Went to Najena yesterday to go farm Najena herself for the robe and book with my three box (pal/dru/enc at 25). Invising through the zone was surprisingly easy. Went directly to ogre guard captain for his key. Turned off on the way out to kill Bonecrusher froglok. Went down to the basement to get Rathyl. Once you go through the first door to the penultimate room before Rathyl's, I was instantly mobbed by two magicians, two big Rathyl skeletons, and Rathyl -- dunked Rathyl and succor'd out. It was very close, so I'd be careful getting to Rathyl. After that, went to Drelzna, and she went down with no problems or adds (except the two magicians who spawn next to her). After that, swam down to Najena's room and camped her for about four hours. Spawns are pretty quick. She spawned surprisingly often, and even in succession a few times, but there was also an extensive dry spell in the middle. Got about seven robes, two books, and no ring. Pretty easy camp overall.
[Fri May 15 17:53:43 2020] Your faction standing with Najena has been adjusted by -10. [Fri May 15 17:53:43 2020] You receive 7 silver and 7 copper from the corpse. [Fri May 15 17:53:43 2020] Najena's corpse says, 'My comrades will avenge my death.' [Fri May 15 17:53:43 2020] You have slain Najena!
There's lots of good info in the thread, but some may not know:
PH for Najena is always behind the desk/table/altar in her room. 2 magicians always spawn to the sides.
The PH is always some sort of elemental... including the mist elementals that invis. Sit down at the spawn point, and the invis elemental will likely aggro. This PH is on the same fast respawn as the rest of the zone. So about 8 mins.
Best way to get in the door without getting all the keys is to Illusion ghost the door. I wont go into details but just ask around your server about "Illusioning through locked doors".
Ok logged in today, ran at the 8th key cycle, got golden key and lo and behold who is behind the door but Najena. Never did see a PH but finally got my robe! So moral of the story, not broken just a long camp.
I have been camping her through 7 key obtaining cycles now over the course of about 10 days. I have yet to see a ph elemental in Najena's room. It's beginning to seem broken. I have killed the magicians about 25 times in those 7 camps and they always respawn just the two mages and their pets.
The PH can be a mist elemental, which - I believe - invisses itself. I thought the PH had been taken out today, killed the magicians and sat down by Najena's spawnpoint to wait - only to be attacked by said elemental a moment later. It dosn't attack if it's trivial to you, unless you sit and aggro it by 'convenient target', so people checking Najena probably dosn't even realize a PH is up, unless they're wearing see-invis gear or have a buff on with that effect.
Golden Crescent Key (temporary) drops off Drelzna to open the door to Najena's room.
You will lose last 2 keys when you log out. I'd save the other 3 for later if any friends would need to come here. Although getting all 5 keys took me about 30 mins with being stuck in the cell with no keys when I had to gate out. So it's very easy & fast to gather the keys again."
Note that Najena also drops the Golden Crescent Key. This means a non-gater can camp in her room and get back out (as long as you kill her). You have to swim underwater to get to the area before Najena's Room.
I was after the Flowing Black Robe and decided to clear the room and camp, checking back every day I logged in to play. It took me 5-6 days to get the robe this way, Najena popping twice in that time that I saw. I found this better than continuous camping simply for the tedium factor.
If you invis and camp at the door you will login without aggro often. The magicians see invis sometimes (not all the time) and Najena and her PH never aggroed me from that location (keeping in mind they were very grey /con to me at the time).
lvl 71 Necro took 3 seconds ROFL I was windowed out waiting for her to spawn, and the spawn time was the very next round of spawn maybe 5 minutes and my pet killed her while i was reading part of my epic. and Note I didn't kill the key mobs in any particular order that I recall.
Her door can be picked so if you don't want to get keys you can just bring a Rogue or Bard in. My skill is over 200 so I don't know what level will actually open it.
I just killed Najena. It took about 20 min for her to spawn. I stood by the door, killed two magicians and their pets twice, looted them, and then she poped. Lvl 52 Necro working on Epic 1
Golden Crescent Key (temporary) drops off Drelzna to open the door to Najena's room.
You will lose last 2 keys when you log out. I'd save the other 3 for later if any friends would need to come here. Although getting all 5 keys took me about 30 mins with being stuck in the cell with no keys when I had to gate out. So it's very easy & fast to gather the keys again.
Is this broken now? I have been camping Najena for 8 hours. There were 4 elemental pops and then nothing. Now about 6 hours without anything popping in Najena's place.
At 68, DE necro, didn't aggro anything expect keyholders and skellies outside najena. Bloodstained Drops from Rathyl in the back room of the dungeon (the only cell with a second cell) he may have a place holder magician when you get there like he did for me, respawn is less then 20 minutes. He also dropped a Traveller's pack. Delzna, in bloodstained room, drops Cresent key. Mobs never made it past Force Shield. Pet killed most of them. Soul Orb killed eveything when I could get it off before pet killed mob.
As a 63 druid, I ran through the zone killing like a madwoman without so much as getting dented. Every single mob in here, including Najena herself, has under 1.2k hp, or exactly that, because that's how much my nuke deals out. (Nuke is Wildfire, btw.)
Dragged my happy wood elf **** into Najena's room and killed the two mages and Najena's fire elemental PH. Approximately twenty minutes later -- though it only seemed like five to me -- she was piercing me for 3 dmg lol. One nuke and she went down.
Looted a Clawed Knuckle-Ring and the robe, then killed the newly-respawned mages on the sides.
It's incredible how the rare, desperately sought-after items tend to drop for people who have no clue what they're for, or at least have no desire to acquire them.
If you need to check and see if Najena is up in her room or not, but are too lazy to go for any keys, run over to her door and into it. Seriously, run into the door, then hit control+s, and it should give you a momentary view of the room from the inside.
WARNING!! The magicians inside have a good chance of aggroing you, even through the door, if you are not invis.
Just wanted to post a more up to date post saying this still drops but I think its rare instead of uncommon. I camped her for about 6 hours and then it finally droped. Oops, sorry everyone, missposted. This is for the Clawed knuckle-Ring.
In the end you will have 5 keys. At level 52 as a Nec, I had no trouble getting them all quickly.
If you head throught the hidden passage, then hang a right, you will come to 3 doors. The one on the left is for the froglok Bonecracker who drops a key you need - dull bone key - I think. The middle door takes you to the ogre captain which will drop 2 keys. Guardsman ring and one more.
Now head down to the basement. You will see a locked room with 3 mages and another locked room with a named. Kill him for the key to Drexel(sp?). Onec you have that key, head back to the locked door you might have found while heading down to the basement. Inside are 3 necromancer spawns. Drex will spawn eventually and you will be able to loot the gold key. Then you are set.
Keep in mind that at least 2 of the 5 keys (including the gold key) are TEMPORARY. Meaning you have to fetch them every time you want to open those doors.
On another note, if you are a pet class, you can do a /tar najena while pressed up against the door. This will allow you to pull her out of the room and be able to loot the body. Beware that every time I have killed her she has had the earth pet with its root. This might be a promblem if the pet is rooted and kills her before you can pull her out of the room.
Sorry if a little sketchy, been at it all night with a cold. Hope it helps!
ive been down here most of the night, on my 52 ranger, and 59 cleric, i have all the keys, but i still cannot unlock the door to where Najena is located...any clues? the most i can do it stand at the door, and a mage will come thru it after me, but i can't get Najena to come out...
The information on the keys is exact. As to your specific question, you'll need the Golden Crescent key from Drelzna. (And, you'll need the key to Drelzna from Rathyl, etc etc.) Read the write-up I've linked.