Dyllin Starsine  

Quest NPC

Uploaded July 24th, 2007

Dyllin Starsine is found in a smuggler camp in Highpass Hold. He is perhaps one of the more camped people in the game due to his posession of a page of Veishell's Tome.

Be warned that the smugglers around him will assist him, if they're within range.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2008-01-02 14:59:37.

Level: 16
Expansion: Original
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Easy Testament
# Jun 26 2000 at 9:28 AM Rating: Decent
You dont have to pay anything at all to get this (50pp or 65pp). I got my testament as a lvl 17 enchanter. The BEST time to get yours is on the day of a scheduled shutdown. When the time of the shutdown is approaching (1-2 hrs.) there aren't many people on any server. This is the time to go and take a look, see if he has popped. More than likely he will have with no one there to KS you or anything. He was a descent fight at 17. Hope everyone can get one without having to pay or be KSed
Dylin, the bastard
# Jun 17 2000 at 8:59 PM Rating: Decent
Well well well, if theres anyone in this game that i hate Dylin is the most hated,the thing about him is he has a 7 and 40 min spawn, but his spawn is random, meaning that lets say he was killed 2:00 AM EST that DOES NOT mean he will spawn at 9:40, he will spawn any time between 2:01 and 9:40, which makes him a REALLY hard spawn. but i have a lil trick for myself, I'm gonna get to lv 29(Druid) then i can group tele. i will go to a random town and ask some Newbie if he wants to camp a REALLY long spawn for me, i tell him i'll pay him 50 platinum thats MEGA money to have at lv 1 LOL, I succor east and pop his **** into HHP (i'll have to be mega careful bout Gnolls though)then get him to the spawn. and go into HHK and lv up. pop he tells me when the spawn is up. i DO NOT give him 50pp. Instead i give him 65pp to let him know he did a nice job volia one testament!!!!
KS !
# Jun 14 2000 at 10:13 PM Rating: Default
I camped this guy for 8 hours and just when he spawned I had him down to a bubble of life and a smuggler killed me then this halfling druid killed it . Dyllin was even to me at 16 and we both had a bubble and i had half mana. KSed OFF 6 HOURS SPAWN ! mith marr
RE: KS !
# Nov 06 2000 at 5:57 PM Rating: Decent
I am NOT a fan of KS'ing and I don't agree that what you described happened was a KS. You died and then the druid stepped in. It is unfortunate that you died but that happens. If he had come in after you died and saw your corpse, then killed Dyllin would that be different?

Druid of 16 Seasons
Souls of Peace
Not too hard
# Jun 05 2000 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
This guy isn't too tough of a spawn to handle, and I didn't have any trouble with KSing either (well... was 29 when I did it:) ) And anytime somone came it to see if he was taken, they respectably left after they saw me... I don't know if I was just in the company of nice people, or if they were afraid of me:) but anyways, if you don't just sit on your *** looking at the screen and just glance over every now and then while toing somthing else it makes the time pass much quicker... and lucky me, I only had to wait 5 1/2 hours :)
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 03 2000 at 4:03 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) OOOOPPPPSSSS posted it twice lol =p
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 03 2000 at 4:02 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Man I've been wanting this a long time now. When i get my druid up to 19, Dyllin Starsine is DEAD
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 03 2000 at 4:01 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Man I've been wanting this a long time now. When i get my druid up to 19, Dyllin Starsine is DEAD
# Jun 03 2000 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
Are the pages NO DROP?
RE: ??
# Nov 06 2000 at 6:02 PM Rating: Default
Yes, the dropped loot is NO DROP.
wrong lvl
# May 17 2000 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
He is definatly higher than lvl 12, I still got experiance for him last night at lvl 24,I just stopped by about 7 hours after the servers came up and got him in 30 min with no one else around... guess thats an advantege of being on a younger server
long spawn, good item, worth the wait? I
# May 07 2000 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
Btw this guys is definately not lvl 12, I got exp for him at lvl 22...

also one time the spawn was 22 hours, I was there =((
#Anonymous, Posted: May 04 2000 at 9:38 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) make that pg 30
#Anonymous, Posted: May 04 2000 at 9:29 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) it is the page 35 of testament of vanear that he drops
Dylan is ridiculous
# May 04 2000 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
I have seen some of the worst behavior possible related to this spawn. People KSing others that have waited hours and the ensuing fights across shout. I decided he was not worth it and instead saved up to buy a Charred gaurdian sheild. It is one less wisdom but 9 more AC and only costs 400PP +-. In the long run a much better item.
The camping
# Apr 18 2000 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
I camped this guy for 5 1/2 hours yesterday from 3pm to 8:30pm. At about 7:30pm i went linkdead and had trouble logging back in. When i arrived i heard that the server crashed, so i glanced over to the spawn spot and nothing was there. This got me incredibly angry as to knowing the fact that when the servers come down, everything in the game respawns and all the place-holders are replaced by their rare spawns. I petitioned "did this incident reset the spawns server-wide?" i got a NO as the answer and i felt quite relieved =). When he finally spawned at 8:30, i was amazed to see that he didn't look the way i expected him to look. I thought he'd look like a smuggler, however he looks exactly like a Qeynos guard. I just ensnaring roots/combust/combust DEAD. I'm happy i finally got this outta the way =).
The Sealed Letter
# Mar 30 2000 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
The sealed letter he drops is part 3 of the Bayle List for a Shadow Knight quest.
response to all of this bull
# Mar 26 2000 at 9:47 PM Rating: Default
i was thinking of camping this guy just because 10wis helps enchanters succeed more but it just doesn't seem worth the time.... thanks for informing me before i tried to camp it... by the way this is not my char's name nor is that even my real server!!!!
# Mar 20 2000 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
He drops part 3 of the Bayle List. Also, he cons yellow to 14.
No Subject
# Mar 11 2000 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
I camped him 2 weeks ago, and the time from when he died to when he respawned was 7 hours and 40 minutes. The people who were there before me said he spawned after 8hrs and 15 mins, and the guy who camped it after me said he spawned after 6 hrs 45 mins. So - moral of the story is that there is no set spawn time, only a vague one. Good luck - I agree this is the most boring, hated camp I've ever done, and thank God it's over. I was told a while back they varied the spawn time so that no one could just pop in and KS it, but be wary, as folks still do. Lots of them. Several people decided to sit and stay awhile along the course of my camp. Also, he does not carry a page of Velishoul's Tome, I don't think - It's the second page to the Testament, and also drops a sealed letter. Does anyone know what to do with the sealed letter?
No Subject
# Mar 01 2000 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
His spawn rate is exactly 7 hours and 20 minutes; I saw this on maximumeq.com and verified it myself by waiting for the spawn (among competition) several times.

Killing him will lower your Corrupt Qeynos guard faction in Qeynos.
Spawn Rate
# Mar 01 2000 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
I have heard rumors about spawning rate for Dyllin ranging from 5 - 8 hours He drops the testament of vanear's second page. +10 wisdom. but you have to spent whole day waiting for him to spawn
# Feb 27 2000 at 7:58 PM Rating: Decent
I didn't know that his spawn rate was so low. I camped my cleric (level3) next to him and logged on my Ranger. Took me about 20 mins to get to him where I killed him, my cleric loted and that was it. Just got lucky I guess =0

Theres a good side to playing EQ at 3am
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 22 2000 at 4:44 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I think 10 wis is worth head pain and stress. i plan on doing this quest next .nothing can drive me from this game ha ha ha ha ha. any ways Id say for every body not me dont try this quest.
Evercamp - EverKS
# Feb 18 2000 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
Arguably the most camped mob in the entire game. Combine that with a predictable, known spawn rate and people will simply bind there, gate in when the spawn is due, and KS. The reward is so great and the mob so easy to kill and so easy to find that the quest obviously needs either tuning, or an alternate way of completing it. If you want to hate Everquest this is the quest to spend your time on (I myself have checked in a few times, and given up on completing it, not worth the aggravation).
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