He sees invis, can pop in a number of places, and runs at 20%, snareable. Spends most of its time trying to cast.
Pain Mistress Okami L`Assundre of Tarew Marr Dark Elf Shadow Knight Drinal (Tarew) Retired after 500 days /played Deleted http://eqplayers.station.sony.com/character_profile.vm?characterId=455266869792 Remade http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=96950 Retired again
Hehe, looks like some mouse-warrior from the Redwall series of books, by Brian Jacques. (Except he looks EVIL, ahh beady read eyes)! Which may I add are great books! And they arn't about cute fuzzy animals (just a little), but rather, they have there share of violence and gore, as well as feasts and friendship and.....ohh I've strayed from the subject. One last thing, the series is a great work of literature, but easy reading, their average length is about 350-450 pages, there's 14 of them all together. So if your tired of normal high fantasy, like Dragonlance, Lord of the Rings, and so on (which are also AWESOME books), look into Redwall, it's a unique fantasy series, a breath of fresh air.
Yeah, that may be true, but Flawless diamonds only drop in three zones: Dragon Nec, Siren's Grotto, and Velk's Lab, they're worth 8-10k, at least on Lanys.
Posted:Dec 12 2002 at 6:27 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) flawless diamonds for 8 10k? your server really f***ed up go for like 500-1k on soulsek...
He drops nothing. We were on our way to feed Zlandicar and we took him out... he gated 4 times before we finally decided to just rush and fight him at his bind point, killed him, checked the corpse and it was empty. Thx useless named level 60 rat. He's pretty close to Zlandicar's lair btw, in case you wondered where he spawns.
Anyone tried beating him over the head with a stick and seeing what goodies pop out? Figure if your killing stuff in DN some group of people would have the ying yangs to try their luck with a friggin rat.
Posted:Jun 15 2001 at 12:43 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) squek squek squek is it me or is this thing a freakin mouse hehehe how can a mouse be a lvl 60???????? Squek Squek
I was tracking this guy last night in DN. We were mostly in the ladder room but moved around alot trying to find this guy. We never did find him. I'm starting to think he is in the tunnel where Zland is. Cause I could track him from the ladder room, but as we went out of that room he would go out of range. And now that i looked at a map the ladder room is actually close to zands area. but when you leave ladder room you move further away and thats when he would go out or range, from top of the tunnel I could track him.