I was sitting by the entrace with improved superior camo on when a train came through. The choo choo saw me and ran me over. Luckily I only lost my legs and arms, and was able to drag myself to the zone with my chin.
The worm like things were the ones that attacked me, so maybe other stuff doesn't see invis. I think they were called mind worms or something.
Edit: After some hunting, it seems that random aliens can see thru invis - either they cast see invis or pass near another mob that casts. There are undead further in that see thru invis; like shadow reavers. So I think it is safe to say that invis is not reliable in this zone.
From what I heard/read, the +3 Cold damage signifies that an addition +3 damage will be added on, as a cold-based attack (the opponent is vulnerable to cold-damaging attacks) Like trolls are vulnerable to fire, a fire imp or maybe something cold would me vulnerable to Cold Damage. Hope this helps.
Why has everything got to be no drop i nluclin? granted it does make twinking a lot harder so you have to actually work on your character. But damnit I want to twink my druid :)
Posted:Dec 10 2001 at 12:52 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hehe, Luclin has so far proved very light on no drop things. Velious was horrible, but it helps on a pvp server.
Posted:Dec 07 2001 at 4:44 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Why does all the new **** have wis and not int on it??? just ***** over shadow knights!
Posted:Dec 07 2001 at 5:02 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Because a sk or paly would be a fool to use this, the dmg ratio is garbage for sks and palys, a sk should be using something with a better ratio, IE MoSS, Ebon Mace, etc...a weap with dmg/delay like that should go to a dual wielding class, or maybe a healer type (wis + mana).