Just decided to get a few of these for myself and some alts .. All named mobs easily taken down by me and a buddy each 2 boxing ... myself on 70/1531 Ranger + 70/450 + Shammy, my buddy on 70/900ish Druid + 70/500ish Chanter. I do have a question about these evolving items .. Do you need to evolve to 100 % before they reach their next evolution level ? Like 1 >> 2 = 100 % evolution, and 2 >> 3 = another 100 % evolution ? THX.
We did all of these with one group. In fact I was boxing 3 characters and my RL friend was boxing two, so really it was just us 2 boxing a total of 5 toons. Shaman slower and healer ftw.
There are two versions of this, the evolved version and the non evolved version. Both have same stats and name, the non evolved is given in a "quest" by same npc who gives Mark of the Spirits, which "fixes" those cloaks bugged by evolving to level 3 with level 2 stats.
I evolved mine to level 3 before the fix went in. It was obviously broken when the stats didn't change from the 2nd to 3rd level. After the fix went live, I just hailed the NPC to get the fully evolved cloak with full stats. There aren't two different versions. Just one.
Posted:Apr 18 2006 at 12:13 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Yes there are two. The one you get for turning in the the cloak that leveled to level three with level two stats (the "fixed" one) and the one that evoles from level one to level three correctly that is obtained since it was fixed. As the person above stated, the evolved (1 version) and the non-evolved version (1 version). 1 + 1 = 2.