a froglok noble  

a rare creature

Uploaded September 15th, 2015 by fcoty28

This enchanter can be found a few rooms from the King in Lower Guk.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2008-01-02 15:01:12.

Level: 39
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2021-12-13 18:25:52

Known Habitats:
  Lower Guk
Factions Decreased:
  Frogloks of Guk -75

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No longer 30 min spawn
# Dec 14 2007 at 8:31 PM Rating: Decent
244 posts
I killed it about 3 hours ago and in my haste to exit got stuck in the water element room and died to a massive train. Came back and have been sitting here for over 50 minutes and nothing except the odd green con froglok.

I had a ranger pop in here to check to see if its stuck under the geometry but it wasn't on track.

So the spawn timer has either been changed or is borked.
Getting the Life Leach Spell
# Oct 30 2006 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
31 posts
I'm a 51 SK on the Cazic server, decided it's about time to get this spell. I get a fresh Virtue/C3, stock up on Celestial Healing VII potions and Skinspike VI's , a few Haste VII pots and a fresh Vallons (chanter haste). Pull out my old map book full of print offs form the old EQAtlas sight, it has a list of who drops what, and head down for a little Reccie!
I hit the PoK stone, get to Innothule swamp, refresh J-boots and invis up. I work my way through Upper Guk, to the far-side Lower Guk entrance. Once in Lower Guk In move past the first bridge with no problems. Through some Minotaurs, til one see's through invis, Big fight ensues. (Con Minotaurs) I invis and med up, then head to the Noble spot, Two-level room with water and boards, No Noble : ( I move paste the spawns in the room to a corner in the hall Northwest of the room, some Knight roamers there, but a good spot. I clear the room and roamers, then wait,, another spawn cycle, kill those no Noble, and more waiting, roam around a bit, study map some, invis into the Kings room, Check on the Minotaur Patriarc and the Evil-eye, no joy. Virtue wears off after a few spawn cycles, so I head back out, no joy.
Day 2, Buffs up, head to my spot. No Noble, kill a few cycles, Evil eye spawns, New Weight reduction bag! Kill a few Cycles, no joy, head out for buffs. More to come,,,
Getting the Life Leach Spell
# Nov 22 2006 at 6:23 AM Rating: Decent
He just popped on the Xegony server after about 6-10 cycles and I got the necklace. Typical caster type.
Anyone do this quest in a while or someone with prior knowle
# Feb 10 2005 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone do this quest in a while? What is the exact LOC of this bloak? Is it the plank that you have to go up the ladder to in the room just before the King's Room? You go up the ladder then across the plank is a set of stairs that go to a seat where a Shammy seems to sit with his doggy.
finally got noble!
# Dec 28 2003 at 6:43 AM Rating: Decent
Just for the record the noble spawns in this little bubble of a space little whiles before the king. It's a small body of water that is covered with a plank. And yes the noble spawns at the end of plank before the body of water...that's if you are heading towards the king. Noble is easy if you are high enough...and he does mezz. If your magic resist is high enough the mez should not be a problem. I am a 52 sk and I had with me a 54 bard and 65 paly...no prob at all. Spawns every 30 min would be the accurate time description. Could be awhile before you get what you are looking for...so make sure you have interesting friends with you along for the ride.
Never spawned for me
# Oct 28 2003 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
35 posts
Spent several days camping this room, and he never spawned for me. I finally gave up went to the Bazaar and picked up the White Gold Necklace for 350 plat or so.

Still pops
# Dec 18 2002 at 1:02 AM Rating: Decent
180 posts
Sighted the Froglok Noble last night. We had a 39th level druid, 40th level SK, 40th rogue and 40th shaman, and we had just killed the Evil Eye nearby and we decided to take a look at the Noble's room when, sure enough, there he was at the bottom of the steps next to the plank. He had his pet out, of course. We cleared the jail and managed to single pull the noble. Once we got him, however, he turned into a mezzing fool. He mezzed our SK immediately, then rogue, shammy and druid, in that order. No one resisted his mezz. By the way, he conned dark blue to me at 40th level, so I guess he can be as low as 39th level as well. A couple of minotaurs wandered up during the battle and had to evac. Our rogue died in the melee and our shammy barely lived. I think we would have won if we had cleared the wanderers, but his mezzing ability makes him tough with adds.
RE: Still pops
# Dec 31 2002 at 3:20 PM Rating: Excellent
Just a little advice that may help with mezzing, put a small dot on your mt before the fight like stinging swarm, the second u get a tick of damage the mez will break D.

to do this have your mt duel your druid
have your mt /camp and when he is 5 secs from camping have the druid cast stinging swarm in him, camping clears duel and as soon as he gets back you have 60 seconds of unmezzability = D

As for charm... buy mr gear
RE: Still pops
# Nov 28 2003 at 3:55 AM Rating: Decent
This is a neat-o trick I used to use on RZek as a necro with diesease cloud.
# Jun 07 2002 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
Does this guy still pop. I was in there last night to get the white gold necklace and we went through 5 pops of thet spawn and no Noble. By the way this guy is on a 30 min timer exactly every time. might be another long might tonoght also
Good Luck
Spawn Time
# May 15 2002 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
Anyone know the spawn time on this mob??

Edited, Wed May 15 14:43:17 2002
room spawn
# Nov 21 2001 at 2:29 AM Rating: Default
how many other mobs spawn in his room? was wondering if a 52 sk would be able to break and hold the room?
# Jul 15 2001 at 2:21 AM Rating: Good
The noble spawns right across the planks at the bottom of the stair to the platform. If you get him quick, he won't have time to cast his pet. He is not hard, but if you have low MR you might be feared, charmed or mezzed.

Since i needed the necklace, he dropped the cloth.

# Jun 16 2001 at 11:50 PM Rating: Default
anyone know hte price onthis?
# May 18 2001 at 12:35 PM Rating: Default
decent stats. any price ? ill pay 4k for it on povar tell windfinder
# Apr 20 2001 at 4:04 AM Rating: Default
does anyone know the price for the gilded cloth?

milyar shadowstalker
tarrew marr
23rd season
Gilded cloth
# Jul 04 2000 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
Not a helmet, goes to the shoulder slot, very nice item, and add 3ac 5str 9agi, non melee class can wear it :P
Additional Drop
# Apr 18 2000 at 6:55 AM Rating: Default
The noble also dropped for the group yesterday, a helmet that looks like exec hood, Gilded Cloth I believe. Tt had the stat of +5 STR, +9 Agi. Not bad I say =)
#Anonymous, Posted: Jan 24 2002 at 2:40 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) hey by any chance could someone give this item to me i really appreciate it ill give you 50 plat for please im on tunare my name is sullabus
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