Going on the information here, I went to luggalds to get Pureblood spell drop <3boxing> lvl 57warrior, 54 cleric, 54 chanter. Most of the mobs were cake, comparatively up till this guy, I checked lvls here just before entering luggald side, and did not see anything of concern, while this guy was db to warrior on one kill he was yellow on another, and yellow to both cleric and chanter on some, while blood red on others.
... this level range is not accurate all of these critters. They conned blue to both me (62 mage) and 65 chanter and I thought they'd be easy pickings like all the others I'd encountered up to that point.
Even after being slowed, proceeded to eat the chanter's DC pet that was a scorned element from the entrance in no time. Then tore my pet a new one. Stood standing through easily 10k worth of nukes besides the pet damage. Also ENRAGED at 10% health so this mob definitely can be above level 54.