Pricing Information for Silvered Fire Emerald Ring

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150pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1591751202870November 28th, 2001 @ 02:58:40 PMWhy are people selling for 100? A merchant will give you that for it!
200pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1592251436087October 24th, 2001 @ 06:52:48 PMIm a jeweler who actually makes these things... materials cost 100p.. not taking into account possible failuers. I usually go 200p for a single or 350p for a pair..
108pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1594570680867October 24th, 2001 @ 04:01:07 PMBought two for costs plus 25pp (217 total). Mith Marr
150pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1592250220775August 15th, 2001 @ 07:09:40 PMSelling at this price.
100pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1591762816985July 10th, 2001 @ 06:30:12 AMWas the last too be sold.. said it normally goes for 150
240pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1595175376875June 12th, 2001 @ 12:39:24 AM
140pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1591761552120June 5th, 2001 @ 11:51:30 AMVazaelle - Sold 1
110pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1591761552120June 5th, 2001 @ 11:50:19 AMVazaelle - Purchase 2 for 110pp each
100pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1592248482867May 31st, 2001 @ 05:06:17 PMPossibly a "pity" price
145pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1591759225602April 24th, 2001 @ 04:43:57 PM
225pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1594570562853March 20th, 2001 @ 08:30:28 PMLanys Tyvl sale

Players Selling Item (8) Server:Amount:
UmmelnoLanys T'vyl175
NefretDruzzil Ro120
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