You actually don't get these ones until you start the Khati Sha Apprentice (Beastlord #3) quest. You get them after the step of making the thin leather straps with high quality rockhopper hides and the small stone blade (given to you by Kery after handing in the map) in your stitching kit. Then hand in the two thin leather straps and the primary and secondary khati shaw recruit claws (6/30) to Kery to get this weapon and the secondary version of this.
You actually don't get these ones until you start the Khati Sha Apprentice (Beastlord #3) quest. You get them after the step of making the thin leather straps with high quality rockhopper hides and the small stone blade (given to you by Kery after handing in the map) in your stitching kit. Then hand in the two thin leather straps and the primary and secondary khati shaw recruit claws (6/30) to Kery to get this weapon and the secondary version of this.
Fixed the rewards for both the Beastlord #2 and #3 quests. Looks like the "recruit" tier of claws was unassigned to anything leading to the confusion.
only problem with the next step is the absured rarety of the hand in itemd for bsts (small owlbear claw ). If you get 1 per 100 kills thing your self lucky .Oh did i forget to mention the only 2 spawn every 7 mins .
The next part is actually the Sonic Bane Weapon quest that requires the cooperation of 5 players, one of each class the Vah Shir can be, since it uses the specific tradeskill of each. Note: the players dont have to actually be Vah Shir, since, for ex, I myself have a Iksar Beastlord, who has completed his portion of the Sonic Bane quest, and am now just trying to find others who will help me by fashioning their portion of the quest (and I in turn will fashion my portion to give to them so that we can all complete the quest). for more info go to, under the Quest section. Their's is the only website I've found with a nearly 100% complete description of the quest. And no, a beastlord cannot do any other classes portion of the quest, since I already tried this, and they wont even give you the quests. Means you cant do other classes portions since the quest requires you turn in your cloak too, and those are only given to the specific classes during their newbie quests. So either make toons of each or get help.
I confuse anyone? I can clarify if needed (just email me though since it might be a bit before i read here again)
Go here for more info: EQTraders has a much better writeup than khazam has for this. They list all the class quests you complete first, the details on making the Sonic Wolf Bane weapons, and then they have info on the quests against the grimlings that follow that. And the the final reward (so far) from the grimlings are some very nice class cloaks with skill mods of 5% (think upgraded journeyman's cloaks) and stats ranging from 5 to 15 and lots of hitpoints. =)
I started the upgrade quest, got the molars off the sonic wolf pups in Hollowshade more, only to be given claw mounts, be told to read the tomes (Qua sells them, he is near Kaam Rahir, and in the reading seems at the finish, the claws will have poison ... but a lot of work a 22 beast lord cant do alone) needing to get stretching dowels to treat lashings, whom some one named Jhimis (?) keeps behind a counter at his shop. Some how all this and what the tomes (3 books coating about 5pp each give or take) make new claw that you will need to return with you cloak to Kaam Rahir.
Nyphera aka .... Tasheira half a blue shy of 22, Beastlord
If any one else is doing this part .. pease add your input