I have tried nearly every time Im in SF to get together a group to kill this guy but to no avail. I think alot of level 50+ people when they see a red con mob automatically think or the words "raid" or "corpse recovery". Am I wrong in thinking a 5-6 man group of 55+ cant take him out? He's not a Luclin mob or anything, and probably one of the weakest level 59-60 mobs in the entire game. It just gets to me when I walk into Skyfire and do a zone check and see a 60 epic cleric, 2 55 monks, a 56 druid and me and this guy is roaming near the druid pad kinda ******** up all our pulls and no one responds to me when I ask if they want to group up for 10 min to take him out. When I hit 60 and get all my spells ( a prety long time from now at current prices and drop rates ), I will try to SOLO him if I see him up. Worst that can happen is I die, cant get any rez ( unlikely since SF is so close to so many other zones that hugh level clerics are in ), and spend 15-20 minutes medding and rebuffing. If anyone on Luclin server wants to take a shot at him I think as few as 3 level 55 could do it if the right classes.
Note that this is one of the only "common" spawn mobs in the game that drops certain spells level 58+.
Ok , as an aside, what gives with this guy dropping mages level 60 MALA but not level 60 shaman MALO ??? I know ours is a bit better but its ridiculous that MALA is as cheap as 150pp in the bazaar and 10+ copies are always for sale, but MALO IF it's for sale is 60kpp??? That doesnt sound very balanced to me. I'd like to think that MALOSINI is a misprint in the loot table, but Im sure if he dropped MALO he would be camped constantly as there are very few mobs outside of Old Sebillis that drop this spell.
Guess Ill have to head to Old Sebillis if I want to find people willing to take a chance once in a while. :(
55 Ogre Luminary on Luclin Server--Chaotic Winds--Baron Aggrok