you cannot overwrite it by casting another fear to make sure the mob doesn't turn around and come running at you. The primary fear caster should keep two fears memorized to be able to rotate them quickly. I use Invoke Fear and Trepidation, both are quick casts and work perfectly well.

If the group doesn't have mez available for the fearless in case three or four of them pop at once and there isn't enough tanking/healing power in the group, they are kitable. Something I highly suggest anytime you go into a trial is DMF once inside, as it can be tricky enough kiting around the boss's pedestal without having the additional hassle of being too low for your toes to see the mob's toes so you can cast on it.

I like to use the east side for base camp on this trial, as posted above. Keep people OFF the walls, tank or fear caster can lose a mob in the wall if it goes for a caster who is sitting up in a bad spot.
Not the Easiest for Boxing! :P
# Jul 19 2006 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
This Trial is probably easiest for a non boxed group-but in my experience, since the number of fearless and fearable is random, Ingenuity seems to be easiest. Since not dealing with adds. But Fear can be pretty easy with good crowd control and good dps-if alot of fearless. I ussually have my Cleric and Chanter Fear while Mnk, war and Mage blow the adds. i also bring a sk. but never tend to fear with her.
?Bard Fear Song
# Jan 01 2006 at 4:05 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
Anyone know if the bard fear song works on the fearable mobs?
?Bard Fear Song
# Jun 29 2006 at 10:56 PM Rating: Decent
It does.
RE: ?Bard Fear Song
# Jan 13 2006 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
Use the new 67 level fear song. Works fine.
# Dec 20 2005 at 11:10 AM Rating: Default
Okay, even though the Trial is the easiest of them all, it can still be hard if your Chanter or Cleric dies.


It's good to have DPS, my group, however, had:

2 Warrior --> One was GoTK
1 Shadow Knight
1 Shaman
1 Enchanter --> GoTK
1 Cleric --> GoTK

Grp setup wasn't that nice, but we had no deaths.

I think the main goal is to have 1 person live and kill 20 mobs.

We killed 20 on the spot. Somebody said they killed 18 and failed, so about 19-20 is win.

Lockout nis now 3 days and 1h:40mins for completion or 1h:40mins for lose of any Trial, for all trials.

GL to those that did it, I got my Chocker and it rocks.

p.s. Invoke Fear is great, Shammy + Chanter is a strong combo since Shammy can slow, Chanter just mez/fear. Necros are great incase of deaths to rez Clr during fight, but most of all, we had 2 Fearless and 2 normal for the beginning of our fight, Fearless do pop out more.

Edited, Tue Dec 20 12:04:24 2005
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