Squire Thomas Olson  

a rare creature

Uploaded September 19th, 2014 by Railus

This named has a chance to spawn after you complete the fourth step in the heroic adventure "The Descending Tower" (if the named doesn't spawn, a PH will).

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2013-10-16 14:07:46.

Level: 104
Expansion: Call of the Forsaken
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# Nov 01 2024 at 9:02 PM Rating: Good
78 posts
i dont have hard numbers but he had significantly more hp then the captains or the forman you can get in steps of this HA. at least 5 times as much hp. with no visible buffs on him 2 level 100 mage pets on him for 20+ seconds and he stayed at 100%. 200k+ nukes barely registered as a few percent. none of the nukes or pet melee gave messages that would suggest he had some kind of hidden rune or mitigation buff on. everything was reporting as full damage. fiight lasted 7 minutes with 2 100 mages and a 90 druid going all out.

the push was annoying but i didnt see any damage spikes from him. just a mountain of hp
# Nov 02 2017 at 11:03 PM Rating: Good
138 posts
He also FDs the tank. He uses Deathstrike as a proc, so it doesn't show up as a spellcast in game or in parser. I had to compare the spell landing emote to the spells text file to figure out what he was using. Jerk.
# Oct 28 2013 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
no adds on this guy but he has a "whirlwind" proc that pushes everyone back. Can direct it some (simply forces you backwards) and managed to pull him into one of the scaffolding corners to limit this, but it plays merry h377 on the mercs. Casters can avoid the effect being at max cast range.
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