sleeper 1.0 - Kerafyrm  

Raid Encounter

Uploaded September 7th, 2019 by Zaztik
Updated September 8th, 2019

After being awakened, Kerafyrm rampaged through much of Velious, slaughtering everything in its path from Sleeper's Tomb to Skyshrine.

Formerly of Sleeper's Tomb, Kerafrym the now awakened currently resides in Crystallos, Lair of the Awakened.

Part of text written by Portingya, 84 Druid of AB :)

Picture is courtesy Blood of the Spider

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2009-05-26 11:51:11.

Level: 75
Expansion: Scars of Velious
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2020-09-11 01:46:00

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#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 28 2002 at 3:01 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) theres to much bs here, every single posts needs to be deleted, why don't you newbs actually join an ubur guild instead of making up bs and feeding to eachother. btw honestquivocater if you were looking at things that way then maybe you should have realized that verant has made tons of mobs more powerful then the gods and perhaps you should find a brain and do some research before you think the point!
This guy looks lame
# Sep 28 2002 at 2:42 PM Rating: Default
I'm pretty sure that you can take him down when PoP comes out but have you ever though that when PoP comes out, something even more powerful than Kerafyrm may come? That ugly dragon guy looks like giant-bait, dont you think so?

lol really need to update my sig. I'm lvl 43 now
RE: This guy looks lame
# Oct 01 2002 at 4:16 PM Rating: Excellent
Hmm, yeah, looks lame, and the last thing you see before it all goes black...

I am sure Verant will make Kera killable, now that they've got everony whipped into a froth over it for a year. And no doubt the Planes of Power will have at LEAST one "unkillable", to get everyone excited about.

(Personally I think Kera looks cool)
RE: This guy looks lame
# Oct 01 2002 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
Here's a better picture of Kerafyrm.
RE: This guy looks lame
# Oct 01 2002 at 4:17 PM Rating: Default
Hmm, what's the name hovering over him? Something the Vengeful? In green?

Too bad we can't do video transparent as Kera is, the best way to see it would be in motion. Great pic!

Edited, Tue Oct 1 17:02:20 2002
RE: This guy looks lame
# Nov 09 2002 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
Actually, you can take video pics, with a special king of video card, a cable, and a VCR. Check out for some excellent pics (my favorite of which is the ToT wipeout P)

I'm gonna see how much this crap costs, it would be hilariously fun to take videos of EQ )
He's been killed twice
# Sep 28 2002 at 12:19 PM Rating: Default
So so all of you know, Pandemonium killed the sleeper twice now on the Tallon Zek Server. The killed him the first time he awoke and then killed him again after this last patch. Yes he drops awesome loot with some Flowing Thought V, yes I've seen the links to this so I know that it is the truth. Pandemonium is the most powerful guild ever, end of story. No one could ever touch them.
Yeah right
# Oct 01 2002 at 4:27 PM Rating: Excellent
Let's see, the link posting feature was HOW recent?

Oh and they are the most powerful guild ever, but the reason none of them know they killed the Unkillable MoB is because it was a pickup fight with lots of other people?

Verant has SHUT DOWN the done at LEAST once when it looked like Kera might be killed, using exploits.

Sorry, my suspension of disbelief just broke and fell. We're expected to belive that this guild killed Kera twice but didn't bother to take screen captures of the body and the loot?

I could go on, but why bother?
RE: He's been killed twice
# Sep 30 2002 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
AHHH HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! The sleeper has NOT been killed! Nice try buddy but I asked members of Pandemonium and when I asked the first dude he said "not sure" and then another told me NO, it is impossible to kill the sleeper so you must have woken up from some kind of dream or something cause Kerafyrm remains undefeated. Sorry, thanks for playing but you are the weakest link, goodbye!!
RE: He's been killed twice
# Sep 28 2002 at 6:39 PM Rating: Default
377 posts
Where might those mysterious "links" be that you mention?
RE: He's been killed twice
# Sep 29 2002 at 12:19 AM Rating: Decent
Sorry let me clarify. The day the patch came out, they went to kill it, and they had an open channel for anyone who wanted to join could. So I went in and when they killed it, they posted links of the loot. Not links on internet, links in the game. Trust me, he was killed by them, if you have ever seen them in a zone, you will know that they can.
RE: He's been killed twice
# Oct 03 2002 at 11:36 PM Rating: Decent
yeah, you you just mosied on into the zone and they just finished killing him... uh huh
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 01 2002 at 2:48 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) UR ******* STUPID, U ARE GOING NO WHERE IN LIFE... LOSER
Story with the recent patch
# Sep 27 2002 at 1:04 AM Rating: Decent
79 posts
What did everyone make from the story about the sleeper with the recent patch?? Any wierd triggered messages across Norrath?? I spent the day in Dawnshroud Peaks, so I wouldn't have noticed anything. All in all, it was pretty interesting, so post any theories/knowledge you have.

And maybe we have Kerafyrm to blame for all the horrible new spell effects...
RE: Story with the recent patch
# Sep 29 2002 at 11:10 PM Rating: Decent
Yes i have noticed a few server wide messages while playing................We got the message 'You feel as if you are being watched'..server wide about a week ago and various others too

O and im on Kane Balye server
# Sep 26 2002 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
Has anyone ever thought that maybe the sleeper does completely exist on within norrath but maybe apart of his consciousness excist on another plane and with the planes of power coming out something will change. i don't know just a thought.

Vzinn, necromancer of Cazic Thule on TP
Braken, Druid of Karana on TP
RE: maybe....
# Oct 01 2002 at 4:29 PM Rating: Excellent
Might explain why he is transparent ;-)
my idea
# Sep 25 2002 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
ok as of now the sleeper is UNBEATABLE i dont think its even possible for the game to process sleepers death now that i got that i out i do have an idea about what the sleepers is really there for i actually think there will be implemented at some point if its not there now a SUPER epic what makes me think this is the lore released by verant check out the lore on allakhazam to see what i mean particulary that one and also the ones about Nalicor and Miragul. oh and is there such a zone as elizerain lake or broken skull rock because they are on the maps you get with the expansions and are in the lore but i cant seem to find them elizerain lake should be adjacent to steamfront and lfay while broken skull rock should be in the gulf of gunthak if thats even a zone lol and west of grobb please dont flame me these are only my ideas you should get the point by reading the lore and even if you dont agree with me the lore kicks **** anyhow thanks for reading and PLEASE post replies about what you think later
RE: my idea
# Sep 25 2002 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
one more thing if asnyone wants to discuss this further with me id be glad to my email is and my aim s/n is
your worthless 0 thats a zero BTW and if your on innurok server send tasslehoph a tell im on ALOT bye everyone
RE: my idea
# Sep 25 2002 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
lol i forgot to put my idea
my idea is that if you read the lore i told you to read that somehow you can find the items given to eldrith nalicor and mirgul well it says in the lore that eldriths pendant was buried with him in elizerain lake nalicors flaming sword is on a hill on broken skull rock and then in the game miragul is in permafrost but in the lore it said his study was in the frozen plains which is on the other side of halas if you look on the map that came with the expansions my idea is that you become an UBER char with these items it said that miragul was a caster from all 4 int classes wiz enc mage and nec and what was given to him from trakanon was an item to improve his casting so i think that youd get his artifact which made you able to learn any int caster spell which would make you uber right there but it keeps going then i think youd get nalicors flaming sword which would prolly be like 50/30 with like +10 fire damage and a dd fire proc for like 300 and a plus like 100 skill in 2hs and then from eldrith youd get a the pendant which would be a neck item with like +30 to all stats and increase stat cap to 300 and then it says in the lore that when trakanon dies he gets traks power so i think then youd go and kill trak in a group lol with the stuff you got you could prolly solo trak lol and then when trak dies i would think the stats on the item would upgrade to like 100 to all stats max resists and like 200 ac and like increase stat cap and skill caps by like 100 then youd go and like solo kerafyrm lol well doubt youd solo him but youd get like a HUGE group and take the warders which would be no problem for you and then kill the sleeper finally lol i have a big imagination dont i lol well tell me what you think every one, later :-D
Miragul's Caves
# Sep 25 2002 at 5:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Yes, I have been trying to read up on "end game" lore and I've seen the same stories. It also says that the one who gets the items will watch the world burn...

Being a Shaman involved in the Spear of Fate Epic, I am quite interested in Miragul. The lore story about him seems to fail to mention any battle with a heroic Shaman, but then again, both the High Elves and the Dark Elves claim to be the "true" elves....history is SO political.

The caves described for Miragil's winter home are in Everfrost Peaks, off the plains. In them you can encounter the Glacier Bear (Totemic quest MoB), the Lich of Miragul (what's left of Miragul's power, tough not his soul), and VERY high level Human Necromancer named Sulon McMoor who I am sure is up to no good. Also, there is a white roundish thing which could be a tomb or a portal, which after reading the lore, I suspect is the location of Miragul's soul box.
Who knows what will be added with Planes of Power....I still find it odd that the Temple of Cazic Thule is a tougher dungeon than is the Plane of Fear, or that the Temple of Veeshan is tougher than the Plane of Sky, but then again maybe the gods don't invest as much in security at home because they assume they're safer there :)

Edited, Wed Sep 25 17:50:01 2002
# Sep 24 2002 at 1:12 PM Rating: Default
Cool 4 posts already HEHE!
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 24 2002 at 1:09 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Dosent sleeper drop a 156/15 230 str 230 sta 255 agl 255dex 210 wis 210 int max to sv fire sv cold sv magic sv disease sv poison 12000mana 125000Hp 730 banedamage to mortals 120 dmg bonus effect :(combat) Final rest (instant K.O. torward mortals like everything except lvl 70 mob like named dragons and god it does 7k damage to them) and if you are lvl 60 a right click effect of Total heal instant casting unlimmited charges (btw Total heal heals all mana and hp) All/All Wepon that is not 1hs 2hs 1hp 2hp 1hb 2hb or bashing? that never misses?
RE: legend or fact?
# Sep 24 2002 at 3:57 PM Rating: Default
...I dunno, and no one probably ever will, because Kerafyrm is perfect.
The facts
# Sep 21 2002 at 7:46 PM Rating: Excellent
The facts:

1. Kerafyrm has 2^32, or 4,294,967,296, HP's.

2. Kerafyrm has a 32k HP regen per tick.

3. Kerafyrm is, like the Emporer and Seru, immune to all non-bane damage melee.

4. Kerafyrm is completely resistant to all resistable spells.

5. Kerafyrm hits on average of 2k per hit.

6. Kerafyrm has a large ranged AoE DT that has no recharge time. It is not zone-wide, but is stil large.

With that being said, Kerafyrm IS theoretically killable. The only method that can possibly kill Kerafyrm, though, is zerging. Zerging involves gathering many Sk's and Wizards to HT and MB the mob. It is quite impractical on stronger mobs, though it has been used on some weaker ones. Now, seeing as Kerafyrm is completely resistant to every spell that can be resisted, Sk's are useless too, as HT can be resisted. MB, however, is completely irresistable (Both in terms of actual damage and in terms of appeal).

According to my calculations, it would take approximately 643,441 MB Wizards to kill Kerafyrm. I based my calculations on the following facts:

1. MB does 5-8k damage at full mana. Thusly it would do an average of 6.5k damage. All wizards participating should be at full mana.

2. MB criticals about 5% of the time. Criticals do roughly twice the damage of the normal cast. Thusly a critical MB would do approximately 13k damage.

3. Each Wizard MB'd at exactly the same time. That way his regen would not be counted into the calculations.

4. The above stated fact that he has 4,294,967,296 HP's.

My calculations were as follows:

X = The amount of Wizards needed to kill Kerafyrm
(.95 x 6500 x X) + (.05 x 13000 x X) = 4294967296
6175X + 650X = 4294967296
6675X = 4294967296
X = 643441

Now, would the zone crash if there was 643,441 Wizards in it? Of course. Are there 643,441 Wizards with MB on any shard? No way. (Thats even more than the total amount of accounts on Everquest, which is estimated at 440k.) Would all the Wizards get their MB off before his regen occurred? Probably not.

But is it possible? Yes. I never said it was probable though.
RE: The facts
# Oct 09 2002 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
It's now official. Kerafyrm is now unkillable, thanks to the upcoming patch and it's nerf on Manaburn. Why?

Only one MB per minute. That means in the same time that one Wizzy can MB, Kerafyrm has 10 chances to enact his 32k regen. That means 6.5k damage from the Wizzy each minute and 320k regen from Kerafyrm. Put two and two together: it just isn't possible any longer. Maybe if you get enough Wizzies out there to chain-cast Sunstrike or some Lure's, which are also irresistable, but that is an even further fetched idea than gathing 650k MB Wizzies to kill him. I can't even think of the amount it'd take for that.

Well, anyways, Unloved is right, that is how I determined (Or, more correctly, speculated) Kerafyrm's HP. As for your comments Kiler, now it really doesn't matter. The only reason to even attempt has been nerfed, so only idiots will try now. Unless they think they have about 2 million Wizzies up their sleeve... (Shudder)

And thanks for giving my post a good rating. I appreciate it.
RE: The facts
# Sep 27 2002 at 6:52 AM Rating: Default
Erm dude you don´t have a clue about the kerafym. He hits for about 1600-1700 on high AC melee classes. Also he doesn´t truly have a AoE DT, but a zonewide DT´s which means he aggro(for the DT) every single player who is in zone. Also Sleeper RESIST polo´s fury, therefore there is nothing truly known about how to kill him BECAUSE he is not killiable, except if verant did something wrong when they patched the resistance ( will be fun to see sleeper sloweable as seru/emp)
RE: The facts
# Sep 24 2002 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
As far as i know all of your info is indeed correct i think but how did you find out his amount of hp?
RE: The facts
# Sep 27 2002 at 12:04 AM Rating: Excellent
122 posts
2^32 (or roughly 4.2 billion) is the largest unsigned integer value that a standard programming language will support on 32-bit computer architecture. With mob health presumably being saved as "the" standard 4-byte integer value, the author of the post assumes that the Sleeper will have the absolute maxium possible HP... hence, roughly 4.2 billion.
RE: The facts
# Oct 15 2002 at 12:14 AM Rating: Default
sheet dude! wanna do my math homework?
rathe represent
# Sep 17 2002 at 10:08 PM Rating: Default
the guild who is responsible for this pic is on my server (the rathe) and is the most powerful guild there, all lvl 60s and crap loads of ppl too ;) heard they almost killed it once, but i wasn't there so i don't know.
RE: rathe represent
# Oct 23 2002 at 9:46 PM Rating: Decent
As you will notice from the screenshot, when BoTS woke up this cranky little guy, there were 2 of them on top of eachother, notice the 2 necks, 2 heads, 2 sets of wings, someone must have forgot to assist*sigh* LOL, to get them to split up so the 2 seperate Kerafyrm's were visible.
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 17 2002 at 6:21 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) YIKES!!! i soloed this guy with my lvl 60 necro tho i didnt think i could take him till my pet backstabbed him for 5000000000000000000000 then i was like "oh yea" so i looted this robe with 5000000000000 int and 500000000000 if everything and also it dropp ed a whole set of sweet armor for every class so booyah betcha none of yall could take this dude eh?
maybe , not till PoP
# Sep 14 2002 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
Ok this is what i thinks going to hapen u cant kill him Yet but when PoP comes out i think there shouldbe a GM event , stay with me. there will be a monster with a Sword with remarkable power with bane dmg to the sleeper him self and vary good stats like the sword of truth. then who has the wepon gos down probly at lvl 65 so u can kill the sleeper then the sleeper dies yaya every ones happy,OR there might be a string of events to kill the sleeper with every one in the game 60and up . and to think the loot on the sleeper
Well I dont know much about the sleeper so this info may not be good. but i Could happen
RE: maybe , not till PoP
# Sep 24 2002 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
Hmm...well I doubt it. On most servers arrogant guilds have killed the four Warders, shame on them because now it's going to be even harder to get primal stuff, and even if you had the world's greatest sword, Kerafyrm's DT would roast you quick.
Besides, if Kerafyrm did die, the game would probably crash due to an exception error.

Edited, Tue Sep 24 16:45:09 2002
# Sep 14 2002 at 6:06 PM Rating: Good
Status Report:
Name: Kerafyrm
Nick-Name: The Sleeper
Level: 75
HP: Unknown, Suggested in the Hundreds of Thousands

Damage: Highest known hit was 3300+

Rarity: Removed from all servers 8-9 monthes ago, was reinstalled on test server with new models

Status: No known evidence that he has ever been defeated, only unreliable eye-witness accounts.

Conclusion: Kerafyrm has not been defeated, cannot be destroyed with current spells. There is a chance he could be killed with Planes of Power, so far there has been any photo suggesting hes been killed. Altough reports of him that he dispawns if he reachs 20-35% this cannot be confirmed, so nothing can be said for sure till he goes live on all servers or is attacked in the Test Server.
PoP lvl cap vs. Sleeper
# Sep 14 2002 at 3:46 PM Rating: Default
Quote (By VI):

In PoP, the new lvl cap will be lvl 65


I have a good perspective of whats gonna happen:

1. A grp of 5 can take down gods.

2. Vex Thal will become a place to grp and (If high resists and lotsa HP and AC) solo.

3. Kerafyrm will be easier, which means his demise. He'll be only 10 lvls higher than a raid so he must be easier

4. BETTER AA!!! W00t!
# Sep 13 2002 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
Not everything in the game follows the "storyline" laid out by VI. If it did, then answer why Lord Inquisitor Seru is harder than Innoruuk? A human zealot is harder to kill in the game than a god, does that follow the story? The Emporer in the Temple of Ssra falls into the same catagory, so does the THO, and over a dozen mobs in and out of Luclin. Not everything falls into its pretty little place according to game lore, you kinda have to accept that the game is modified around the progression of players, not the progression of the story.
RE: Kerafyrm
# Oct 03 2002 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
Well, something that i'd see as a explanation would be this:

We all is born on a planet, which dosnt have have a god, atleast not as i'm aware of.

Tho, we have entrence's to new planets, which does have a god.

Luclin is not a planet, it's a moon to our(?) planet.

However, the only place that there seem to be dragons, are on our planet. No moon or other planet seem to have dragons, only various creatures.
RE: Kerafyrm
# Sep 20 2002 at 9:12 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Sat Mar 1 20:24:16 2003
the sleeper can and will be killed.
# Sep 12 2002 at 1:15 AM Rating: Decent
Let me get this straight-- I am also trying to follow along with the story of EQ - Now are all of you guys who whine "the sleeper can't be killed" "the sleeper can't be killed" - say that the sleeper is more powerful and omnipotent than most of the gods on the planes that can and have been killed - I don't think so unless Verant is trying to say that the sleeper is a god - or that the sleeper is the most supreme being - even over all of the gods. Which makes no sense because the gods supposedly created life - why - and how - would they or could they create something greater than them?? It makes no sense - unless this Kerafyrm is from another planet or solar system or something -- If you can kill - the supposedly most powerful beings in EQ (the gods) then you sure should be able to kill a dragon - find a brain and use it to think about this point!

The sleeper can and will be killed unless Verant has a twisted view of what the supreme being (s) is /are and how it/ they function.
Verant IS twisted
# Sep 25 2002 at 5:16 PM Rating: Excellent
Of course Verant is twisted. Any anyone trying to draw on EQ Theology is seriously misguided.

The point is, Kera is a hybrid of a fire and ice dragon, conceived under forbidden circumstances. The gods of EQ are not omnipotent or omniscient, they are aspects of the Nameless trying to learn about itself. Beyond that, it's useful to remeber THIS IS A VIDEO GAME.

There could pop up an item tomorrow that will turn Kera into a dessert topping, but I wouldn't count on it.
One more thing
# Sep 11 2002 at 11:32 PM Rating: Default
One more thing before everyone goes to bed, This son of a ***** is unstoppable, dream about it all you want but heres the real deal, who would be so into this GAME! that they would actually organize the biggest raid of known time and kill this guy. Seirously I don't give to ***** if this guy dies or not, I could care less if he actually dropped loot. ITS A ******* GAME PEOPLE get your heads out of your asses and see the ******* world. After this I quit I'm gone goodbye and so long!
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 11 2002 at 11:21 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I think the title says enough BUT DEAR GOD WHAT ON EARTH WOULD WANT YOU TO KILL THIS ENORMOUS ******? This beast is level 75 and I heard he hasn't been killed AND CAN'T BE KILLED, Leave him the **** alone and let him sleep. Jesus Christ JUST LET HIM SLEEP! =)
# Sep 06 2002 at 9:56 PM Rating: Decent
Just re-read my post.. lol. I doubt theres enough wizards on any given server that even have manaburn, to equal the amount needed to take out Kerafyrm... but on a technical level, couldn't it be possible?
RE: Er...
# Sep 07 2002 at 1:19 AM Rating: Decent
Technically yes, physically no =)

i would LOVE to watch this thing go down though, right before the server crashed (this is all speculation, i believe that EQ would register an exception error, but thats my oppinion, who knows) get a screenshot that says Keryfyrm's Corpse OMG the bragging rights on that LOL.
# Sep 06 2002 at 9:55 PM Rating: Decent
technically, with enough wizards, couldnt he just be manaburn'd to death?
# Sep 06 2002 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
Dmitry, that is the most rediculous idea i have ever heard...Not having clerics near the initial fight is insane! Do you think you would be able to muster up that many tanks to just line up for a slaughter order? No way, they would tell you to go ***** yourself...This guy was intended to never be killed....period.
To kill the sleeper...
# Sep 05 2002 at 3:20 PM Rating: Default
30 posts
This will not be an easy task, but here is my perspective of how it could be done.

Step 1) Gather all tanks and buff them supremely.
Step 2) All casters bind as close as possible.
Step 3) Clerics log off near the intended battleground, and log on an alt who can stay in communications with the rest of the group.
Step 4) Casters cast, fighters fight. If a caster dies, re-memorize your spells and get back in there, if a tank dies, contact a "cleric alt" for a rez. Clerics wait for the signals, log back and rez the tanks.
Step 5) Repeat as needed.

I know this beast seems to be too difficult to take down, but there must be a method to the madness. With the proper control, it could be taken out.

If anyone takes him out using my method, please reply here, and let me know. I am hoping to get a few guilds together on my server in the future to test my theory myself, but if someone beats me to it, I would like to know how things turn out.

RE: the sleeper
# Sep 11 2002 at 11:22 PM Rating: Decent
anyone believe this ****?
# Sep 05 2002 at 5:27 PM Rating: Excellent
Nah, just find some way to toss him into his own Plane!
get real
# Sep 04 2002 at 7:47 PM Rating: Decent
okay people, here's the deal. this thing is UBER. it was probably put here by VI to teach the uber guilds on every server a lesson. this thing was not meant to be killed. everyone speculates "OHH it must have some uber loot!!" well in all reality, it probably drops nothing and if you kill it, either it will poof and be lost forever and never spawn again, or it will crash the server and you'll take away from EVERYONE's EQ time. And furthermore, you could never get enought people into ST to kill this thing, the zone would crash. So, heed the warning i give to you "DO NOT ATTEMPT TO KILL THE SLEEPER! YOU WILL DIE!" thank you for your time.
It's working
# Sep 05 2002 at 5:30 PM Rating: Excellent
The Sleeper is doing a great job fulfilling his purpose: to get eveyone all excited and motivated to get stronger and stronger and try new methods to kill him. He's the unclimbable mountain, and gives the lvl 60s something to obsess over.
RE: It's working
# Sep 28 2002 at 12:09 AM Rating: Excellent
This guy has it, the sleeper is just a gimmic to keep the game alive. Everyone believes if i get stronger then i can beat it. It wont die until the level cap is above 75.

lv 60 poopie
dark poopie of the toilets
# Aug 31 2002 at 10:09 PM Rating: Default
Get about 1000 lvl 60 Warriors on, along with abunch of shammys, pump em up with avatar, give the warriors primal velium, (somehow) and have fun.
RE: Primal
# Sep 04 2002 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
yes it would be fun, until the zone crashes from having 1000 people in it LOL
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