MY son has a Shadow Knight with's +10HP's goos for a Shadow Knight because of their melee/caster mix...i think it's easier to shop for a shadow knight because of this...they dont have to limit themsleves to pure melee items or caster items :)
At level 16, I visited Greater Faydark in order to buy my Enchant Electrum spell in Felwithe. After buying the spell, I decided to work on jewelry a little bit. Once I was able to make this item, I calculated my cost to be around 6.5 - 7pp a piece (2pp for electrum bar, 3pp for jade, and then I added in other factors, such as failures and what-not).
I decided to sell this item for 10pp, considering the fact that it would be useful for lower-level players who would not have the money to spend much more, and I was looking to make easy sales. I ended up with about 10 of these items after working my jewelry skill and began to sell them off in Greater Faydark.
I sold all 10 in less than 20 minutes. The lowbies rushed to me. Making 3pp profit a piece, I had made 30pp in 20 minutes, not bad for a level 16 Enchanter.
However, because demand for the item was still high, I went back to Felwithe and crafted another 30 of these bracelets. My cost-per-piece decreased due to a higher jewelry skill, so I was now making about 4 to 4.5pp profit off of each sale.
In about 30 minutes, I sold 20 of these bracelets, and I sold the other 10 in Eastern Commonlands and North Freeport.
In a total of 50 minutes, I sold 40 of these bracelets, making an average of 4pp profit of each. I walked away with 160pp, with very minimal effort.
For you wanna-be jewelers out there who think they can't sell any of their mid-level pieces, give this item a good look (and try adjusting your prices).
Out, Ellon Silktongue 21st level Enchanter. Proud member of the Mystical Titans
I usually sell them for 15pp to my good, frequent customers.
I'm not saying that if you're paying more, that you're getting swindled. Some might say this is a bargain at 50pp -- all depends on what your personal needs are and what you have for disposable income.