They should place a recommended level on the Elder spirit gear. I myself as a newbie bought the gauntlets. No indication of any sort they do not proc till 45, had to come here to find that out.
Only use i can see this for is buffing newbies in gfay.They always get a kick out of running around as a wolves:).Other then that it would have very limited uses.
I'm not a druid, but I can think of at least one other use )
Jaggedpine forest maybe? Remember that the animals and treants really don't like us non-dru/rng types, so having wolf form saves you from all the pesky bear/wolf/panther/griffon adds. Plus the included faster SoW and ATK buff.
Also lets you load one more buff/dot/nuke. So maybe not the best thing for everyday wear, but it seems like a nice item to have in the bag for when it is really needed.
Posted:Jun 09 2001 at 3:33 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Greater wolf form, form of the howler, forget casting those every hour for a tiny bit of your mana, you can be the lowly regular wolf for free! whoopie! Just mem and cast the regular spell the very few times you will use it. After level 45 very few players of any class want to be regular wolf form.
We used this bracer in Burning woods a lot when grouped to save mana consumption on the group wolf form spell. It seems like a dumb effect to have, but actually comes in handy in a lot of outdoor zones when you dont want to waste the extra bubble of mana to cast 1 spell (=
the spell costs 120 mana at 50 i can med that up in like 30-40 seconds, but i would keep it if it dropped and no one was going to pay well for it one upside, not a leather graphic :)
what i like the most about es armor effects is not having to keep a spell mem or not having to mem it. like the camo, sow, wolf, snare, ... effects comes handy when u need them fast and dont have it mem.
add to that the levitate cloak from SK and u have yourself a nice bunch of utility spells ready to cast.
Pegasus cloak is not easier to get. ;) Quillmane is a random rare spawn and the cloak is her rare drop. Add to that the fact that any mage working on his or her epic will kill you on sight if you're keeping this cloak just to be able to lev yourself when there's a druid only item with the same effect that is not required for the completion of an epic quest.
Posted:Oct 05 2002 at 1:14 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I use lev alot myself, so i buy a deluxe tool box full of bat wings all the time, the cloak would same me time, money, weight, and loot space.
You're an *** to think that way. The pegasus cloak is a CHARGED item and is used for someone's epic. Add to that VERY hard to obtain considering all the people like you that want it for Lev when there are MUCH easier items to obtain for levitation, like potions (which are WAY cheaper than selling the peg cloak to a vendor with one charge and rebuying it with 5, which I'm not even sure you can do since it's no drop).
Show some consideration for others playing the game or maybe others will kill YOUR epic mobs and destroy (which is basically what you're doing) your epic piece.
As far as money, weight and loot space for bat wings, you MUST be joking. Batwings are in bazaar, buying two stacks at a time isn't going to break you ffs and they weigh 0.1 OMG NOOOOO. Not gonna kill your "loot space" either. And oh ya, it takes a whole 10 seconds to sit, mem and cast lev. Ya, that's worth stealing an epic mob for.
Better yet, why don't you go exp instead of posting here and you'll be 65 and able to cast soe, or would that cramp your style too? Mage just gotta compete for it, ya right. How's a mage supposed to compete with a selfish ranger with track and sow like you?
I have had Pegasus cloak drop for me 3 times. 1 i sold for Epic MQ. 1 i gave to my friends BL, 1 i let rot. Now guess how many Mages were in zone each time it dropped and guess why the 3rd 1 rotted....Nothing at all wrong with coming upon a mob/drop by chance and looting an item simply for the this day i regret selling the 1 off my druid for MQ, was the handiest item i have ever owned.