i met a nice Gnome who gave me this mask for free because it was lore and he hated seeing them rot this mask is VERY good for a tank, it has the two most important stats that one needs, str and sta, for that reason i think it is worth well over 1k
I recently stumbled across one of these on a merchant, and almost didn't look at the stats, since the merchant only wanted 1pp and change for it. Clicked on it, and thought WOW, this is a good face item. So I bought it. If I am main tank, I still want my higher ac plate face, but when there is a higher tank in the group, I can swap this in, and get a nice strength (and attack), and stamina boost.
Funny part is, when I rechecked the merchant, whoever sold this had also sold a jagged chokidai spine, and an argent defender. No complaints here. I just hope I can get my plat to my enchanter before someone else finds the defender ( I bought the other 2). All my other characters are either too far away, or have dubious faction with this merchant, so I have to buy with the chanter (Illusion, alliance, charisma spells really help sometimes). I ran my warrior thru 5 zones with 500pp on him, just to find out the merchant won't sell to him. I wish they had not nerfed dropping plat, or I'd have the argent def. as well.
Mandicus isn't really off that much, the scheme is to get up and get your armor, then go kill some more and get the rest of it. Don't judge until you've read the post carefully. Sleezard is an Iksar so he has played one, and I might add that Sleezard is quite good, so if you want to put someone down you should do it to yourself as you are the one that is making stupid remarks.
First off, iksar can wear the best breastplates in the game, second... if yer lookin for iksar armor in kunark yer gonna be disappointed every time.
Honestly, take yer iksar war to icewell and scab till you at least have all the pieces but the bp... Then get some friends to clear out the higher lvl guards now that you can tank a little. Once you have full frosted velium, time to head to kael and kill them till yer blue in the face (till you get good enuf faction to bank and shop in skyshrine).
Once you get full set of plate drops from kael, head to sirens grotto and kill enthralled crap outside the siren temple till you get all your crushed gems, then kill sirens till you get 3 flawless diamonds, and head out to cs for the flawed crap to finish off yer gems.
Once you got all your armor and gems, go back to greater divide and slaughter the giant fort and any surrounding giants and wolves you see till you are kindly with coldain.
Turn in your crud in thurgadin and marvel at your magnificent armour class and spiffy iksar look. Then head to ToV and do halls of testing till you get your uber unadorned plate bp and legs... then go back sirens and get 3 more flawless diamonds, cs for 3 flawed sea sapphires, and work cov faction up to ally and turn in your crap.
Then after you got your uber bp and legs, switch skyshrine faction back to kael faction and pick up your kael arms, bracer, gloves, boots, helm and marvel at your uberness. About this time you should have 1300ac and about 5k hitpoints. Enjoy
Ok why are the boots not iksar useable and yet the mask is? I'd like the boots for my iksar warrior, since most nice armor items with str are not iksar useable, and I need all the strength bonuses I can get. I mean if Verant wants to keep iksar out of an item type at least be consistent. I guess I can try and get the mask and shouldn't complain though. :\
All told, looking at this item, I would have to venture that the best class for it would be Shadow Knight, simply for the str, sta, and int of the item. Very, very few items out there at the moment that fit the requirements of a Shadow Knight this completely.
But just about any tanking class would benefit from it's existence, as well as anyone's bank account for selling it, I would assume. *L*
Pain be the only curse of the living. All else be a blessing of the Gods.