I just soloed this guy with a 44 cleric with temp. I just paccied the room and pull to the stairwell with a nuke, dropping his life considerably already. Then I just kept casting force and anti-undead together and he was dropped in no time. Hope this helps for anybody who wants to know if they can take him. He has a little over 1khp, I'd say he's got about 1.3k or 1.4k. Hits about the 70's. Dropped the mace for me.
how can i raise my undead faction with theese froglocks ? Do i have to kill the normal ones , and if so is it alot of kills ? Any help will be apreciated
At level 30 an iksar monk's hands have exactly the same ratio as this weapon (0.285) while a human monk's are slightly better (0.294). Because of the lower delay on the mace though you could still come out ahead by putting it in your primary slot and using fist as secondary.
well i just sold one of this bad boy an bought me a dusty. sure i took an ac hit but it was worth it to me not for the stats but for the weight reducion.
Well..for those Pallys out there..probably can take care of him if you time your stuns...even better if you have a decent 1hs and shield...hit, time...bash, hit stun, hit hit.
Posted:Feb 06 2001 at 2:06 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) And your post is helpful to who NEWBIES. Dont waste mine and other peoples time by posting info any 30+ character should know, and if they don't they must be a Druid.
Posted:Mar 11 2001 at 5:51 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) and your post is helpful to who? nobody...
Posted:Feb 27 2001 at 1:15 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I'm a druid and your post was was more childish than the persons before.So when do you turn 4 years old again?
Alright guys, here's "Alai's Guide to Killing this Shmoe, & Other Stuff": 1. He's a cleric. he'll start to heal himself at 40%, friends around 60ish. 2. Mace is Common, BP is rare. 3. He has lots and lots of friends. Bring an ench or a damn good necro. 4. This is the toughest room to break in tower (just a bit more than Exe & Sage cause he's a healer! I hate healers!) 5. Most Dead Tower groups camp the tower from the Savant's Room. 6. Nothing but Wans & Vis' will spawn here...well, maybe Zol's but I aint sure. Any other questions, comments, or flames may be directed to my adress, ArchMahgi@aol.com, where they will be summarily ignored. Thank you.
Ello, Well his rare is BP but can drop up to 7 tiems in a row as i have seen... Its not a very safe room do to people are always pulling through room, and i dont quite think he's level 40 do to im level 34 and he was yellow. He spawns around every 30 minutes. If you do't kill him with in 3 minutes he walks down to Executioner, then Cavalier, then move and roams bewteen the Lord and Frenzied. His highest hit is for 78damge.. Though he misses more then most of da frogz dat are aournd his level.