Fellspine has no specific spot that he spawns. Any of the swordfishes/seahorses are his placeholders. The thing that i have found the most efficient is: 1. Zone into Siren's Grotto via Cobalt Scar 2. Kill the first mob you see and the manatee that spawns just outisde the little hallway (he is indifferent unless you get within range of him and you have agro) 3. Then drop into the water and kill all the seahorses and swordfishes you see in that area
If you do that eventually Fellsoine will pop unless he is already up somewhere else in the zone.
Hope this has helped and I hope you all have happy hunting :)
Once you zone in from Cobalt Scar you will find yourself on a ledge with a large ugly bear-like creature and another manatee or something like it further in. Best thing you can do it fight your way through as invis is unreliable in this zone and the pathing sucks. Drop down into the water and turn right. Hug the right wall until you get into the next room. There will be a tower in the middle of the room that you can go into - do not go into it. Instead, along that same wall you were hugging, there is a tunnel that goes down, deeper into the water - follow it and hug its left wall. Fellspine spawns in a room at loc -871, -150, -169 with another seahorse. Above are some heairy bear-like beasts on a ledge.
Killed today and got the crappy mask and some other junk. Wasn't anything hard to a 72 nec.
hey, i just killed this guy just a sec ago and he dropped both the seahorse spine bracelet AND the haste belt. i looted the bracelet first and it wouldnt let me loot the belt. i dropped the bracelet on the ground and then it let me loot the belt, but when i go to pick up the bracelet it dissappears!
any else have this happen to them? and no, i didnt have either items sitting in my bank =0)
Yeah, if you have an EB item, and can suffer through the hour or two of swimming, laggy mobs, and horrible pathing, you might just score yourself a twink treasure.
The Spiked Seahorse Hide Belt was once sought after by many. It offers a quick little 34% haste item, that almost anyone can use. It also fetches a somewhat decent price, even today, in 08.
You can expect to sell this item for anywhere from 18-25k depending on your server, and he's amazingly easy to kill.
If your visiting the deeps, give him a knock, he spawns almost anywhere theres a seahorse of fish, at least 5 known PH spots. You might get lucky !
Killed him while passing through two-boxing a 61 druid and 63 warrior. Had a guaranteed two-pull on him, but just charmed the coldspine add. He went down fast after that. His Rampage is trivial and dps is not impressive to a 6k/1.4ac war. Tricky parts are: underwater fight (casting issues), none of the sea-creatures are snarable/rootable, he summons, and high MR zone-wide (even dwood tashed).
The Placeholder for Fellspine is "a swordfish" and "a coldspine seahorse".
I've dropped this guy 10 times, 5 of which was solo as my group slowly gave up, I was using my 64 magician.
He can spawn in any location in zone, and he did, sometimes wandering, sometimes in static locations. I suggest killing a few mobs, and wait, eventually he will spawn in place. If you just zoned in, you'll have to find him, he could be anywhere.
Came here with a sub-group (druid, enc, warrior, sham) to pick up the swordfish tooth for the 7th shawl. Zoned in from CS, killed the two walruses and jumped in the water just at the zone in.
Fellspine was on track - he was wandering just in the room to the east of where you drop into the water. He dropped the Belt and an Ancient Fishing Pole.
Killed for a little while longer, and he popped again on the first respawn of one of the static spawns just inside the same room to the east. Dropped the Belt again, Bracelet, a spell and another Fishing Pole.
The spot is reasonably safe, with one wanderering seahorse who comes from the North. We never had more than two in camp at once. Got two teeth in about half an hour as well as a couple of netted kelp pieces.
As mentioned below, Fellspine Rampages (although so infrequently it didn't affect anything) and Summons.
Edit: Well at first I thought it was luck, but now I think it is just normal. Took a liking to the zone, so I've spent a few hours here now. Killed Fellspine 8 times now and looted 6 belts, one breastplate, and one stupid mask. My bank manager and my alts are pleased :)
Just a bit of info for those trying to take him on:
I've been trying to get a couple of belts for my main melees for awhile now, and have spent a little time trying to get him. I duo-box a Beastlord and a Mage, both at 62 right now. I've found it possible, but very difficult in this zone, largely due to wandering adds. My biggest problem is keeping heals going during combat because of melee rate. I added a 62 Monk friend of mine to the mix and it got a bit easier, though not a piece of cake by any means. The addition of a healer class to the pair, or the trio makes this entire endeavour a piece of cake. We had a lvl 54 cleric bot of a friend along one day, and we were taking down 2-3 mobs at a time on most pulls just because it was more efficient that way, and we had no problems at all.
little strat on him, he does rampage, but only did it twice during my fight. fight lasted maybe 40 seconds. as a 65 mage EP geared, i was able to down him fast, he seemed to go down just like all the other ones, nothing much harder about him. i started to kill around zone in, to get him to spawn. after 2 hours he did and i killed him, got belt, sold the next day for 36.7K on Karana. camped him a little more 4 or so hours more, no show, so i loged. came back a few days later killed for 3 hours and he finaly spawned, in a differnt place then before, but yet still close to zone in. he we down very fast. droped brestplate. that sells for 6 or 7K on Karana. very easy mob. can be soloed by a lot of classes. i'v also found out, soloing dark blue mobs while watching Tomb raider (mmmm, boobs) is not smart. i would just say kill all the mobs in water around zone in as you can. he'll spawn and go kill him, first time i killed him there was an add. i got kinda scared and use'd all my uber mage goodies. major over kill, died before HOTE left. not sure if he summons, i know if you damage a fish in water and jump out, he wont summon you back in. he'll just insta regen to full HPs and keep swimming. its like FD, a few mini named spawn around there, that i killed without even noticing they were named till loot droped. some pants and earing a few other things.
I've never been to Siren's Grotto before, but I'm interested in this belt. I don't want to haul any friends down there until I know what I'm getting into, so my question is, does anything in this zone see through a rogue's hide & sneak (not considering Shroud of Stealth)?
I'm not sure, but all swordfish and sea horses I've come upon see invis vs animals and regular invis. The sirens don't see invis except for Mistress of the Darkwater and Mistress Latazura and High Priestess Sercema. In fact, I'm pretty sure the only things that do see invis in the zone are the sea horses and swordfish in the water. As for hide, sorry, I can't help you there. Fellspine isn't terribly hard, he does rampage and most all nameds hit for 200-350 (High Priestess and Mistress Latazura hit for 400 max whereas Mistress of the Darkwater hits for atleast 600). When I fought him he dropped the belt, a spell, and a seahorse hide bracelet. Druid and Monk, if you know the zone well enough you can pretty much avoid swimming around in the water. He hit for probably 280 max, I can't remember, but it was 200 something :P
Also, I've killed him 3 times and he's had the belt and a seahorse spine bracelet every time
I went to sirens grotto today only my second time to this zone - I get there and a few people are fighting Fellspine at entrance and they told me they got the belt to drop. I came here to solo and see if I can kill some names and I went left and down the waterfall and then took a right and went down another waterfall and in the water just around the corner I see fellspine...This is just about 15 minutes after the other people killed him - Fellspine I pulled and got singely and he was so easy - killed him like I kill the fish that I fight. Dropped the Belt for me as well. If this is how easy Fellspine can spawn and 2 of them can be up at one time I'm definitely coming here alot. Make sure to bring Vial of Swirling Smoke with you cause you can get in trouble.
Quick info on SG and Fellspine. He may NEVER pop for you and if he does he may NEVER drop the belt. You could get lucky.
Since the revamp tho if you are fighting in the water and you have to get out to save your life, your water mob will regen to full health instantly unless you have a pet still in there with it.
I duo in SG all the time now, decent AA exp for 63 BST/62 DRU. Seen many a lvl 65 jump on in and die right in front of me and then train me out of the pool because of their ignorance. These mobs hit FAST they have a decent agro range and odds are you won't just get one if you don't have a plan of attack. Most who die in this zone die from the adds. Just an FYI.
Would be very hard, had 65 Bard in my guild try just a normal Seahorse kiting. Bard has 110 AA's. Just get too many adds when kiting inthere and very limited space. Charm killing might be an option so long as you have something else to charm after that one dies. Mob is fairly easy, but like I said earlier its a space issue. He also mitigates slow, so tanking is out of the question. He cannot hit you out of water though so pull him to the first pool in the zone from CS, and give it a try after killing the first 2 entrance mobs. If it doesnt work just hop out and try a new tactic :). Remember though, Massive, Giant, Enthralled all spawn at or near the entrance and they all summon so be careful.
soloed him 3 differents times the past week and a half while helping a friend gather stuff for his shawl, each time i ended up at 50 or 60% health, used a locustlure to slow him,snare proc was always resisted when i used the dart off mith marr, dropped the belt twice, BP once and some other crap i left on the body.Its safe to say that if a rogue can straight up tank him with 7500 hps a bard should be able too do him no problem
I Was here all of an hour... i cleared first mob near zone in think there 8 of them then sat down waited for them to repop ... he poped at stationary mob by zone i medded to full.. let me say he was cake was at 80m when he dropped.. guess im a lucky SoB my guildies said they where there forever and he never dropped it.. oh well my ranger is happy now )
What is this guys spawn time. A 65 Druid and myself (62 Warrior) Took him out with no problem. He was right at the zone in from Cobalt Scar in the water. After we killed him (dropped the mask), we waited for several hours and kept killing the mob that spawned in his place there. Does he spawn anyplace else in zone? What is his spawn time? Help would be much appreciated.
He can spawn anywhere seahorses can spawn. Roamer or stationary mob, doesnt matter. If a swordfish spawns where a seahorse spawned earlier, that's a place holder for Fellspine too. He does not have a separate spawn time from regular mobs.
Sep 17 2003 I downed him. He was visible from the Cscar zone area over where the land drops into the water. I pulled an add and still had mana at end of fight with a 65 shammy and 63 bst. pet tanked one I tanked Fellspine. He was hitting for 210ish max and has a decient bit of HP. was there for about 30-45 mins I cleared the first set of mobs I could see and he spawned. Neither of my chars are EXTREMELY high end but they are deciently equipped. I could see him solo'd by a 65 shammy with pet but it would be a LONG fight. Dropped the belt and the same ink/scales that the other seahorses drop. All in all wasnt too hard.