Continuing my hunt for the quest items for the Beguile Plant spell I decided to try here next. My recommendation is to take the first left from entrance, go down that hole and there will be a door on the other side of a hallway. Open it and there will be a roamer eventually. The roamer for me was the strathbone healer and after I killed him once he dropped the silk. Just keep a ddstun spell up or 2 and you'll prevent any heals. Stay in combat range else he will do DD for 200 pts a pop.
I was a lvl 39 druid at the time. Killed other spiders and most of them had spider silks. Necro spiders are annoying but not too difficult (mez me will you). Everything was blue to me at this lvl with the occasional yellow. The spiders didn't assist their buddies even though they were standing right next to em as I nuked away.
Edited, Sun Jan 4 00:24:23 2004