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Bayle's Heraldic Crest  

Lore Item No Trade Augmentation
Augmentation type: 7 8
AC: 32
CHA: +15+5 HP: +75 MANA: +75 ENDUR: +75
Clairvoyance: +5
Recommended level of 80. Required level of 70.
WT: 0.0 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL

Item Information:
You must use the solvent Class XV Augmentation Distiller or greater to remove this augment safely.

Item Lore:Coat of arms of the great Antonius Bayle
Item Type:Augmentation
Color (RGB):0, 0, 0
Lucy Entry By:Boilermaker_TR
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-01-19 01:45:02
Page Updated:Fri Jan 24th, 2020

Expansion: Seeds of Destruction Seeds of Destruction

Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 85

[Comments ]

Crafted: This item is crafted by players.

Uploaded August 27th, 2009 by Cylius
Updated August 26th, 2022
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Absolutely Worth It
# Nov 13 2014 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
I started this chain of quests reluctantly because the end aug is nice but not amazing for the amount of work. It's important to note that there are lots of VERY nice armour and jewelry rewards along the way, better IMHO than the aug itself! I got lots of Paragon's chain and jewelry.

It IS worth it!!
# Dec 18 2013 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
It is absolutely worth it!!! I'm finishing it right now for my 77 cleric and I am SO looking forward to adding it to my collection!!!
not worth it?
# Oct 31 2010 at 9:59 AM Rating: Default
I was doing this quest, but ended up putting it off until now...

Now, I don't think the aug is worth it :(
not worth it?
# Aug 12 2012 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
How is a 32 AC 70 H/M/E not worth it? At lvl 70, it is a DANG nice aug.
You might have to put some work in to getting it, but since you are leveling anyway, do the quests and you get something out of it at the end.
Infected Animal Organs
# Dec 03 2009 at 12:36 AM Rating: Default
Just looted "Infected Animal Organs" from a pustulant cadaver in OGV.

Odd, I know... I guess zombies really do like brains !

Hamilton Dun`Draedan
High Priest of Cazic Thule

Edited, Dec 3rd 2009 1:40am by HamiltonDunDraedan

Edited, Dec 3rd 2009 1:42am by HamiltonDunDraedan

Edited, Jan 6th 2010 7:55am by HamiltonDunDraedan
Complete Bayle's Aug Walkthru
# Apr 25 2009 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
Complete Bayle's Aug Walkthru
# Sep 05 2013 at 7:16 AM Rating: Good
269 posts
For those who don't have the bank space or bag space to hold all the parts, they can be "sold" to Tavid Dennant in the Guild Lobby. He gives one chronobine per part. When it comes time to do the combines, you can "buy" back the parts from Tavid Dennant for one chronobine each.

Edited, Sep 5th 2013 3:19am by Adani
Complete Bayle's Aug Walkthru
# Dec 14 2010 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
52 posts
Great post, BludKlaw... thx! Great advice on the order for the quests. I've been going through with just my healer merc without any trouble, except for one last quest:

A Secret Hidden in Plain Sight (Crest Left Upper Field Frame)

If there's a way to break the Throne Room with just a Ranger and a healer merc, I can't seem to figure it out. Anyone got any tips? I've been invising and running around through the tunnel to the back of the throne, and then single/double pulling mobs to the back. It works with the golems and a few of the wandering mobs, but the little packed groups are not easy to break, and my crowd control tactics always seem to agro another group, and then it's a quick dash to the zone.

Oh well, might have to bite the bullet and get a group together to finish the last quest. No big deal - it's been a fun adventure all the same.

Thanks again BludKlaw for laying out the steps so well.
# Apr 25 2009 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
To clear things up, you can get most the quests at any time and in any order. Only exceptions I can think of are:

Must complete Sgt Bronal 1 to get Sgt Bronal 2.

Must complete Garvin 1 to get Garvin 2.

Must complete Tabron 1 to get Tabron 2, and complete Tabron 2 to get Tabron 3.

Archon Darianna will not give her quests until you have finished all Sgt. Bronal and Tabron quests.

Complete Kerrin 1 to get Kerrin 2. Cure the Crud is a prerequisite for Stop the Spreading. You must complete Crud before she will give the next quest.

Kerrin 2, Stop the Spreading, and Tabron 3, Test the Waters, are prerequisites for The Deathless. You must finish all 3 Tabron and all 3 Kerrin quests for Seradi to give her quest.

So within those limits, you can do the quests in whatever order you want. However, the way I listed them is the easiest order I have found in my dozen or so runs through it.

Edited, Apr 29th 2009 12:30am by BludKlaw
Ideal for Shields
# Feb 18 2009 at 2:43 AM Rating: Decent
This Augmentation is very ideal to have on shields most especially if you like to Bash with shields, the higher the AC on the shield you bash with the more greater the damage.

This alone has been proven by Hulkling, one of the EQ community leaders and I give him full credit for this info below . . .

5 AC - 215 max dmg
30 AC - 215 max dmg
35 AC - 215 max dmg
40 AC - 222 max dmg
55 AC - 222 max dmg
65 AC - 222 max dmg (35 AC + 30 aug)
80 AC - 228 max dmg (55 AC + 25 aug)
85 AC - 228 max dmg (55 AC + 30 aug)

So in case if your obsessed with Bashing with Shields, this aug is for you.
Ideal for Shields
# Apr 20 2009 at 9:07 PM Rating: Decent
umm, yeah

Edited, Jul 20th 2009 11:42pm by Karnoneq
Ideal for Shields
# Apr 21 2009 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts

if you look at the picture as well it lists all the slots. Chest is not the only one.
Emick Shadowbane
~Rogue's Do It From Behind~
Ideal for Shields
# Mar 14 2009 at 10:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,087 posts
The bash is irrelevant.
Always put the highest ac aug on a shield because shield ac isn't affected by the softcap.

And there are a few 35ac augs out there.

Edited, Mar 14th 2009 11:29pm by Kalysta
Pain Mistress Okami L`Assundre of Tarew Marr
Dark Elf Shadow Knight
Drinal (Tarew)
Retired after 500 days /played
Retired again
# Dec 24 2008 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
awesome post, provides everyting i need thanks a mill venleder
# Nov 02 2008 at 6:54 PM Rating: Good
1,273 posts
# Nov 02 2008 at 7:20 PM Rating: Excellent
6,998 posts
dafdaf wrote:

Added all the recipes, many thanks.
# Oct 28 2008 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
130 posts
Can someone confirm that last combine?
# Oct 24 2008 at 4:20 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
If someone could post how to combine the 20+ quested plate/frame parts to get to this, that would be peachy.

I know one sub-combine is: Heraldic Keep by combining these in a Heraldic Crest Repair Kit

Crest Keep Tower Plate
Crest Keep Tower Frame
Crest Keep Wall Plate
Crest Keep Wall Frame
Crest Keep Plate
Crest Keep Frame

but the other field combines elude me.
# Oct 24 2008 at 11:03 PM Rating: Default
70 posts

Heraldic Keep
Crest Keep Tower Field Frame
Crest Keep Wall Field Frame
Crest Keep Field Frame
Crest Keep Tower Field Plate
Crest Keep Wall Field Plate
Crest Keep Field Plate

Crest Right Field
Crest Upper Right Field Frame
Crest Lower Right Field Frame
Crest Upper Right Field Plate
Crest Lower Right Field Plate

Crest Left Field
Crest Upper Left Field Frame
Crest Lower Left Field Frame
Crest Upper Left Field Plate
Crest Lower Left Field Plate

Lower Crest
Crest Lower field Plate
Crest Lower Field frame

Upper Crest
Everything else (6 things)
# Oct 28 2008 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts
Actually it seems to be Right Upper and Left Upper - thank you SOE for being so inconsistent in naming. Is there something else you need to make the combines work? I tried making the Crest Right Field on the repair kit and it keeps telling me I can't combine those items in that container type!

Bah, nevermind. There are similar sounding names just to confuse us. The last recipe is:

Upper Crest
Crest Left Upper Field Frame
Crest Center Upper Field Frame
Crest Right Upper Field Frame
Crest Left Upper Field Plate
Crest Center Upper Field Plate
Crest Right Upper Field Plate

and the first one is really:

Heraldic Keep
Crest Keep Tower Frame
Crest Keep Wall Frame
Crest Keep Frame
Crest Keep Tower Plate
Crest Keep Wall Plate
Crest Keep Plate

These all come from quests in Oceangreen Hills and Village. There are 2 quest givers at the fort in the NE corner in the hills as well as 3 gnoll quest givers in the SW area. There are at least 3 quest givers in the Village. Most can be done solo.

Edited, Oct 29th 2008 7:29pm by Romen

Edited, Oct 29th 2008 7:32pm by Romen
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