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Lvl 68 Bard and Healer Merc
# Apr 01 2023 at 2:04 AM Rating: Decent
10 posts
I was able to kill this guy with my 68 Bard and Healer Merc, although I was pretty nervous about it given it said you would need an army to defeat it and it was yellow to me. In the end it wasn't dangerous at all, it just had a lot of hit points and a fear, plus you couldn't seem to land any debuffs on it. It did run, but I had cleared the rats out before so there were no ads.
Zlandicar fear
# Oct 16 2017 at 6:51 PM Rating: Good
1,312 posts
correction - Zlandicar is casting Dragon Roar, not Dragon Fear.

Zlandicar begins to cast a spell. <Greater Immobilize>
Zlandicar begins to cast a spell. <Grip of Mori>
Zlandicar begins to cast a spell. <Dragon Roar>
Zlandicar begins to cast a spell. <Putrefy Flesh>
Zlandicar begins to cast a spell. <Rotting Flesh>
Zlandicar begins to cast a spell. <Insidious Retrogression>
Zlandicar begins to cast a spell. <Pyrocruor>
post patch spawn
# Oct 29 2016 at 3:26 PM Rating: Good
1,076 posts
I was lucky enough to kill this mob several hours before a patch hit. After the patch, I was checking several times and finally zlandi popped sometime between 2 days 15 hours and 2 days 17 hours after patch. which was dead on 3 days 10 - 12 hours since last kill. I think zlandicars spawn timer is not reset by a patch
post patch spawn
# Jun 18 2020 at 4:57 AM Rating: Excellent
1,076 posts
today I got Zlandicar 15 hours post patch. I had previously killed it 15 hours pre patch. Seems to me now the patch did reset spawn timer.
spawn timer
# Nov 23 2013 at 7:29 PM Rating: Excellent
1,076 posts
Killed Zlandicar on 11/20/2013 at 5:58 am. on 11/23 I checked and rechecked and checked again and again. by 5:30 pm I figured it would have to spawn soon and just stayed there. by 630 I figured it had to be within a few minutes - but still no. after 7 pm I figured I must have missed it. so went afk. came back an hour later and still not up. sat there talking to guildies and he spawned at 819 pm. that's 3 days 14 hours 21 minutes - or 86 hours 21 minutes.

Edit. happened again. [Wed Dec 25 03:22:14 2013] You have slain Zlandicar! and then [Sat Dec 28 17:45:24 2013] You have slain Zlandicar! and that's 3 days 14 hours 22 minutes spawn timer. I was sitting there waiting and zlandicar spawned for me. sometimes it can be a long long spawn timer.

Edited, Dec 28th 2013 5:51pm by Shuraz
spawn timer
# Sep 12 2016 at 8:58 PM Rating: Excellent
1,076 posts
on 9/9 killed zlandi at 4:25:11 by 9/12 I was there till 19:43:46. but 3 hours later zlandi was up. so it was at least 3 days 15 hours 18 minutes 32 seconds
spawn timer
# Sep 13 2016 at 5:48 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Shuraz wrote:
Killed Zlandicar on 11/20/2013 at 5:58 am. on 11/23 I checked and rechecked and checked again and again. by 5:30 pm I figured it would have to spawn soon and just stayed there. by 630 I figured it had to be within a few minutes - but still no. after 7 pm I figured I must have missed it. so went afk. came back an hour later and still not up. sat there talking to guildies and he spawned at 819 pm. that's 3 days 14 hours 21 minutes - or 86 hours 21 minutes.

Edit. happened again. [Wed Dec 25 03:22:14 2013] You have slain Zlandicar! and then [Sat Dec 28 17:45:24 2013] You have slain Zlandicar! and that's 3 days 14 hours 22 minutes spawn timer. I was sitting there waiting and zlandicar spawned for me. sometimes it can be a long long spawn timer.

Edited, Dec 28th 2013 5:51pm by Shuraz

Shuraz wrote:
on 9/9 killed zlandi at 4:25:11 by 9/12 I was there till 19:43:46. but 3 hours later zlandi was up. so it was at least 3 days 15 hours 18 minutes 32 seconds

Updated, thanks.
Spawn time is 3 days+ 1-12 hrs
# Jun 06 2012 at 12:47 AM Rating: Decent
236 posts
As far as the 84 hour spawn time (aforementioned) goes, I can confirm that is slightly inaccurate, or as of 2012 it is, as I have killed Zland 6 times in a row over the last 18 days, gotten 6 CoM's (2 on same kill 2nd time), Z's talisman/ heart every kill, Frak's talisman every other kill, Claws 2 times, various spells every time/ black marble..and not one time in 6 consecutive kills did I see the Massive Dragonclaw Shard. Every time he respawned it was right at 72-4 hrs (3 days + 1-2 hrs)..soooo if somebody says it was an 84 respawn time..they must've gotten unlucky or gotten there after mob had already spawned perhaps?. Btw I am an 82 ranger with 3k+ aa's..takes me all of about 90 seconds to annihilate him. ***Confirmed again tonight.he popped right at 74 hrs on the nose (11/22/12) on my second kill in 74 hrs. I don't miss the days of camping mobs for hours and days..they were such a waste in the end lol.

Edited, Nov 22nd 2012 2:16am by ThefirstFeid
talk about mudflation...
# Jul 01 2009 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Solo'd in less than 2 minutes. And DPS ain't exactly my game.
more loots
# Feb 15 2009 at 7:13 AM Rating: Good
23 posts
he also dropped

-jaundice gem

-black marble

-gold etched reinforced rod

-elaborate defiant plate gauntlets

-elaborate binding powder

hehe i officially soloed him as a 66magician (400AA), i couldnot land my malosinia but i had only partial resists on spells (bolt of jerikor), so i kept mana and AA to finish him and let pet do his work (pet is my 66ish air pet, focused and full buffed) took me about 10minutes to kill him, i used servant of ro, frenzied burnout and host of the elements AA's to finish him for the last 8% when he decided to run, killed him before he get to chetaris...

was not so hard, exp good (he is red to me) and loot still amazing hehe i got my Cowl of mortality for lil war =)pp

taraskh 66mag(400AA) the rathe

Edited, Feb 15th 2009 4:13pm by davisamu
# Apr 19 2007 at 9:00 PM Rating: Decent
hey thanks for the boat of confindance yaldin
# Feb 08 2007 at 4:11 PM Rating: Default
Solo'd him as a 75 wizard.
# Dec 10 2006 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent
Could a 70 Mage solo him ?
# Jan 03 2007 at 5:21 AM Rating: Decent
530 posts
Depends on gear, AAs, and personal skill, I'm sure.

An eBay purchased, self geared, 0 AA mage, probably not.

An 8 year, Demiplane geared, 600 AA mage, almost certainly.

I'm neither, and not going to try, but the only way to find out for sure is to give it a shot. What have you got to lose? Maybe 4% of the death exp penalty and a couple hours.
Jiriki Sa`Onserei, 120/67k AA Wood Elf Ranger
Anadriel Starfire, 120/46k AA High Elf Mage
3.5 day spawn plus random...
# Nov 22 2006 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
298 posts
Just killed zlandicar on BB, 3.5 days (actually 92 hours) after seeing a wizzy nuke the heck out of him previously, I can confirm that he respawns 3.5 days after he is killed. There is one hiccup to this tho, to prevent campers from getting him every time, during the 3.5 days, he will NOT spawn, after that he MIGHT spawn due to a random time added. Bacially it's this.

Zlandicar killed...timer started upon looted corpse.
Zlandicar will NOT spawn for the next 84 hours.
84 hour timer ends, random timer begins, zlandicar may spawn at anytime.

Good idea by SoE, if it was set only to every 84 hours campers would have him every time and I would never get my ST key and CoM. But for those that say it's a week timer, it could have taken another 4 days for the random timer to expire. I know for a fact that it was 92 hours between when the wizzy killed him and when I killed him next.

Edit: Next kill was 10 days later. It is possible that he spawned during that time and I missed him tho.

Edited, Nov 29th 2006 2:34am by shadowsedge
I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you thought you heard was not what I meant.
# Nov 06 2006 at 9:54 PM Rating: Decent
just solo'd him (level 71 Qvic geared ranger)

dropped spells, heart, and talisman
# Oct 29 2006 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
where does he pop in DN, and does he have to be spawned?
RE: Zland
# Oct 29 2006 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
1,087 posts

round room at the end of the tunnel on the south of map.

1 week respawn, no trigger.

Pain Mistress Okami L`Assundre of Tarew Marr
Dark Elf Shadow Knight
Drinal (Tarew)
Retired after 500 days /played
Retired again
# Apr 18 2006 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
Soloed, 70 Cleric, go ward of retribution!

Bringus Rukkus
# Jul 27 2006 at 3:56 AM Rating: Decent
I just tryd soloing this guy ward did not land once on him. How did you get it to land? At about 4% health he started to run...tryed hitting him with my clicky snare neck and didnt land..so I chased him down and got killed by like 10 rat adds..when I get killed Zlandi was at 0% =/
easy solo
# Feb 25 2006 at 5:34 AM Rating: Decent
Zlandicar soloed. 70 ranger 649 AA. Anguish, Tacvi and DoN gear. It wasn't hard at all... the fight took maybe 3-5 min.

Edited, Sat Feb 25 04:43:01 2006
# Oct 10 2005 at 4:45 AM Rating: Decent
70 mag (67 pet) and 69 druid. Mage tank ftw.
# Oct 03 2005 at 5:40 PM Rating: Decent
Respawn on this guy?
RE: respawn?
# Nov 19 2005 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
I would apperciate any information too. Uber farmers seem to be getting him on Nameless before I can get Fradakar's talisman for my guildmates.
RE: respawn?
# Jan 02 2006 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
stupid people on nameless ;)

oh wait i am on nameless
Frakadar's Talisman drop rate?
# Aug 18 2005 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Does anyone know if Frakadar's Talisman drops every time? I'd like it for the VP quest, but there are limits. Having to schlep to DN over and over on the off chance that Zlandi might be up, so that I can beg some people to come help me kill him, on the off chance that he MIGHT drop Frakadar's Talisman doesn't hold much appeal.
RE: Frakadar's Talisman drop rate?
# Aug 18 2005 at 11:27 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Well, I killed him earlier today. 70 Ranger, Shaman, Necro and Warrior was definitely overkill. He dropped the Frakadar Talisman, his own talisman and heart, 2 cowls of mortality, and several spells. A pretty good haul for a 10 minute fight.
# Aug 16 2005 at 7:36 PM Rating: Decent
Duo'ed with a 70 beast and 70 wizard. Way too easy..
# Jul 13 2005 at 7:35 AM Rating: Decent
duoed 70 war and me didn,t boder to slow after 7 tries with all slows war was 10.1 unbuffed
Zlandi death easy
# May 17 2005 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
Very easy guy, did with warrior, rogue, cleric and shammy. Cleric sicced pet and healed and cured, shammy and pet did dps along with rogue and warrior held aggro.

SUPER easy.

Shame it takes him 3 days to pop again.
He's a joke.
# Apr 20 2005 at 5:50 AM Rating: Good
HP: 100,000 Even.
Hits: Double-to-Quad Max 314. (Usually Single/Double)
Procs Often enough to give him a 40/45-ish Delay.
Procs: Easily resistable with 180+.
Takes about 12mins to kill with 150dps.
Rampages / Summons.

I'm a pro baby girl, I spit game to perfection.

Edited, Wed Apr 20 06:51:58 2005
# Feb 15 2005 at 7:27 PM Rating: Default
killed him rigth before OoW went life with warrior, shaman, necro and 2 druids - all barely with VT gear - shaman died instantly - casted slow right away to prevent warrior takign too much dmg (no cleric buffs), after that took us about 3 min to finish him up
this guy is a puss
# Jan 16 2005 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
duoed yesterday shammy and war just getting there sucks 100k hp 315 is max hit in the start he casted allot and got slow off couple of times BotN (new god slow) after malos etc just sick pet on him and let tank resisted all with not that uber resists 300,s
Info is off
# Dec 07 2004 at 8:16 AM Rating: Good
67 posts
Zlandicar has exactly 100k hps.
Max hit was 315 with only 1% shielding on items.
He can triple and quad hit, not only double hit as someone had mentioned in a prior post.
He rampages fairly often.

In addition, he AEs a mixture of Rotting Flesh, Putrefy Flesh, and Dragon Roar (fear).
Zlandicar also occassionally casts necromancer spells such as pyrocruor, devouring darkness, and insidious retrogression.

Zlandicar procs Stun Breath almost every round, which is a 12sec Stun and 900dd.
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