Pricing Information for Crystallized Acid Bracer

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66500pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1702858585426March 8th, 2005 @ 09:03:44 PMSaryrn (not being snapped up)
80000pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1592256227210February 13th, 2005 @ 06:38:20 PMWas listed as 80k on Saryrn
110000pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1592343949949October 26th, 2004 @ 12:57:03 PMct server
300000pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1591810873154July 25th, 2004 @ 01:39:29 AM
200000pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1592256663445March 1st, 2004 @ 09:22:15 PMAverage on Prexus
400000pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1591784039952February 22nd, 2004 @ 03:06:59 PMJeez MT and their crazy prices -_-
375000pp 0gp 0sp 0cpangminasFebruary 6th, 2004 @ 11:38:01 PMI'm not selling yet )
250000pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1591794073532September 26th, 2003 @ 08:02:41 AM
130000pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1592255975768August 7th, 2003 @ 03:20:57 PMTarew Marr
150000pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1592245887888June 27th, 2003 @ 04:19:38 AM
65000pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1591762566584March 20th, 2003 @ 05:10:59 PMsold on Zeb in bazaar
200000pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1591760425470November 15th, 2002 @ 08:05:16 PM

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