As night falls, many of the Ancilles in the castle and tower unspawn, to be replaced by these undead menaces. Their big brothers have the ability to life tap, so be warned.
Another thing to note is that these are vampires. They see through the normal invisiblity that allows you to evade most of the castle, and usually are the ones reponsible for getting you slaughtered or causing trains. They do drain your stamina (the yellow bar), but they can also be hit by undead only line of spells. Personally, I hate these guys, as they've caused quite a few deaths by alerting the entire room to my presence.
Posted:Mar 18 2000 at 9:36 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Not just a warrior. They drain away all yer stamina. Can't jump, don't hit well, get hit more often, you get the picture...
Posted:Mar 18 2000 at 9:36 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Not just a warrior. They drain away all yer stamina. Can't jump, don't hit well, get hit more often, you get the picture...