Pricing Information for Ravenscale Shoulderpads

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400pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1592255244649August 11th, 2002 @ 02:22:54 AMYou can get a pair of 12ac +5str, agi, dex +10svmagic, sv cold +5sv fire, sv psn dis shoulders for 10kpp and i've seen these sell for about 400
500pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1593965779516August 4th, 2002 @ 10:58:36 PMpicked up in the Bazaar
200pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1591777358375April 2nd, 2002 @ 07:02:02 PMNot really sure on this price, but it sounds about right =/
400pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1591750271495November 23rd, 2001 @ 09:25:21 PMkelce and xirex are crazy remove them plz allak
500pp 0gp 0sp 0cp__DEL__1591758165483September 19th, 2001 @ 11:25:40 AMI bought it for this easily on fennin ro last night.

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