You say, 'Hail, Artisan Vuro Padfoot'
Artisan Vuro Padfoot says, 'Hello, _____. Returning from Norrath? It fills me with pride to see there are still Vah Shir willing to venture off this moon and restore our foothold on [Norrath] once again.'
You say, 'Norrath'
Artisan Vuro Padfoot says, 'From what I have heard, things were much different back when we lived on the planet. I have been studying the writings transcribed from before our kind was blasted from the face of Norrath. They are helping me piece together the [techniques] of our ancestors.'
You say, 'techniques'
Artisan Vuro Padfoot says, 'From what I have learned, our craftsmanship has regressed over the years. Our relative lack of competition from other races has made us docile and lazy on this moon. In fact, I've uncovered some forgotten [armor patterns] and a few [cultural symbol patterns] that put our current designs to shame. Would you be interested in learning these ancient patterns? They will take time to craft, but, if you are patient, they will serve you well.'
You say, 'armor patterns'
Artisan Vuro Padfoot says, 'Excellent. To make you a pattern book, I will need a piece of shadeling silk for the cover, a glowing heart stone for the ink, a cracked rhino beetle carapace for the clasp, and a damaged hopper hide to grind down and make a salve which will protect and preserve the finished product. I have heard these items can be found around Shadeweaver's Thicket, Hollowshade Moor and the Paludal Caverns. Bring them to me and the armor patterns of our ancestors will be yours'
You say, 'cultural symbol patterns'
Artisan Vuro Padfoot says, 'You're interested in the cultural symbol patterns I see. I can give you the cultural symbol patterns but I will need you to run a few tasks for me before I can give them to you. What do you say; would you like to run a few short [tasks] for me?'
You say, 'tasks'
Artisan Vuro Padfoot says, 'I need some interesting patterns to use as continued inspiration for different symbols. I will give you an impression book that you can use to make impressions of certain patterns that you find out in the world. This book will magically take deep impressions or even just surface patterns. You can take as many of the tasks at once as you would like.'