Soloed this guy easy. Just turned 52 with my necro. Dropped the Shaman spell: Talisman of the Rhino. Just figured i would let ya know since it isn't listed.
Killed this Wurm and surprisingly it dropped the Druid spell: Girdle of Karana. I spent time in Seb killing Juggs for that spell, only to see it drop where it wasn't expected. Oh well, keep your chins up may just drop for you.
I just killed him today! Not to hard for me i had 55% mana left and used the elder arms as well! it dropped Exile Undead lvl 56 cleric amd 57 nec spell, also dropped Circle of winter druid spell lvl 51 spell, and 7 plats....
this has gotta be one of the slowest mobs i've ever seen. when pulling i had to stop all the time just so it could catch me up. tends to forget about you and wander away if you run to far from it. was very easy kill too.
Soloed this guy today as a 55 wizzie. He was by far easier than a mature wurm. I didn't even have to do the root and med routine I must use on the Mature wurms.
one night i was in a full group and we decided to pull the wurm spirit, pulled him in, kill him and he dropped the 56 chanter spell augment and the 57 chanter spell umbra, along with the monk epic book of immortals
killed a bunch of these drops spells more often then other mobs from what i have seen and last night this baby dropped 2 spells one was a nice druid spell fist of karana the other a lower level shammy spell already had like 3 copies so i didnt need that much /sigh tired of giving away shammy spells mage spells need to drop more =)
LOL, ur one of those guys that got picked on a lot in school huh.....its a post about drops from the mob and its fine, ur the damn idiot. and what the hell r u talkin about someone being obsessed with "the male sex organ" ur the dumbass that mentioned it not him. Dumbasses like u **** me off
Profanity and talk like this merely demonstrates ones lack of mental ability, education and originality. Ignorance is a sad, sad thing in todays day and age. We all have a chance at education but yet the ones who choose not to educate have a hard time not demonstrating their ignorance in public. I would like to say you have my sympathy but as I have stated you have no excuse for your actions except for maybe laziness. Go back to school and learn how to speak in public without being discusting.
Ummm, excuse me, but what are u smoking ? I dont see any profanity at all. In fact his post informed us off some spells that dropped and thats what i want to read, not some idiot like yourself knocking what someone says or how they say it =P
Killed the Wurm Spirit tonight and got a book called Immortals. Just relates a tale, not sure about what does not make alot of sense.
The book is lore no drop all all with no stats. Anyone know anything about it? Have searched the net all over and cannot find anything that relates to it. Possible new quest item?
It is what starts tohe Monk epic quest. In the Erudin Library you give it to some guy who says that he wants you to show it to some old geezer in Timorous Deep. Then you gotta do all these other quests that make you camp 7 day spawns and whatever. Then it goes on and on and on and on and on and on untill you have to kill some guy in LOIO tha tis level 62 and has an AE that kills anyone under level 40.
its for the Monks epic item, I helped a friend get one....or rather saved him from a wandering wurm and it dropped for him, he though being level 55 meant he could solo in skyfire. hah, whats he think he is? a necro?