a gnomish spelunker  


Level: 20
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2020-04-10 05:13:03
Known Loot:
icon Rusty Dagger

Known Habitats:
  Estate of Unrest

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# Aug 20 2014 at 7:33 AM Rating: Good
44 posts
Dropped a few coins and a rusty dagger every time I killed him. As reported, no faction hit, but really only worth grabbing for XP. Super easy fight for a cleric in Defiant gear with a merc.
wolf form
# Jul 22 2006 at 4:51 PM Rating: Decent
In a regular form (dark elf, troll, iksar, anything) he is amiable, but if you go in wolf form he is indifferent. Nobody in the zone cares about you if you're in wolf form, but watch the timer on your illusion.
wolf form
# Mar 21 2023 at 8:12 AM Rating: Good
1,563 posts
I conned dubious as DE, Troll and Ogre. Indiff to gnome, and amiable to all else. Maybe deity is involved to make you KOS?
Ok, this is the way there
# Sep 16 2003 at 7:27 PM Rating: Default
(1) First you enter the zone (That was the hardest part wasnt it?)
(2) Then you hug the right wall (You know what I mean, stay next to it)
(3) Keep following it until you find the Gazebo
(4) Then right behind the Gazebo, there is a small stream.
(5) Dive Under the stream right in the middle of it, when you are facing the water going down the hill
(NOTE:There are Tormented Dead Swimming in there)
(6) Turn to your right and swim forward.
(7) Then if you look to your right you will see a tunnal that is consealed.
(I mean it looks like the wall)
(8) If you go in that tunnel, you will have to take many turns, then finally you will go to the end.
(9) When I went I found the item: A Rod.
You do not want to go this way unless you want this caster Item.
(10) Go back to where you were on step 6
(11) Keep going strate until you reach a Dead End.
(12) Then take a left and you will find a tunnel
(13) Go inside that tunnel
(14) Swim strate for about 6-10 Seconds
(15) Look up
(16) Swim up.
(17) You will be in front of A Gnomish Spelunker And Serra.
(18) step up onto the Ground
(19) If you are a low level Charecter, Run like hell.
(20) If you are a Cleric, Run like hell becouse he is KOS to you (I learned that the hard way...)
(21) Wack him with your Sword.
(22) Repeat Step 21 until dead or looks well done.
(23) Loot Body
(24) Give all of your items to ME!!! (Jokeing)
(25) Do your happy dance.
(26) Kill Serra to annoy People
(27) Thank me later
(28) Brag, Brag, Brag, and did I mention Brag?
(29) There is no Step 29
(30) Get off your lazy butt in do this, come'on people, he could becomeing Camped as we speak, Chop Chop.

There ya go, now if you have any questions, E-Mail me at lucashamel12@hotmail.com
Contact me on EverQuest at:

Server: Cazic Thule
Name : Laktar
Level: 18
Class: Cleric
Guild: Clan ThunderHammer (Such a cool guild)
Where I am now: CrushBone to Unrest
When I can play: Weekends

Edited, Tue Sep 16 20:24:16 2003
RE: Ok, this is the way there
# Jun 26 2004 at 5:08 AM Rating: Decent
Clerics are not KoS to him.
# Aug 09 2003 at 10:55 PM Rating: Decent
i could never find this annoying little gnome i want to get revenge on for killing my shaman :P anyone know where he is ? :)
Gnomish spelunker in the train
# Dec 18 2002 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
this guy is kind of like a hag except he is a gnome and he doesnt spellcast as much as the hags do. this guy cons white to me but i still wouldnt mess with him because i heard that he is one hard mo fo. Last night when i was playing my 21st lvl cleric and the gnomish spelunker was in this bad train and 3 22nd lvl people were running from it because there was other stuff that they pulled with but i was just seeing some damage that they took by the gnomish spelunker so that prooves how bad he is
# Sep 05 2002 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
just found this guy underwater, below the small hill with the tiny waterfall. swam there, he conned amiably, so i figured i could stay there and rest up a bit. all was fine, until a Tormented Dead spawned there, attacked me, and the spelunker with his pet started attacking me too!
weird. had to run tho, my lvl 19 druid got beat down to half hp in mere seconds. he hits for 40-50 per hit.
# Apr 13 2002 at 1:58 AM Rating: Decent
allright i was killing this guy the other day with my lvl 22 woodelf Ranger and i was killing it, whe i killed it the fiorst time i found a centi long sword. i think somone got bored and gave it to him!~
RE: Centi
# May 12 2002 at 7:53 AM Rating: Default
Uhu... Riiiiiight..... Sure you found a Centi. And it was Lore! And look! A Reanimated hand just flew out of Unrest! And is that Emperor Crush over there? And look! He's pointing at you and laughing!
RE: Centi
# Apr 03 2003 at 4:36 PM Rating: Default
Hey dont diss him....it could happen.

When i was a level 16 enchanter in crushbone i killed a orc cent. and i looted a Saprophyte earing!?!? pretty weird right? but it happened...

56lvl enchanter
inny server
RE: Centi
# Nov 09 2003 at 3:08 AM Rating: Decent
Back before it was patched to not work anymore, high level players would "stuff" lowbie mobs with gifts for newbies. I used to run around giving fire beetles stuff for some true newbie to run across. Most twinks will skip fire beetles.
were exsactly is he?
# Apr 08 2002 at 7:49 PM Rating: Decent
ok so he is in unrest, were in unrest is he, he sounds like a good camp
RE: were exsactly is he?
# Apr 29 2002 at 11:18 AM Rating: Excellent
62 posts
I don't have an exact loc for ya, but I do have some directions. You're going to enter the zone from the South. On the Northeast side of the zone you'll find a little stream-like thing. Swim underneath and you'll pop up on the other side and the spelunker, along with Serra (the zombie girl for the bard epic) are in the underground cave there.
Holy EXP
# Mar 28 2002 at 11:52 PM Rating: Default
I just fought this guy with my lev 19 Beastlord. I got over a full blue bub and almost half a yellow.
Spawn time
# Mar 22 2002 at 6:52 AM Rating: Default
Oh, and he spawn time is 13mins
# Mar 22 2002 at 6:51 AM Rating: Default
I've campet this guy yesterday for more statistic on his loot. This are the results of my Loot (I kileld him 10 times):
1) 2pp, 5gp
2) 9sp
3) 6gp, 10sp, Gnome meat, Rusty LS
4) 7gp, 7sp
5) 3cp, Words of Quickening
6) 8sp, 1cp
7) 5gp, 8sp, 7cp
8) 4gp, 6sp, 11cp
9) 1pp, 4gp 6sp, 8cp, Gnome meat
10) 1pp, 3gp, 2sp
He conned light blue to my lv30 paladin and was really easy kill. Only took me half bulb of hp each time. Even skellies that con green to me hit harder.
rumor central
# Feb 10 2002 at 5:47 PM Rating: Default
I heard he drops a GBS sometimes too.

(yeah, that's the ticket)
# Jan 05 2002 at 12:09 AM Rating: Default
I have killed this guy 5 times now at lvl 22 and has givin' me a little more than half a blue each time, a little tougher than common unrest inhabitants, but more safe to fight because i don't think trains are going to be underwater. So far the loot is random, he has dropped raw-hide boots twice, gnome meat, and the money from this guy is also random(ranging from around 6silver to almost 2pp so far). Heard about some shralock pack or something that you get from this little guy, haven't got one yet, but i check up on him every once and awile, just because this guy and Serra don't aggro unlike everything inside the house that cons blue to you.

He's not a caster, but for sure this guy has

kick, punch, bash, double attack, dodge(i also believe he ripostes and parrys, but not certain)

Serra will not attack you while fighting gnome thingy.

Evon Questmaster
Shralock pack
# Oct 02 2001 at 9:08 AM Rating: Default
He dropped a shralock pack for me ages ago
# Aug 23 2001 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
i have killed him quite a few times, no pack, but it is awesome exp for anyone around his level. I would recommend that every level 24 takes time out of his buy crazed ghoul killing day to kill this little guy. And no faction hits )
#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 25 2001 at 3:57 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) if the pack drops send me a tell
RE: th pack drops?
# Aug 04 2001 at 12:49 PM Rating: Default
what pack? i am really wondering if this guy ever drops anything good!
# Jun 29 2001 at 8:07 AM Rating: Good
Serra is part of the Bard epic quest. Many a time a Bard has enterred the zone, shouted for Serra camp, learned that she was killed, left to hunt the Cauldron, came back to learned some idiot killed her again.
RE: Serra
# Apr 29 2002 at 11:22 AM Rating: Good
Story of my life...
Justicex Wolftamer
# Jun 01 2001 at 8:15 PM Rating: Default
Since im a druid with wolfform I get to explore Unrest So... I found this guy in the water under a isle type thing to the right of the mansion. I kited him since the yard trash conned indifferent and only lil stuff would agro when i did so in kiting him. Anyway,he drops crap,(Rusty weap,common cash)Non-caster Pure melee,No one is down there with him besides some zombie girl named serra who is part of a quest for a doll or something which is the reason im here in the first place. So in End...Gnomish Spelunker Melee and No faction hits.

Justicex Wolftamer Bertox server
Some info....
# May 24 2001 at 7:11 PM Rating: Decent
Got any factions? Whats his loot?
RE: Some info....
# Aug 20 2001 at 9:08 PM Rating: Default
Ok did you read any of the previous post or can you read?
RE: Some info....
# Nov 21 2001 at 2:47 AM Rating: Good
Ahhhh hmmmm welll posts are listed by default in the order of date posted starting with newest. go figure it out yourself.
easy to camp
# May 20 2001 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
i was lvl 15 wiz at the time. I had a lvl 15 warrior and a lvl 14 pally in the grp. We camped him, the pally would heal, i would nuke, warrior would tank. By the time i was OOM, he was down to 1/4 HP, then both I and the pally would melee(my melee skills were pretty good). this was great XP, but a long spawn time. I reccomend that if you camp him you kill the things outside the tunnel, or kill in the yard to wait for him to spawn. No faction hits. He had a sword one, he did some damage, but it was rusty! i have heard he drops the archeologists backpack, we killed him 4 times and we didnt see it. nice coin loot(money split 3 ways, there was at least a pp in gold total) and we got gnome meat twice. fairly easy to camp, just gotta watch out for the tormented dead and the greater skellies that spwan right outside the tunnel. those 4 kills got me 1 full bub of XP.
Is He a Caster
# Mar 06 2001 at 12:36 AM Rating: Default
Is he a caster or warrior or what?
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 07 2000 at 10:29 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
This lil' bugger
# Oct 21 2000 at 4:53 PM Rating: Default
Gnomish spelunker was even conned to me last night, with a group of higher levels we smeared him but good!

Kelilye Furykryztal within The Circle of the Shadows on The Nameless Server
Gnome's friend Serra
# Oct 05 2000 at 1:59 AM Rating: Default
Can someone tell me any info on Serra, the tormented dead female standing next to the gnome spelumker? I received a note to be taken to "someone." Who is the note for and what do I get out fo it? I cant find anything on this task.
RE: Gnome's friend Serra
# May 20 2001 at 10:20 AM Rating: Default
no clue..no faction, no loot, nothing.
cant even get the note from her..
RE: Gnome's friend Serra
# Oct 08 2000 at 2:51 AM Rating: Default
Sera is a new npc, from the new patch. No one has completed the quest yet, but i have a few ideas:

The note is:
Torn Letter of Qenos Bards Guild.

I would think you would turn it in to one of the people in the bard guild in Qenos.

Also, since there are a network of letter-delivering bard quests, this note might be for anyone on the damned planet.

My thoghts
RE: Gnome's friend Serra
# Mar 18 2001 at 5:26 AM Rating: Default
Bard only quest
RE: Gnome's friend Serra
# Sep 14 2001 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
It is part of the Bard Epic quest
# Jun 29 2000 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
me (lvl 31 rogue) and my 29 wiz friend were walkin around unrest and took out the skeleton monk by him then decided to go back and kill this lil guy who was green for us. He didn't have any loot except a few silver and no faction hit. later we pulled him out and i had him trying to hit me while i walk around, then i would instill doubt and he would run away....it was good, fun, these guy can provide lots of laughs =P
RE: faction
# Apr 07 2001 at 5:36 PM Rating: Default
I really get sick of people posting things they dont know about. The gnome this person is talking about is krixx hes a necro on second floor I found him in a closet with his pet. ::dont ask::

Conned blue to a 40 lvl druid hes dumb no loot.

This is not the spelunker.
RE: faction
# Jul 26 2001 at 1:46 AM Rating: Default
I agree, u should be sick of yourself! Look at what the poster said b4 u flame! or do u really know anything!! Hmmm.... makes me wonder?
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