

Uploaded July 24th, 2007

Spawns one of a lackey of Quigli and one or more of a scallywag of Quigli when attacked.

  • Summons: No

Categories: Templatized | EverQuest
This page last modified 2008-01-14 23:06:08.

Minimum Level: 66
Maximum Level: 67
Expansion: Legacy of Ykesha
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# Jul 14 2012 at 8:05 AM Rating: Decent
73 posts
Defeated him with Defiant gears 71 monk + healer merc and 71 warrior + rogue merc. He died after 71,894 dmg including dmg shields. Weapons were Gnoll Sap and Ornate Gnoll Hide Lariat for the warrior. Dawnlight Fistwraps and Savant's Fist for the monk. Healer ended up with 50% mana and nobody got below 70% hps. Fight lasted only 127 seconds.
Based on Solusek Ro since 1999
Kenuven Unlimited 55 Preserver
Uzerin Ascended 52 Elementalist
Coldor Ascended 44 Monk
Coin Operated 39 Bard
Bakztab 39 Rogue
Milduu Ztaen 28 Shadowknight
Agnoce 10 Warrior
molo'd 75 Monk
# Sep 04 2009 at 12:26 PM Rating: Good
122 posts
Molo'd with 75 Monk 100AA + Cleric merc. Monk is about 14k hp / 2.4k with self and merc buffs and CA/CS is 4/4. All the adds spawned as soon as Quigli aggroed so they will be on you from the start. I started to kill the adds but after killing one or two I switched to Quigli cause the adds were barely touching me. He has some pretty decent regen and hp, probably took 7-8 minutes or so to kill him with some of the adds beating on me. Merc had no problem keeping up with heals but she got pretty low on mana towards the end, but had I just focused on Quigli right from the start it would have been a bit quicker. If you are soloing I would suggest just killing Quigli and ignoring the adds if you are able to because they will all despawn once Quigli dies.
solo at 71 (kinda)
# Jun 02 2009 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
Just killed Quigly with a cleric merc as a 71 monk with about 500 aa's. Merc was nearly out of mana from healing herself (all 4 adds made a beeline for her after 2 heals on me) when I downed him. He spawned the initial four adds, but didn't spawn more through the fight.

Gearwise I'm nothing special, mostly groupable/bazaar equipment.
# Aug 18 2008 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
Does anyone know the respawn time on this guy?
No Summon?
# Jan 14 2008 at 7:43 PM Rating: Decent
4 posts
Quigli and his 4 adds do not summon, lol. So I used an 80 wizard with insta cast spells and just full speed kited him. His adds all poof when he dies. Pathetic.
more than 4 adds
# Jan 03 2008 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
Have done this one a few times and there is more than 4 adds.I dont know where they come from but there is more like 6.Have no idea where the extra adds come from.maybe from below?
Bugged Conversation, but the fight works
# Sep 24 2007 at 2:45 AM Rating: Excellent
I did this one a few weeks ago (sorry, I didn't make a note of the date).

We came straight from Siren's Grotto and a successful Wygrish-kill, without incident. However on Quigli, we had the problem mentioned below that his only response to hails was the standard "Go Away"-phrase.

HOWEVER, the trigger-phrase "I will Defeat your Crew" still worked as intended and caused him to attack with is adds, and he also dropped the Diary-half.

I wouldn't know if this has been fixed in a patch since then, but for now you CAN still do the fight by going straight to the trigger-phrase, even though he tells you to get lost.

Good Luck!
Bugged Conversation, but the fight works
# Sep 13 2016 at 11:26 PM Rating: Decent
81 posts
Master Niteklaw wrote:
I did this one a few weeks ago (sorry, I didn't make a note of the date).

We came straight from Siren's Grotto and a successful Wygrish-kill, without incident. However on Quigli, we had the problem mentioned below that his only response to hails was the standard "Go Away"-phrase.

HOWEVER, the trigger-phrase "I will Defeat your Crew" still worked as intended and caused him to attack with is adds, and he also dropped the Diary-half.

I wouldn't know if this has been fixed in a patch since then, but for now you CAN still do the fight by going straight to the trigger-phrase, even though he tells you to get lost.

Good Luck!

Still happening. Using the trigger phrase still works. Wow been broken for 9 years now.
Bugged Conversation, but the fight works
# Sep 14 2016 at 12:58 PM Rating: Excellent
weelystew wrote:
Master Niteklaw wrote:
I did this one a few weeks ago (sorry, I didn't make a note of the date).

We came straight from Siren's Grotto and a successful Wygrish-kill, without incident. However on Quigli, we had the problem mentioned below that his only response to hails was the standard "Go Away"-phrase.

HOWEVER, the trigger-phrase "I will Defeat your Crew" still worked as intended and caused him to attack with is adds, and he also dropped the Diary-half.

I wouldn't know if this has been fixed in a patch since then, but for now you CAN still do the fight by going straight to the trigger-phrase, even though he tells you to get lost.

Good Luck!

Still happening. Using the trigger phrase still works. Wow been broken for 9 years now.

This should be forwarded to the developers. We can open up a ticket on their bug tracker site at https://dgcissuetracker.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

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Easy fight 4 box
# Aug 28 2007 at 2:40 AM Rating: Decent
ok after 4 boxing him I thought I'd do a quick note of my experience.

73 - War 13.5k Buffed (40ish aa) and Whirlwind Disk
75 - Monk 11.5k Buffed (100aa)
73 - Cleric (40aa)
73 - Shammy (1 aa lol)

Pretty easy fight. The most the warrior was hit for was 450 with defensive I think and that was from one of the lackys.

Fight went pretty much like this.

Cleared the area of all normal mobs.

HoT on warrior, Monk hailed. Adds spawned and attacked monk.
Warrior hit Whirlwind for AoE taunt and kicked off Defensive Disc.
Shammy cast AoE Slow on mobs (Turg AE slow I think hits 4 mobs 50% slow).
Cleric spot healed for a few seconds.

Warrior had to go and taunt one or two of the lackys off the shammy and cleric and his Whirlwind refreshed so hit it again to grab agro. During all this Cleric hit the warrior with Promised Renewal.

Warrior (who was shrunk) backed into the corner with the barrels while the monk attacked Quig from behind. (Note: Before I started killing Quig i did try and take down one of the lackys thinking that they might only have a few HP and it could be quicker taking down the lackys one by one then onto Quig... they have far to may HP for a warrior and monk to burn through so I just retargeted Quig and forgot about trying to take down the adds)

Shammy picked random mobs and landed Turgs (75% slow) on them and cast a HoT just in case on the warrior.

Cleric just chain cast PR although warrior was only ever at 30-40% when it fired. Warrior hit Whirlwind when ever it popped.

EASILY tanked by this warrior with defensive disc.. maybe even without.

4 minutes later Quig died and adds despawned. Shammy 50%manaish Cleric 15%-20%

There were no extra adds during the fight just the 4 that spawn at the beginning.

Hope that helps some.

Edited, Aug 30th 2007 6:19am by Jilazy
# Aug 15 2007 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent
Killed Wygrish in SG, then headed to Dulak to kill this guy.. Found him, hailed him, and the only responses were along the lines of "go away". Never got the correct dialogue prompts, can't attack him, perhaps he is bugged from recent patch?
WAY harder than indicated here...
# Aug 02 2007 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Don't know if he got increased in power because it was so easy or what... but this fight is a whole lot harder now.

Brought 3 tanks with 12k+ hp so luckily nobody died, but every couple of seconds (sometimes not even that long) after he hit 40% health he'd say "You sorry sacks of vermin, come aid me now!"

We had well over 20 mobs on us by the time he was killed, again, no deaths, but it was VERY rough at the end, I'm assuming this was done to prevent solo/duo'ing.

We did it with two groups, 3 tanks, two clerics, a druid and a bunch of misc DPS classes, and we made it without anyone even getting to 50% health... good luck to everyone
# May 31 2007 at 7:34 AM Rating: Decent
If you have the right gear and buffs, he can be solo'd. I just solo'd him today 75 monk with 16.5k HP buffed and max defensive AAs. Had to use potion, mend and offensive discs. Once I killed him, his crew despawned so no need worrying about them if you can burn him down ASAP. I burned offensive on him right from the start and popped my potion at 80% then mended where needed. Use DS and if you have lifetap procs, it helps a tiny bit, may make all the difference. I popped Destructive Force then immediately Whirlwind to reposte on all 5 or 6 of his lackeys for the extra tap procs. Finished him with about 30% life left. Good Luck!
I did it
# Oct 13 2006 at 8:02 AM Rating: Decent
13 posts
I did it no more than mins with my warrior and shaman. Both lvl 73. It wasn't that hard but he did spawn 5 mobs. My warrior has 14k hps and so my shaman healed her with her main heal at 50% and we did it smoothly. He really isn't that bad unless you don't know what your doing.
4 Mobs?
# Jun 05 2006 at 5:40 PM Rating: Decent
45 posts
Ok I just tried one group this mob, did all the speeches and pop - about 8-10 spawns popped on us. Needless to say we got beaten down pretty fast with that many adds, but has anyone else had this problem? I'm thinking maybe it was bugged or maybe failed attempts at killing him stack add pops. Any ideas? Cos I'd like it to not happen again on my next attempt.

EDIT: Ok killed the ******* this time. He popped 4 mobs after speech, chanty said none were mezzable so we had adds running everywhere. After maybe 50% he pops more adds, another 2-4. It was all crazy at the time so I didn't think to count exact numbers after the initial 4, but he said something halfway through (forgot to log it) which spawned the extra adds.

Hope this helps

Edited, Aug 28th 2006 at 11:31pm EDT by Smashngrab
# Apr 01 2006 at 3:04 AM Rating: Decent
21 posts
Mobs despawned after quig was dead/mobs broke mez.
Easy fight
# Feb 26 2006 at 9:05 PM Rating: Decent
Did this for a friend... 18khp Warrior AE taunted and kept agro on all mobs. Used Offensive discs with Tank... Had no need of Defensive.. Cleric used HoT on him and Monk(Me) burned him down. Didnt take over 2 mins.
# Feb 10 2006 at 7:39 PM Rating: Decent
aM on my last fight of my 2.0 but i was helping a friend do his 1.5 on his alt .. brought a bard along and found out .. quigly himself is mezzable:P
1) sneak to speak to him and sneak again and again until you finish the dialogue
2) have someone agro the pack and have a chanter or bard mezz the 2 adds plus quigly himself
3) wax the 2 dark elfs since you cant mezz . they hit ( 500 tops ) ...12.5k monk all defensives though ....
4) wax the other two adds at liesure
5) wax quigly ( max hit was 522 ) to me anyways i tanked..
6) mount his head on your wall and do the monky dance and ride off into the sunset
# Nov 02 2005 at 5:45 PM Rating: Decent
Does Quigli agro, or only attack when attacked?

RE: Question...
# Dec 05 2005 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
attacks only when triggered by a monk(possibly when attacked havent tried).

easily 1 groupable probably 2 mannable.

swabby = no mez/slowable(full)

scalleywag = mez/slow(full)

lackey = mez/slow(full)

Quigli = full slow.

all mobs depop upon Quigli death. if they are mezzed they will depop when it wears or is broken.

Edited, Mon Dec 12 17:26:02 2005
# Oct 27 2005 at 11:55 PM Rating: Good
1,087 posts
Just get an sk to ae agro them all, burn down Quigli. Hopefully someone ae slows.
Pain Mistress Okami L`Assundre of Tarew Marr
Dark Elf Shadow Knight
Drinal (Tarew)
Retired after 500 days /played
Retired again
# Sep 08 2005 at 5:12 AM Rating: Decent
70 posts
Our solution to the problem... Had two druids, one snared guards, while other snared Q and hit em with useless nukes to build agro.. once agro was built melee engaged and nukes nuked... simple.. just like kiting a murk in NC.
New dynamics?
# Sep 08 2005 at 5:03 AM Rating: Decent
70 posts
I don't beleive this mob is single pullable anymore. He summons his guards to him if they get very far away at all. Tried strait tanking with a 9.5 k tank, tried snare kiting, tried single pulling.. Still workin on it.. i'll post more if we come up with anything
# Jul 26 2005 at 7:12 PM Rating: Default
WTF!!! Why in the world is a big, strong, scary ogre cat gonna keep a diary?? WTF!!! Geez, i cant believe this bs. He should drop something manly like a condom or a steel sword. This is lame
# Jan 22 2007 at 12:44 AM Rating: Decent
how bout a steel condom?
# Feb 10 2005 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
hello just a note here he is not killable until after you have killed wyfrish the other diary mob. i got done with the pages and erudin last night and had a few friends together knew we couldn't do wygrish but was thinking well i could go do this one being he sorta in the same bracket as you have to get him and wygrish for next hand in. so get there and he does talk to me where he wouldn't before but only thing he would say is the phrases like i didn't know a pile of refuse could talk and so forth never could get him to attack and couldn't hit him so i guessing that wygrish has to be done first.
RE: mob
# Feb 23 2005 at 5:44 AM Rating: Decent
379 posts
He is completely killable after having talked to Vorash in LR, you must sneak and talk to him from behind to get him to reply.

He's yellow to a 66 too.

Edited, Wed Feb 23 06:04:10 2005
# Dec 01 2004 at 6:45 PM Rating: Decent
Strategy to duo with shaman:

1. Get a few instant invis potions in pok (only need one if you get it right first time) And make sure you have Imitate Death AA (can do it without, but then you have to mess around a bit trying to mem wipe)

2. Buff up at zonein, let shaman wait there with pet summoned and buffed.

3. Run over to Quigli at northermost ship, upper deck. Use an invis potion if you are a sissy, if you are leet just train :p

4. Say your stuff to Quigli fast then get off the ship and off the docks, when you get off dock you want to round mobs up so you make sure Quigli is at the front, same principle a quad-kiter uses to gather mobs. (oh yeah have at least run3, but if you don't have run3 AAs wth are you doing your epic for? :p)

5. Run over to the mountain-hallway that leads to Gunthak, you will have gotten more adds, round them up, get close to your shaman who should be standing right by the zoneline, without getting mobs within agro range. Imitate death. Get up. Make sure all 4 of Quigli's bodyguards are gone ( those are the only ones that doesnt con green.

6. Throw a star or whatever on Quigli, before star lands on Quigli, click an invis potion, then bring to your shaman. Should you get a few adds that wont matter much if your hp is around 6-7k. They die fast. I got 6-7 adds, np. Just get Quigli slowed first and then kill all adds before you dps Quigli. It will be a 5-10 min fight. Use shaman pet + bane + blood of saryrn (or newer dots if you have, I used an old rusty shaman bot with vt gear). Mob regens pretty hard, so you want to focus hard on dps til it dies. If you have most defensive AAs you shouldnt need more than 2-3 Quiesence casts on you during the whole fight for hp.

Good luck :]
# Nov 04 2004 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
Mob has fast regen but adds all but dark elf models can be mezzed fight is easy if cc and offtank are present any 8k tank will do . have fun ladys and gents gl on epics
easy encounter
# Oct 30 2004 at 4:57 AM Rating: Excellent
i was able to have 7 people come with me, a war, pal, cleric, shm, monk, mage, druid, and myself (another monk). had the war tank quigli and pal tank the 4 adds. very very easy. the adds all despawn when quigli dies btw. Another thing to note, the adds are teathered to quigli and if you move too far away, they will warp back to him and are memblured in a sense... but they only hit for around 450 max and this turned out to not cause a prob.

id recomend invising to the windsorn (most northern boat in the zone). then clear most of it so you dont have to deal with the mobs. then talk to him and engage. fight lasted a couple min. his regen is pretty high, but his dps is so low that it doesnt really matter. seems like soe went a tad over board due to the mob having no regen when he first came out.

i am unsure if the adds can be mezed, but i assume they can... so if you cant find a second tank, then bring some CC... or you can just have your MT tank all 5 mobs, that shouldnt be much of a prob either if 10k+ (our war was at 11.7 and pal at 11.1)

Edited, Sat Oct 30 06:13:09 2004
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