

Uploaded October 12th, 2019 by Drewinette

  • This mob spawns at +3797, +985 by the lake, front of the hut that Axe Broadsmith stands in.
  • Spawn Time: roughly 6 hours
  • Findable (via Ctrl-F): No

You say, 'Hail, Hadden'

Hadden says, 'Hello there, traveler. I hope you weren't planning on doing any fishing here. They don't seem to be biting much lately. What few fish I do happen to catch, I usually sell to my merchant friends in Qeynos. It ain't much, but it's a living.'

Categories: EverQuest | Templatized
This page last modified 2019-10-12 15:40:16.

Level: 28
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-10-12 07:37:56

Known Habitats:
  Qeynos Hills
Factions Increased:
  Circle of Unseen Hands +2
Factions Decreased:
  Guards of Qeynos -2
  Coalition of Tradefolk -1
  Antonius Bayle -1
  Merchants of Qeynos -10

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Barf it up boy!!
# May 10 2004 at 9:51 PM Rating: Decent
316 posts
I don't want to take the faction hit for this guy's death, so I am going to see if I can use a handy-dandy regurgitronic on him.

If the above means nothing to you, I suggest you do an item search on the regurgitronic :-)
*Insert snazzy catchphrase here*
RE: Barf it up boy!!
# Aug 14 2004 at 6:50 AM Rating: Decent
514 posts
Regurgitonic - it's a drink, not a gizmo.
And he's not a dog, so I doubt you could force feed him some vile swill.

Going to look him up again.... /bonk Hadden
~ Muse Temperance the Elf
~ Lyricist of <Mystic Coercion> on Erollisi Marr
~ with a <Variety> of alts to keep me busy
RE: Barf it up boy!!
# Jun 17 2004 at 5:30 PM Rating: Default
I did a search, nothing.
Nothing like the good old days
# Apr 15 2004 at 1:59 AM Rating: Decent
I remember back in the day-hay this guy was never around and i always wanted that fisshy earring :D I miss the old days... /cry
How hard is he?
# Mar 10 2004 at 7:52 AM Rating: Default
Can anybody tell me what he hits and aprox. health?I want to kill him with my 36 bst(not great,polished ulaks,id get temp,) so i can get a jumpstart on my guilds bank

Morshasis Firstobliviator(leader of Obliviation)

my magelo profile

Zanol Tigergod
lvl 36 Bst
How hard is he?
# Jul 17 2007 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
My 47 ikky monk finishes him off in about 40 seconds and Hadden tries to run away from him at 20%. My friend, a human monk says he doesn't run from him. Hadden hits between 3 hp to 56 hp per random hit. He wasn't very good at it, but I've seen 35ish druids run from him if they weren't prepared to dot/nuke him. Hope that helps.
How hard is he?
# Aug 27 2006 at 1:27 AM Rating: Default
a 35 rogue can't solo him, but a 41 can, lol. his spawn is atleast 110 minutes, seen it that quick-to at least 6 hours, camped him that long. I get about a 90% kill steal on him. /report and ?petition and nothing/ I have actually looted him 3 times and got nothing, not even his fishing pole. Coins.
RE: How hard is he?
# Mar 24 2004 at 7:18 PM Rating: Default
44 posts
Hadden hits in the teens and 20's. Not bad for a guy armed witha fishing pole. I have tanked him a few times before switching to nuking him with my druid alt. Be aware that he has an awesome regen rate.

Other things to conider as posted elsewhere in this board are Rephas and Axe will add the closer you are to Hadden's level. I have had to nearly kill a few PC's who got charmed by Rephas and attacked me.

Finally something that came up for the first time for me recently is KSing. Get oyu damage in early and fast. I used to root and dot Hadden with my druid. Twice lately I landed my root taking first damage and had just landed my first dot when Hadden was KS'd by higher level chars. Check the area while camping and if you see higher level chars call the camp. I have now shifted tactics to nuking trying to get that first 51% as quickly as possible.

Edited, Wed Mar 24 19:17:36 2004
Voidrakr Smartinoff
Paladin of Marr
#REDACTED, Posted: Jan 28 2004 at 9:58 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i was on my way though when i hit track and bam there he was to i ran over looked empty one nuke for 1024 and hes down. walk up and WOO HOO earring and some page and a fishing pole. from now on im loging out at his camp never know loging might just make me another 2-3k.
# Jan 05 2004 at 3:49 PM Rating: Default
Going to hunt him 2night to get FBE! mabey I will be luck and get it the first time!
# Dec 29 2003 at 9:31 AM Rating: Good
258 posts
Rephas was blue to my lvl 35 druid and he did come assist hadden when I took him on. Probably nothing a lull/harmony wouldn't cure though.

Tried again at lvl 38 with my druid. I was right. Harmony solved the assist problem.

Edited, Sat Jan 3 21:43:10 2004
Could l Kill Him?
# Nov 15 2003 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
Could 41 war with razor-edged shan tok and defender's lightblade kill him with no help? If I need help how much?
RE: Could l Kill Him?
# Nov 21 2003 at 12:02 AM Rating: Decent
Easily :)
lucky me!
# Nov 07 2003 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
I've been checking out the Hadden spawn for a little under a week now. It's frequently camped, and I hadn't seen him up at all. Last night I had a little free time, so I ran on over to QHills at about 6:30pm EST. After an hour of sitting around, you know, checking my e-mail and stuff, Hadden popped! I killed him, only to find no loot.
After reading posts here, I saw he's got a 5:20-5:40 spawn timer, so I went out for the evening. Came home around 12:30am, logged in, no one camping... so I sat there. At about 1:15am EST he popped again, killed him, VOILA! Fishbone Earring! After reading some of the stories about sitting there for hours and hours, i'm really lucky that i spent basically 2 hours in QHills and got the earring.
Fishbone Earring
# Oct 21 2003 at 8:23 PM Rating: Excellent
Been lookin for this guy on/off for a few days now. I don't want "a few" of these, I just want one, for me, thats it! Finally got the camp empty, so its been 2hrs & i'm still here. Hope I get one. With my luck someone who has the spawn timed will pop up when I go to the bathroom or something, kill him with one blow & be done with it.

OMG!! Well, what do ya know! After waiting for 4.5 hours, Bam! He popped, I noticed he was checking me out so, I walked over and flirted with him a bit, as I was told to do by a guildie (for luck). So, when I had him dazzled & confused, I kicked his big barbie behind & he gave me the earring!

Edited, Wed Oct 22 00:04:03 2003
Rephas is his friend :-\
# Oct 21 2003 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
I killed Haggen for the 3rd time last night. The first time I killed him he dropped the fishbone. I had to kill both Haggen and Rephas, which, I have to say, is not as easy as most would think.
I traded the fishbone for some other stuff from a friend.
The second time, Haggen did NOT drop the fishbone, but also, Rephas was NOT up when Haggen popped (I killed him to prevent another owning). I was quiet pissed with the no earring.
The 3rd time, I let Raphes survive the 5 hours I waited on Haggen, when he popped, I had to kill both Rephas and Haggen again. Tuff tag team there :P Sure enough, he dropped the fishbone this time.
Just my observations, but it seems when Rephas is up when Haggen spawns, he has the FBE.

Moshesmo Holly'Bri
41 Beastlord
Fennin Ro server
RE: Rephas is his friend :-\
# Dec 28 2003 at 1:16 PM Rating: Default
Tis unture that if Rephas is up Hadden will have FBE. Killed him 2 weeks ago and Rephas was up. ( charmed me a few times too, which made me madd )
RE: Rephas is his friend :-\
# Apr 04 2004 at 8:21 AM Rating: Default

Edited, Sun Apr 4 09:23:24 2004
RE: Rephas is his friend :-\
# Dec 03 2003 at 1:59 PM Rating: Excellent
Who's Haggen? Is he related to that barbarian that drops the FBE? =P
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 10 2003 at 12:16 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) C'mon, Californians didn't have alot of choice. **** Star, Gary Coleman, Arianna, Arnold. Lol, not only is the rest of the world laughing at us, the rest of the country is laughing at California.
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 17 2003 at 10:40 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) From what i know (and im from Australia, so we didnt realy get alot of news on it) but they where the only people running that where under the spot light.. There was alot of other backrunners that no1 even looked at that would of made very good gouvoners, btw stuff you california i wanted to see T4!!!;)
# Oct 08 2003 at 11:32 PM Rating: Default
haha, i love that new thought of the day "is it just me or did California just replace fippy darkpaw with hadden the barbarian?"
being a Californian, i don't want to live under the control of a treacherous and clumsy a**hole like governor davis, altho i dunno if arnold is much better. going from the evil genious (sorta) to the stupid paladin.
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 09 2003 at 8:58 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Being from Florida I think they should do a recount, and make sure you check those hanging chads!
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 09 2003 at 9:50 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Yah we do... but then again we have Blair, so you can laugh right back.
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 17 2003 at 12:16 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Oh and yes we did laugh, long and hard.. Though Jhonny Howard (the guy who looks like a frog/koala) aint much better.. Even though he is just the US's jail whench=/
RE: haha
# Oct 09 2003 at 6:33 AM Rating: Default
hehe im from california as well thsi sh*t is just to funny... but i do beleive Davis had to go, anyone who replaces him will do better so why not beefy arnold =P i beleive he'll do a good job though. *mummbles* lets hope...
i LOVE that picture..
# Oct 01 2003 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
It's almost like he was minding his own business, walking along, and somebody runs up and snaps a photo of him, and he's looking at them all pissed off.
RE: i LOVE that picture..
# Oct 09 2003 at 1:10 AM Rating: Default
ROFL, that was pretty funny flamingarrow
RE: i LOVE that picture..
# Oct 09 2003 at 7:34 AM Rating: Default
That is pretty kool. I'm a screen shot freak and I'd have loved to take that one.
RE: i LOVE that picture..
# Oct 09 2003 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
Hate to break it to you, but I'm 90% sure that's a cut-and-paste. For starters you can see the blurring around the head, and furthermore, barbarian mob models just don't do that position in the game. The name is too high up as well.

Nice job though =)

Edited, Thu Oct 9 16:40:42 2003
RE: i LOVE that picture..
# Oct 24 2003 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
Not necessarily true...if you check out the bottom, you can tell that whoever took the screenshot was also being attacked by him. I've seen toon bodies do weird things like twisting around like that when they punch/swing/etc.
You guys will hate me for this but....
# Sep 06 2003 at 11:03 AM Rating: Default
1,059 posts
I saw Hadden on track today and killed him and got the earring. There were ubers in the zone looking for him a couple minutes before and right after I killed him too. I guess my timing was perfect as they pretty much had the spawn rate figured out. If I hadn't been a ranger with track, I would never have spotted him. Score Rangers 1 other classes 0. :P
If you were me and I were you, would we still be friends?
patches suck
# Aug 26 2003 at 5:14 AM Rating: Default
ok so i was checking track as druids commonly do and bam ic that hes up but thenic that there are people there so i write down when he droped off of track in hopes of comming back and i do so but 5 min yes 5 MINS before the patch there is a scheduled dowtime that boots me off. I swear they really dont want me to get this. Well just my greivances i know it will make some one laugh.
RE: patches suck
# Aug 30 2003 at 4:29 AM Rating: Decent
44 posts
On the contrary patches are my best friend. I now have looted 4 earrings from our barbaric fisherman. The last three were directly the result of a patch. You see the timer resets with every patch. After the August 26th patch I got the earring on his second spawn (and my first camp). As soon as a patch runs I find out when it finished from those who play during the day and then chart his spawn times from there. I may have to wait for a camp to open up but I have a pretty reliable point to start my plot from.
Voidrakr Smartinoff
Paladin of Marr
Unlucky I guess
# Aug 13 2003 at 7:43 PM Rating: Decent
I don't sit there and wait 5-6 hours for this guy to spawn but I do pop by occasionally to see if he's up. I've killed him 8 times in the last 2 weeks and have yet to see the earring. I've tried to pull him to the water like some people suggest. I've killed him on land. I root/rot him, I've nuked him, I've meleed him and have gotten 1 fishing pole, 2 words, and maybe enough copper to make 1pp, but no earring. I went and killed stuff, saved up 2K and bought a knotted turtlebone ring. It was faster that way. Good luck to everyone else trying to get the earring.
Camping him.
# Jul 30 2003 at 4:55 AM Rating: Decent
He doesn't always drop his earring. You could've done the Amulet of the Grey quest a million times over by the time the oh so rare spawn Hadden coughs up his EB item. Assuming you aren't KoS to the Conlegium of course.
Camping Rules
# Jul 09 2003 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
Been camping this guy for about 3 months now off and on. Sell the earring and then camp him again... When I first began camping him sometimes he was camped and sometimes not. Peeps were real nice and you could share info about when he popped etc. However, in the last month that has all changed. Now I go to the camp and there is almost always someone there with an afk message on. Today there was a guy FD...no afk message or anything. Is this considered camping him? I want to do what is right so just thought I would ask others how they see it. It is a long camp 5+ hours. What do you peeps out there think? Thanks for your thoughts :)

Pally 54th Season
RE: Camping Rules
# Apr 13 2004 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
I've managed to get an earring for all of my characters except one, and he has eb on his guants so no big deal. I feel sorry for the poor slobs who park a toon there and walk away; quite a few times I've taken Hadden while someone was /afk at his spawn. If you intend to kill the guy for the earring you'd better make damn sure you're there when he spawns, most folks won't leave him just because you're standing there. If a mob is not engaged in combat then it is fair game, or at least that is how the GMs explain the rules. Call me a jerk for takin the guy while he was "camped", but too many times I've been engaged in combat with this guy and had some *** wizzy outnuke me to take the kill. /Finger to all you KSing wizzies out there, now I just cast a quick charm and you can't take him =).
RE: Camping Rules
# Dec 03 2003 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
I don't speak for Sony, but here's how I understand it... Sony doesn't recognize camps, and the GMs will tell you that whoever does first damage has rights to the mob. So, technically, if you're quick and do damage first, even if someone was waiting there, you're justified. However, the EQ community generally does recognize camps, and it's courteous to respect the rights of someone who's been waiting there for several hours.

If Hadden spawns and there's someone there camping but they are AFK, it would be courteous to wait a few minutes to see if they are going to attack. Send them a tell asking if they are going to kill Hadden. If they don't respond in a few minutes, go ahead and kill him. No sense in just sitting there and letting him despawn. (I've heard, but not confirmed, that Hadden despawns after 15-20 minutes if he's not killed.)

Just my 2cp.
RE: Camping Rules
# Jul 24 2003 at 6:10 AM Rating: Decent
1,075 posts

Someone is always there now, like you say, AFK or FD. Obviously they were at the last spawn and have an alarm or something set for near his spawn time.

If I was to come along and see such a person, with Hadden then popping, I'd probably take him. I really don't see how you can claim a mob known to pop every five and a half hours plus just by hanging around in the area doing nothing.

I've never found it worth it to camp him for five hours myself, I just happen by sometimes.

If he isn't engaged, it isn't ksing.
RE: Camping Rules
# Jul 29 2003 at 2:53 PM Rating: Default
1,262 posts
According to several GM's I and my guildmate's have spoken with the concept of camping is a social courtesy set up by the community of players. There is no rule by SonyEQ regarding camps. The only 'rule' is whoever (group or individual) does more than 50% dmg to the mob gets to loot it.

This has lead to a few interesting camps of Lodizal in Icelad Ocean. 3 groups from 3 different guilds all standing around the spawn point waiting for the pop. Whichever group does the most damage before Lodizal dies gets looting rights.
RE: Camping Rules
# Aug 10 2003 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
Actually the rule by Sony at least now is first to engage has rights to the mob.
RE: Camping Rules
# Jan 10 2004 at 10:12 PM Rating: Default
114 posts
That is a "gentlemen's agreement" based on fair play. However, the only hard rule is that only the player or group who causes the most damage gets the experience, and therefore the ability to loot first. I do not think Sony has any way to enforce "politeness", and although I would be awfully angry if I had camped five hours waiting for a mob to spawn, only to have it grabbed by someone who just happens along, I could only be angry at myself....
1) For not being faster than the other player.
2) For not then engaging and doing more damage, thereby winning the right to loot. (I'm sorry, if I had camped it, I sure would try to drop it first, call me rude then.)
RE: Camping Rules
# Jun 16 2004 at 6:02 PM Rating: Decent
No that is part of Sony's PNP(Play Nice Policy) and for most mobs the GM's will interviene. The once took the Geo camp away from people exping and gave half the mobs to a level 65 *******. The only mob that I know the whoever does more damage wins is Lodi. But having to call in 8 level 65's to kill a super easy mob to prove a point to a guild is just fun :D
hadden ?
# May 23 2003 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
Does he still spwan or did they just nurf him. while camping him for about 2 hrs had a mob pop named hadder and not hadden. Hmmmm did they take him out of the game or change the spwan place or name. if any one knows please post but i will keep camping him just to see if he does spwan...

Ok he still does spwan in the game just got him but not sure what the other one is for so have a good time camping him ,,, good luck all

Suffil 55 druid

Edited, Fri May 23 13:47:17 2003
RE: hadden ?
# Jul 10 2003 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
60 posts
LOL, I've had this happen to me also but I found out it is some prankster who created a char who looks like Hadden and named him similarly, when he poped he said "Hadden Has Spawned!!" HAHAHA, very funny whoever you are =)
Gollumum Gnollkiller
<Circle of Knowledge>
75 Warrior Lanys T'vyl

52 Paladin
Butcherblock EQ2

RE: hadden ?
# Jun 23 2003 at 1:13 AM Rating: Decent
He still spawns he's just has a 6 hour spawn time. I took him down this morning at about 7:30 then again this evening at about 8:00 pst.

Yarxoc 50 Ranger
Ring of Truth
Xegony Server
My 2 Cents worth....Spawn Cycle
# May 11 2003 at 5:50 AM Rating: Decent
Ok here is the date times and what happened.....

I had a toon parked at spawn site....

All times are PST, Times are of his death

9 May 2003 at 0825AM former camp holder dropped him with No drop

1410hrs No Drop
1748hrs No Drop
10 may
0135hrs No Drop
0715hrs Drop
1246hrs KSed by some sneaky a$$ Witch ....
1826hrs No Drop
0004hrs No Drop
0545hrs No Drop - let someone else hold camp but i still had toon sitting there
1113hrs No Drop
1633hrs Drop - person leaves camp .. I take backover
2212 No Drop
11 MAy 03
0339hrs Drop


Not Much to it ... I parked toon at camp...after a kill.. I come back at 5hours and 20 min ... 10-25 minutes later he pops

hope this helps....
just wanted to post since all of the patches.. and all sorts of stuff has been changing in the game.

Happy Trails and Be Safe 8)

Choppin Interruptus
61 Warrior of Drinal
White Wind Death Dealer

"Death to all who oppose me!"

Crowd Roxosmg
55 Enchanter of Drinal
White Wind Master of Illusion

"Illusion is but a veil on the mind"

Marley Rastamon

52 Wanderer of Drinal
Vox Raider Extreme
"Vox will die till I get
more eyepatches and cloaks"

Ssfinkt Torr
52 Beastlord of Drinal
White Wind Primalist Extraordinaire
"Keep you enemies close
and your friends closer"


Edited, Sun May 11 06:48:09 2003
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 03 2003 at 4:16 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You park a toon next to the spawn point for 2 days, (I won't even give it the name camping). Someone else gets a shot at them and YOU call them names? That's a laugh.
RE: My 2 Cents worth....Spawn Cycle
# Dec 03 2003 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
Uh... I think that he meant that during the times that he wasn't actually camping (meaning killing Hadden) that he left his toon there to log the kill times. You can clearly see in his post the times that he exchanged camping priviledges with other people. Personally, I thought his post was one of the most informative ones I've seen here. Looks like the laugh's on you, Pennysiln.
Spawn Skipping
# Apr 27 2003 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
I was camping Hadden and I had the timer down pretty well. I had killed him at 6:17pm, got the earring yay, then again at 11:35pm, no earring, then again at 5:01am, got the earring, then I come back to kill him early at like 10:15am cause he spawns at 10:30am and he never spawned. He skipped that spawn I believe, maybe he will spawn again at 4:00pm, I'll have to find out. I've never heard of spawns being skipped before and the server was not reset between 5am and 10am either. Hrmmmmm.
/loc of him
# Apr 17 2003 at 7:09 AM Rating: Decent
OK really does anyone have the /loc of hadden, plz. I have ran like a made woman, looking for him
RE: /loc of him
# May 02 2003 at 6:09 AM Rating: Decent
I have seen him spawn in front of the hut with axe broadsmith in it - he spawns next to the small boat on the lake
Thank You Rephas!
# Apr 15 2003 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
I was runnging around Qeynos Hills with my new Rogue alt today and went over to Hadden's spot to see who all was there. To my surprise I got there and no one was there, did a /who on the zone and there were only 2 other peeps in the zone both waaaaayyyyy under level to take him, so i decided to load up my warrior (lvl 31) to take him out and possibly get the earring. Well I hadn't tried to take him out in like 1 and a half years so i couldn't remember what level he was. I got my warrior there and saw he was dark blue, Axe was lightblue and Rephas was lightblue as well. So i crossed my fingers and hoped (not) to die! About 5 seconds into the fight i realised i had made a mistake as Rephas had already slowed me down (why oh why did i lend my FBSS to my rogue) and cast something else on me that i can't remember. With all 3 of them beating me down I was down to about 1 bubble of life in a matter of about 1 minute, then Rephas did something that I will be forever gratefull to him for. He charmed me!! The beatings ended and I just sat there and waited for charm to wear off. When it did, I logged on my friends 51 druid and smoked Hadden in about 30 seconds. And no earring! If i had died and then found out he DIDN'T have the earring, I am pretty sure I would have slammed my head through the screen on my monitor!
Fystz O'Malley
Drunk Monk of 66 Keggers
--Druzzil Ro (Xev)
<Celestial Rising>
"In order to find his equal, an Irishman is forced to speak with god" -Stephen (Braveheart)
# Apr 02 2003 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
k now people can say the spawn time but after camping him today all day i would say his spaen time is anywhere from 5 hrs 20 min to 6 hrs hope this helps any who are wondering this an it is best to pop in every hr more than likely the person camping if ya get there wil tell ya when he was last killed an when he will spawn agin
What is a cleric to do.
# Mar 21 2003 at 4:44 PM Rating: Excellent
How would you recommend a level 35 Cleric attempting to solo this guy? I don’t have harmony but I do have Sooth and Atone. My DD spell dose about 200- 220 Dmg. So, any ideas?
RE: What is a cleric to do.
# Aug 30 2003 at 4:47 AM Rating: Decent
44 posts
I have taken down Hadden numerous times with my paladin from levels 32 to 40. The first time I tried Hadden was Dk Blue to me and I went witha straight forward attack. I died when Rephas and Axe joined in the fun. Lesson learned if you are anywhere near Haddens level the other NPCs add. So now I sit camping with Rephas targeted. Hadden pops. Sooth Rephas and engage Hadden. Axe only adds if Rephas does. I tend to use my standard Bash/Stun/Taunt routine on Hadden even now at 41 just for the practice.

OBTW I have now looted 4 earrings. Sold one in bazaar for 3000pp on the 7th Hammer.
Voidrakr Smartinoff
Paladin of Marr
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