Pricing Information for Obsidian Ring of Quintessence

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Maximum Price:0
Number of Points:0
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25pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1591895159694September 23rd, 2006 @ 06:56:55 PM
100pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1592266692510December 21st, 2005 @ 04:07:08 PM
25pp 0gp 0sp 0cpdroolAugust 6th, 2004 @ 11:48:08 AMRodcet
25pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1591796747596November 14th, 2003 @ 09:49:38 PMBazaar Bought
50pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1591781208878May 3rd, 2003 @ 11:11:40 PMbazaar
20pp 0gp 0sp 0cpdroolJanuary 26th, 2003 @ 05:33:10 PMrodcet - Bazaar bought
50pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1591760746934July 20th, 2001 @ 09:01:33 PMSold on Morell Thrule
28pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1591750489085July 1st, 2001 @ 07:17:49 AMMerchant Winlar Tanner in East Freeport

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