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This is the instanced zone involving the group task "Remove the Head and the Disease Will Die" in which you encounter the Scumlord and his cohorts.

Viewing 1 to 25 of 25 entries.

Image Name Level Range Type Zone Expansion
No Picture Included a corrupted assistant 76 - 76 Monster Temple of Bertoxxulous: Remove the Head Seeds of Destruction
No Picture Included a defiled attendant 75 - 75 Monster Temple of Bertoxxulous: Remove the Head Seeds of Destruction
Picture Included a defiled attendant pet 58 - 58 Summoned Temple of Bertoxxulous: Remove the Head Seeds of Destruction
Picture Included a devastated prisoner 60 - 60 Monster Temple of Bertoxxulous: Remove the Head Seeds of Destruction
Picture Included a diseased follower 74 - 74 Monster Temple of Bertoxxulous: Remove the Head Seeds of Destruction
Picture Included a grim sentinel 76 - 76 Monster Temple of Bertoxxulous: Remove the Head Seeds of Destruction
No Picture Included a malignant student 75 - 75 Monster Temple of Bertoxxulous: Remove the Head Seeds of Destruction
Picture Included a plague golem 75 - 75 Monster Temple of Bertoxxulous: Remove the Head Seeds of Destruction
Picture Included a plagued ritualist 75 - 75 Monster Temple of Bertoxxulous: Remove the Head Seeds of Destruction
Picture Included a plagued scholar 75 - 75 Monster Temple of Bertoxxulous: Remove the Head Seeds of Destruction
Picture Included a plagued sentry 76 - 76 Monster Temple of Bertoxxulous: Remove the Head Seeds of Destruction
Picture Included a putrid cabalist 76 - 76 Monster Temple of Bertoxxulous: Remove the Head Seeds of Destruction
Picture Included a putrid dreadwarden 77 - 77 Monster Temple of Bertoxxulous: Remove the Head Seeds of Destruction
Picture Included a putrid lector 75 - 77 Monster Temple of Bertoxxulous: Remove the Head Seeds of Destruction
No Picture Included a putrid lector pet 58 - 58 Summoned Temple of Bertoxxulous: Remove the Head Seeds of Destruction
Picture Included a putrid servant 76 - 76 Monster Temple of Bertoxxulous: Remove the Head Seeds of Destruction
No Picture Included a tsetsian creeper 73 - 75 Monster Temple of Bertoxxulous: Remove the Head Seeds of Destruction
Picture Included a tsetsian larva 73 - 73 Monster Temple of Bertoxxulous: Remove the Head Seeds of Destruction
No Picture Included a tsetsian plaguebearer 74 - 76 Monster Temple of Bertoxxulous: Remove the Head Seeds of Destruction
Picture Included a wretched skeleton 75 - 75 Undead Temple of Bertoxxulous: Remove the Head Seeds of Destruction
Picture Included Disease Cloud 70 - 70 NPC, non-quest Temple of Bertoxxulous: Remove the Head Seeds of Destruction
Picture Included Machinator Grengwar 76 - 76 Monster Temple of Bertoxxulous: Remove the Head Seeds of Destruction
Picture Included Prime Lector Quillok 79 - 79 Monster Temple of Bertoxxulous: Remove the Head Seeds of Destruction
Picture Included Putrid Assassin 80 - 80 Named Temple of Bertoxxulous: Remove the Head Seeds of Destruction
Picture Included Scumlord Heyanti 82 - 82 Monster Temple of Bertoxxulous: Remove the Head Seeds of Destruction