Started in the Graveyard and killed toward the entrance. Took about 8 or so times but he finally spawned next to the tree by the pond. No shield, but I did get the vampire blood I needed.
After several hours of keeping the graveyard and the area outside the GY gates clear, I decided to try clearing the whole front of the zone. The Ghoul popped right outside the GY, but with no shield. BAH! It must have been my lucky day, because on the next set of repops after clearing the front again, he popped on the far side of the pond near the entrance, and had the shield to boot!
Just wanted to confirm that he sstill pops and the MM shield still drops on Al'Kabor.
BTW - In the process, I got my RoS faction way up.
Just an FYI - don't limit your hunting to the GY to spawn this guy.
I've been looking for this guy for 3 days now. I cleared the obelisk area in lfay (where a bunch of mistmore dudes suddenly appeared after mm revamp) and also the new camp a bit east from the obelisk which is also full of mistmore guys. Seems like most if not all of them are static PH's for the quest mobs. But I've yet to see him spawn, will update when i find him
His placeholder can be found at the obelisk camp. Any of the mooks around the outer ring can pop this elusive fellow. It took several hours of clearing the camp before he spawned for me.
Posted:Nov 27 2003 at 2:25 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I have to farm regularly as a cleric at 65 , mainly cause i never amassed money earlier like some classes can: druids, mages, necs, bards, shammies, can all kite killing or nuke dot root type on mages, depending if use earth elemental,
For those who have not yet heard the good news, as of the June 7 patch casters have received a major upgrade and the aggro radius of green mobs in zones like this has been dramatically increased. Apparently Verant is hellbent on making us "dungeon crawl" come what may.
I was there yesterday with my 46 monk trying to get shield for my paladin. When I got there (about 23:30 MT) there were 5 L 50+ characters in the zone and a 45 shaman. Had to kill almost everything between the gate and the graveyard because, like I said, the greens aggro from a mile away. Some of the casters can nuke for close to 200 pts - fortunately they only seem to have enough mana for 2 good nukes. At one point I had 4 of them on me though and killed the last one with less than a bub of health left.
There are 3 spawn points directly outside the graveyard and 3 inside it. The 3 outside are single spawns that form roughly the corners of an equalteral triangle - one on each side of the gate and one on the wall opposite by the tunnel to the pit. The 3 inside are all double spawns and are all located behind the 3 sets of graves (refer to the EQ Atlas map). I couldn't nail down the spawn time exactly but its about 25 minutes. I killed everything here for 4-5 hours (not including the time spent on an ill fated venture into the castle with a 47 enchanter) and never even saw a glyphed ghoul, let alone a shield. The imp familiar did spawn in graveyard though and I got the Bloodstone Eyepatch (4 ac, + 3 wis, +3 agi) from him. The spawns are mostly initiate familiars, glyphed familiars (both nukers, the glyphed ones seem to have more mana), glyphed guards and sentries (not casters), and the occassional glyphed aegis, custodian or warder. The last 2 are casters. Both can heal and the custodian can nuke, not sure about the warder. Oh, one final note, at one point I turned my back on one of the melee types (don't remember which) and got backstabed for 113 damage. Interesting postscript: I was sharing the zone with a 37 paladin very early in the morning. Him, the 47 enchanter and me had been grouped together but we were camping different parts of the zone. About 04:30 I see "Phin has looted a Mistmoore Crested Shield". WTF?? I've been camping the graveyard for hours and he gets it off a random spawn near the zone?? Turns out the killed ghoul near the south entrance to the gorge (the long crescent shaped passage between the pool and the graveyard). The best strategy would therefore be to kill everything between the zone and the graveyard (as Asterson says), but I pretty much had my hands full just holding the graveyard. Asterson implies he soloed his area at 27 but in view of my experience I would not recommend this to anyone who isn't looking for an *** whupping.
I Play a Female Bard almost 14 lvl. I want to buy this shield, send me a tell. Freyla on Firona Vie. We can haggle the price. If I dont currently have the amount give me a few days and ILL find a way to get it even if I have to sell the rest of my armor to obtain it. I just love the stats!!!!
Slik level 35 Sk here, this guy everytime I've seen him has had the shield, I dunno if Im just lucky or this is actually a common drop. I think this is the best zone in the game! MistMoore, Unrest, for ever!!!!! =)
Yes he is wearing the sheild if he has it on him. I just got it about 2 hours ago with my 19 Druid. I was getting power leveled and it dropped. I don't need it but hey, 1.5 levels in 1 hour and a 300pp sheild. Win Win situation.
-Wolfan 19 Human Druid of the Cazic-Thule Server Follower of Tunare, Lover of Animals, supporter of your communty SPCA.
Carries shield 1 in 6 times, based on my research... could be off a tad.
The Vial of Vampire Blood raises Magic resist 40 pts (+/-4, i forget). VERY nice when about to take on a negotiator/mynthi.
he can spawn ANYWHERE a familiar does. This INCLUDES the one that walks freely around MM, into the castle, and back out. Don't pull him if this is the case... unless he's already at 1/10 health (guilty as charged... :)
basically, he's the difficulty of the upper-range Glyphed Sentry of the GY. If you can take that, then you can take him... and net yourself a nice sheild... I've gotten 7 of them by this post :)
The Glyphed ghoul spawns in the pool, the Gorge, and the gates outside the Grave Yard...I have hunted in Mistmore for MANY lvls and have gotten a few shields and lots of vampire blood off of him. He is lvl 27 if i remember so...lvl 27 was the first time i saw him and I couldnt solo him (47 druid now) and I had to zone him (shield and all). He is very random on the spawning points so what i say to do if you want to farm him is sit at the pool and let all the newbie kill the initate's and such and when he spawns grab it before they do. (or after if your mean) A great item for all you shield users and I recommend them to any low lvl twink. -Asterson Bearpride-*L'Malla* 47 Wood Elven Druid DRUZZIL RO BABY!
That's really mean to the lvl appropriate players who are actually fighting things that are dangerous to them - hoping they live long enough to random a nice item like the MM shield.
I'd love to have a MM shield. I hope you are not playing there at the same time so I can actually get one!
ok, i am in the commons recently farming up orc belts. same thing as MM shield and all other camps, imho. when a small group of level 10s approach me and ask if i have the orcs camped. i said, "yes, but if you are doing it for experience, then the orcs are yours."
isn't that how it is supposed to work in EQ? if you are camping for loot, and people come along to gain experience, aren't you suppose to give up the camp to them? at least i know i do.
Good to see a few others play like I do.. I do twink a little.. but never at the expense of someone else getting exp.. or if they are the proper class for the item.. Example.. Trazdon in Najena.. I was campin him.. and a war zoned in.. Made another friend there. She had her circlet within 4 minutes of being there.. i had to wait another 45 minutes bfore it showed again.. No worries.. After all.. It isnt just a game.. its a life of friendships.. Just my opinion.. Safe hunting yall Kyl
I think the farming of loot and spawns by upper level characters is really terrible on my server (Veeshan). I have no problem slagging camps until someone of appropriate level comes along. Just turn it over and go pick on someone your own size.
In Crushbone I like to sit up with the Emperor. When a group comes to camp them I just watch their backs and take the occasional swing and the blue *******. The only reason is for the faction hit. I don't KS, I don't affect experience for their group, but I do get faction hits. If Crush gets out of hand, or that SOB Dark Elf pops, I can let the group handle it until they need help. Then the Emperor goes down for the count.
Here, here !! Finally, someone with a little character. So many higher levs farming all the good stuff available to mid-level players without a thought to their game-playing enjoyment.
Cheers to you, good sir for your display of good gamesmanship.
this guy pops out side the gates of the gy OR in that caynon thingy betwine the gy and the lake im 100% sure those are at least 2 of his spawn points i have killed him 6 times to date
The vampire blood potion boosts me from 48% magic resist to 85% It is not a 100% magic resist. I have drunk many when pulling. Worth about 4pp to vendors.
That vampire blood gives 100% resist to magic!!!! Not sure on how long it lasts but whoo hoo ehhh? Probably 1 min thing if not less. But can you imagine the fun dueling a wizard friend? hehe
I won the shield in a roll, and on my first time to Caster. Since I cant use, I sold to a guildmate for 500P. Its used by almost all characters except pure casters.