A Small Tree Frog  


Level: 46
Expansion: Planes of Power
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-09-08 19:59:07

Known Habitats:
  Plane of Valor

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#REDACTED, Posted: Dec 09 2003 at 1:53 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i saw one of these dudes at the outer camp on a small rock and never moved if this is any help was red and conned dubious to a 52 ench high elf (im flagged so yes i could get in)
# Jul 22 2003 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
Will these little guys show up on track if they have Feign Death?

Silverfalls Direwood
59th Druid of Tunare
# Dec 10 2002 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
Where in god's name do these little guys spawn? Or are regular Tree Frogs Phs?
RE: Where?
# Aug 30 2004 at 5:44 AM Rating: Decent
There are three types of DC charm pets in the zone. Small Tree Frogs, Rusted Suit of Mail and Undead Squire. They spawn at three spots.

Assume for reference you are standing on the zone wall looking out at the Graveyard.

First one spawns just to your left, on the small knoll left of the Graveyard. Second spawns near the river shore close to the Outer Caves (OC) camp (way far left). Third spawns to your right just a bit beyond the building at the Graveyard. These three mobs are all that will spawn at these three points. There are no place holders.

Enchanters can DC any of the three, druids can DC the frogs and necros the undead squire. If you are a necro or a druid and your particular type is not up, just kill the ones that are there and the respawn will be a random repop of one of the three. Respawn time is not that long. As with all DC mobs, if someone has already DC'd the mob from that spawn point, it will not spawn again until the pet has been killed or been released.
RE: Where?
# Dec 11 2002 at 9:43 AM Rating: Excellent
1,088 posts
They spawn around the graveyard area where larvaes roam about. Their only PHs are their DC counterparts (squires and rusty mails). There are about three or four of these spawns. Prior to aggro they're feigned death and difficult to spot if you're just skimming the surface.

Edited, Wed Dec 11 09:20:29 2002
RE: Where?
# Dec 12 2002 at 7:45 PM Rating: Decent
Coolness, thanks for the info. I'll be killing in style in PoV tomorrow no doubt.
RE: Where?
# Jun 20 2004 at 8:32 PM Rating: Decent
# Dec 10 2002 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Tue Dec 10 13:23:22 2002
More Info
# Dec 05 2002 at 6:03 AM Rating: Decent
These have 7291 hitpoints and hit for 149 damage. Make great dire charmed pets. Easy to find on track, green at level 64 along with the rusted suits of mail which are good for chanters. Leave the frogs alone chanters!
# Dec 02 2002 at 1:50 PM Rating: Default
ya i can dc small tree frogs..works quite nice..with agro kiting..these arnt for killin people leave them alone hehe
Dire Charmage
# Nov 14 2002 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
These and rusted suits of mail were specifically put in the zone for people with dire charm, so that the skill wasn't rendered useless.

Much like Young bats in PoN, Festering Rats in PoJ, etc... The mobs hit pretty freakin high, but are just the right level for DC =D
Can you say 'Dire Charm'?
# Nov 04 2002 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent
#REDACTED, Posted: Nov 11 2002 at 8:19 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) If it is truely 46, then you can't DC.
RE: Can you say 'Dire Charm'?
# Nov 13 2002 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
DC is 46 and below. Notice whne you are lvl 60 aything 45 and below is light blue. Yet DC works on some dark blue mobs. At lvl 61 for some reason ... at this time, lvl 47 turns light blue as well as 46 by gaining only one lvl over 60. Guess its VI's way of making DCers still have to guess at the toughness of the mobs and pushing for everyone to group and fight in more difficult areas.

Aricon Drinksalot
62 paladin
Idana Drinksalot
61 enchanter
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