so the sea turtles in the water in the bay of the hook had best rate by the time i killed all the swimmers the first one respawned again and i got one snake a respawn took me 30 min tops
These were the easiest for me to find. There are maybe 12 or more sea turtles swimming in the water within the hook part of Jardel's Hook (off the eastern beach with the wizzy spire). I just tab-targeted them and killed them all off, then went and did something else like make a sandwich or watch tv while i waited on respawns. There were usually around 3 snakes per wipe. I finished the quest within 40 mins - 1 hr because i had to wait on respawns... i searched jardel's hook, the whirlpool, and deadbone reef and i didnt find any snakes other than in this spot. Just kill the turtles here to make spawns.
They do not summon, but their underwater pathing is somewhat buggy, as well as for their PH ("a sea turtle", gray at level 75). They hit around 1K and are dark blue at level 75. They are amiable to me (druid).
Among loots are :
Pearlescent Snake Fang Sea Snake Venom Sac : used for task "Snake Milk" from Sid Hacke Section of Fine Snake Pancreas Shimmering Snake Scales Snake Fang Snake Meat