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Akkirus' Mask of Warfare  

Lore Item No Trade
Slot: FACE
AC: 30
STR: +10 DEX: +10 STA: +10 CHA: +10 WIS: +10 INT: +10 AGI: +10 HP: +100 MANA: +100 ENDUR: +100
WT: 0.0 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)

Item Lore:Mask of the Chosen
Item Type:Armor
Submitted By:Hemovorous Mactabilis
Lucy Entry By:hob
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-10-18 00:56:16
Page Updated:Thu Oct 9th, 2008

*This item is the result of a raid event.
Expansion: Scars of Velious Scars of Velious

Rarity: Very Rare
Level to Attain: 58

[Drops | Comments ]


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Temple of Veeshan
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Temple of Veeshan

Uploaded November 20th, 2022 by halfridge
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# Dec 10 2003 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
54 posts
Wasn't Akkirus the head GM on Rallos Zek? My memory is a little fuzzy, I haven't played on RZ in years but I remember how tough it was there. I know it's a tough server for GMs as well as players, since in addition to bug complaints you get complaints about PvP cheating. I remember whole guilds being banned because of zone killing, bind point camping, and other abuses.
# Oct 14 2003 at 9:52 PM Rating: Default
You are all idiots I swear, the reason it says ALL/ALL is because it's for EVERYONE!! So everyone needs to shut their traps and LEAVE IT TO WHO GETS IT!
# Aug 19 2002 at 6:20 PM Rating: Default
Keep this item, whatever class you are... just let me keep Brother Xave's Headband =), ill give the headband a better use than the mask... ill keep wearing the sarnak hide mas im wearing atm =).... I aint ********

Brother Karaniz
55th Season Swift Tail of Cazic-Thule
Swords for Hire
# Mar 10 2002 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
Has anyone noticed anything 0 weight seems to be "for monks" (ac 3, int 7, chr 4, Sv Fire 15 weight 0) MONK ITEM!! ^_^
#REDACTED, Posted: Apr 24 2002 at 5:38 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You sir are FULL OF CRAP!!!
RE: Monks
# Apr 29 2002 at 2:36 PM Rating: Default
You have no sense of humor, he was just messin around. Look more carefully, enchanter. 0 wt, well there are plenty face slots that are 0 wt. I think thats what he's gettin at
#REDACTED, Posted: Jan 27 2002 at 11:46 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) madelene lol 10 ac for every1 stone over wieght err that adds even more to my point =)
#REDACTED, Posted: Jan 24 2002 at 8:21 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) one word that describes this mask
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 15 2002 at 6:12 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) U don't have any item in shoulder slot ? what's wrong with you ? =)))
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 13 2002 at 11:51 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hey, Katris, wanna hear my sectrect now... /wisper by the time a monk can get items like this... HE BETTER HAVE THE FREAKING STRENGTH TO USE IT SO STOP YOUR CRYING BECASUE IF YOU HAVE STRENGTH U WONT GO OVER WEIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RE: uhhh
# Feb 28 2002 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
Monk this, monk that.
This, as mentioned farther below is great for most any class, this is on of the best face pieces with Int/wis and Mana that I have seen, and would benefit most any caster more then a monk. An extra heal for a Cleric or another Nuke from a Wizzy would be more usefull then the few Ac that you would get from a 0.0 item.

And why are you being a greedy litte monk when you are only of the "28th Circle" Maybe I would listen if you where in the 50's where you can go and try and get this.

Just my 2cp

Wizard of his 54th year.
RE: uhhh
# Oct 12 2002 at 10:50 AM Rating: Default
I hate to be the one to point this out, but I think you missed the reason this is so frequently called a "monk item." 30 AC, 10 STR/STA/DEX/AGI, 100 HP, and 0.0 WT. I'm seeing 7 reasons right there that this mask benefits a monk greatly, as opposed to the 1 (for caster classes) that you chose to bring to our attention. There may be more, but I'm just not seeing them.
RE: uhhh
# Nov 03 2002 at 2:56 AM Rating: Default
8,619 posts
I hate to be the one to point this out, but i think you missed the reason ANY!!!! melee class would want it monks are no more deserving of this than any War/Pal/Sk/Rgr for the exact same resons as you have stated. this is one of the best face slot items i have seen and i would love to have it on my Pally/Cleric/Necro/ranger

just my 2cp

Falcone Trueshield <order of Elessar>
Druzzul Ro

your mind is like a parachute, it only works if it's open

Edited, Sun Nov 3 02:37:04 2002
RE: uhhh
# Mar 10 2004 at 4:37 PM Rating: Default
actually if you wanted to get extremely technical - This is a bard item -30 ac 10str/dex/agi/sta/cha/int 100hp/mana and 8sv all(meaning bards utilize every stat effectively but 1)and that 0.0 weight to complete the picture of being able to carry more loot while we out solo by swarming any other class needing to carry things =)
RE: uhhh
# Jan 25 2002 at 10:42 PM Rating: Decent
Oh for @$@$ sake... everything weighs 0 at that level... indeed, there are about 2 monks on any server that will get one, and two of every other class that needs to live in high damage. And it's 10AC per stone at that level, btw.
RE: uhhh
# Apr 01 2002 at 2:53 AM Rating: Default
Thank you level 60 monk!

Yep, almost ALL the high end stuff weighs next to nothing and with good reason in my mind. If you are part of a high end raiding guild, which is who is going to kill this dragon, you better be ready at all times for whatever spawns anywhere. There won't be any of this, "let me go to the bank for my resist gear." You go when the call comes you go, as is, as fast as you can. Almost every dedicated raider I know keeps most of their gear on them. Not everyone can afford 6 or 7 tinker's bags either. So thanks VI for being at least cool enough to lower the weight on stuff at the high end.
monk/item drops
# Dec 17 2001 at 5:22 PM Rating: Default
every item on vulak aer is s good for monks i cant even handle it. Its all 0.0 weight and like 30 agi and str. u will never get any o these pieces though. for example ure guild raids this supposing ure on one of the best guilds on the server. so 50 of u bring down this dragon. maybe 1 or 2 item will drop. then the 40 people that want each item get to roll on it. unless ure extremely lucky u will never get one of these items
RE: monk/item drops
# Jun 15 2003 at 10:16 AM Rating: Default
acually most high end guilds use a strict point system so they usually dont roll
#REDACTED, Posted: Nov 15 2001 at 9:02 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ~~~~~MONK LEWT~~~~~
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 14 2001 at 10:54 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ^.^
Off topic
# Sep 08 2001 at 6:02 PM Rating: Decent
Hey, I realize I'm a little off the subject matter, but it's obvious this board is quite widely read, so I figure I'd most likely get a response. Anyways, can anyone tell me where I can get a screenshot of those AoW monk legs? Most sites I've gone to only show the blade of carnage as the AoW's drops. I realize this is probably due to the uber guilds clamping down on information, but I'd still like to see 'em if I could. Thanks peeps.
RE: Off topic
# Sep 12 2001 at 8:03 PM Rating: Decent
LoS i think it was posted a screen shot on their site, but its taken off by now(i checked) far as i know they are the only ones(beside the guild that was with them, SoS) who have killed the AoW, and they report all their loot i believe, im not quite sure why those legs havent made it here yet. all i remember is they were ac60 uber stats and had no graphic when worn :P
RE: Off topic
# Sep 16 2002 at 11:49 PM Rating: Decent
Flayed Barbarian Skin Leggings are the legs that drop off of the AoW. 60ac, 10 to melee stats, 100hp, and 0 weight. These are the best droppable monk legs in the game. The best overall are the Leggings of the Fiery Star. 60ac, 25str, 15sta/agi/dex, 10sv all, and 100hp, and 1 weight. These legs also have a h2h modifier of +1%, and is right-click useable for Fiery Might, which gives a 5dmg ds and 5hp regen per tick i think. Correct me if any of the above info is wrong.
And yes this is very off topic lol.
RE: Off topic
# Jun 15 2003 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
acually monks can use the leggings of the fiery star and there stats are
Leggings of the Fiery Star
Slot: LEGS
AC: 60
Skill Mod: Kick +5 %
STR: +25 DEX: +15 STA: +15 AGI: +15
HP: +100 MANA: +75 SV FIRE: +10 SV DISEASE: +10
Recommended level of 60.
Effect: Fiery Might (Must Equip. Casting Time: 3.0)
WT: 2.0 Size: SMALL
Race: ALL
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 06 2001 at 1:41 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Since this seems to just be a BS post arena, I thought I would add my piece. I know I am only a 52 warrior, but this mask would be cool for whoever won the roll, got it granted them by the Raid master, or bought it with there points. Just like it says. all/all. Shut up and stop the idiotic postings of, this is for me because I am an idiot and can't read all/all. Duh.
RE: What a load of BS
# Sep 29 2001 at 9:43 PM Rating: Decent
even though im only 39... amen! this has incredible stats for all classes and should NOT be reserved... even though melees and priests do come to mind first, this has great stats for all casters and meleers alike and should not be reserved... 100m and 10int or wis... plus dex and cha for necs and chanters and bards and such... honestly, this i very may would have a entire raid roll on. who wouldnt have a use for this?
RE: Monks are gay, why should they get this mask?
# Sep 05 2001 at 1:54 AM Rating: Default
Every post of yours that I have had the misfortune of reading on this site has been a useless, sarcastic message intended only to inflate your own massive ego.

You are the one who comes off looking like an sad idiot, not those who you mindlessly insult.

I'd usually practise what I preach, but I've seen way too many of your idiotic posts whilst browsing, and I'm sick of it. I just had to comment, and beg the forgiveness of those using these forums as intended.
# Sep 04 2001 at 10:00 AM Rating: Default
Major point to all this, LoS was originally a CoV Faction guild, realized how badly COV faction STINKS and changed over. One of 2 guilds to down the AoW(Kudos again) other being Shock of Swords, who LOS teamed up with to kill the AoW. And now, have jaunted through NToV as if the Sickle of the Reaver and flattened it. /applaud, I am impressed. btw, sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet mother mango, this mask ownz. (SARCASM BEGINING) Its a cleric item from start to Finish, its named after our SkyShrine Armor!
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 07 2001 at 10:20 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) yah and then AoW went to ZBQ and NToV went to VA and found a PJH SHUT UP!!! lol
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 07 2001 at 10:20 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) yah and then AoW went to ZBQ and NToV went to VA and found a PJH SHUT UP!!! lol
This made me chuckle
# Sep 02 2001 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
And I quote... "And when was the last time you saw a monk pull just ONE pull? Monks can deal nasty damage, but they shouldn't pull. Leave that to the real tanks, they can take the pounding better, and they start with better saves."

OK where are you pulling, Derv 3? Maybe Orc 1? Monks are great pullers, far better than warriors (I'm assuming this is who you meant by "real tanks"?). Mainly, because warriors can't feign death....

The reason monks sometimes don't get just one mob on a pull is because the mobs are close together. Monk pulls group of mobs, then either feign-pull separate them til they only have one or two left, or have a peeler pick one or two off.

Just can't believe I actually saw someone say "Monks shouldn't pull".... LOL
# Sep 03 2001 at 9:45 AM Rating: Default
Now, I understand some monks shouting "this is a monk item" cus it is 0.0 weight.

However, weight isnt a major problem to monks high enough in level to obtain this. Yes, it would be fantastic for monks, but still fantastic for most other classes out there.

You monks going round shouting "This is a monk item" to anything with 0.0 weight are starting to **** me off. Get a life and assess the item before you start shouting, you're giving monks a bad name!

RE: Hmmm
# Sep 24 2001 at 11:30 AM Rating: Excellent
Actually, you won't see the high level monks making the "monk item" posts in general - that junk tends to come from the "I have a level 12 monk twink cuz monks are gods and my 30 caster suxxors!" crowd.

Those of us who know what we're doing look at items like this, go "Nice!", and go on with our day. Were I to personally see this drop, I would expect the first one to go to the main tank, the second to the primary puller, the third to the backup tank/add parker, and then they'd be be mixed among the rest of the members as they dropped. Remember, though, most guilds who can get this use point or merit systems, so items like this WILL go to the people who can best use them.

Also, the casters along on the raid will know if anything better drops, and if there are better face items, they're far more likely to save their DKP for those, rather than blow them on an item they'd only want to replace soon. DKP's are too hard to get for that.
RE: Hmmm
# Oct 01 2001 at 10:37 AM Rating: Default
I am a monk.
monks can use this.
therefore it's a monk item
Specifically, it's MY item :)

RE: Hmmm
# Sep 18 2001 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
This is a monk item!!!!!! Or a druid item, perhaps even a shaman item. I would go so far as to say it is a cleric or ranger item, and if rangers are included, you might as well throw in Paladain and Shadow Knights. Rogues would put it to good use to, as would necros, if given the chance, and I'm sure even a warrior would be proud to where this thing. The more I think about it, enchanters wizzies and mages would be rather stoked about getting this item, but since everyone seems to think everything from ToV and VP are for monks, all the other classes are screwed. In all seriousness, I'd like to see a monk try to prove this is a monk only item while raidin in ToV, that would garner quite a laugh I'm sure.
Not a caster item
# Sep 02 2001 at 7:46 AM Rating: Default
Another mask drops off the same mob that is a little more tailored towards casters. I'd hold out for that if you are in a guild killing Vulak.
# Sep 02 2001 at 3:16 AM Rating: Decent
Yes most guilds who kill this guy have points, but it really doesnt matter if it goes to a druid or a warrior, if you killed vulak you dont "need" it, its just a reward.
# Sep 02 2001 at 1:55 AM Rating: Decent
aculay this would most liky go to the main tanking warrior cleircs or main puller monk
100 mana for face helps for geting close to that extra cheal and more hps to give then the time to pop invul for clerics... we treet are clerics well
Thand 59 Monk Legions of Darkness Innrouuk
True, True
# Sep 02 2001 at 12:20 AM Rating: Excellent
True, Afterlife for instance uses the Dragon Kill Points (DKP). Unfortunate for most classes, a mask like this will go in the top tier, for people who have points to spend on it, who need it badly, get to roll. Most likely that includes the tanks and clerics. And the 0 weight has nothing to do with my saying it's an excellent monk item. It's just the fact that something like that is probably best suited to the monk class. Anyways, it's not like FoH or Afterlife needs us telling them how to distribute their loot, so all most of us can do is really speculate and make opinions. Or rant. /grin
RE: True, True
# Sep 07 2001 at 2:33 AM Rating: Decent
your on the wrong boards dude, cause your post actually made sense =)
Uber Guilds
# Sep 01 2001 at 2:26 PM Rating: Good
The sad fact of the matter is, no matter what class or race you are, to acquire this you need to be in an uber guild. The main problem with uber guilds is that they tend to take care of the tanks and clerics first. So unless you are a tank or cleric, I wouldn't expect to see items like this for a very long time. BTW I do belong to one of the guilds that is ToV capable, but unfortunately I am not a tank or cleric.
Humble Shaman on TP
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 01 2001 at 1:08 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) jees, i have been reading these boards for a long time, and whenever ANYTHING comes out with 0.0 weight and monks can use it or cant use it, it is said, this is a great monk item, monks should be able to use it, or this is monk item hands down. There are some exceptions like this mask, but other classes can use it. There are other items and i am not saying all monks do that but it does get annoying to see monk item only! all the time lol, anyways this is a great tank item, some caster (doubt there is more than one out there) or tank has it depending on loot rules for the uber guilds, one on my server uses point system.
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 04 2001 at 2:49 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Bah...
RE: calm down monkeys
# Sep 29 2001 at 9:51 PM Rating: Decent
ANYONE who helped to take down this mob has earned this item. ANYONE!
# Sep 01 2001 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
This is one of those items that is just great for everyone. There IS no better class to be awarded this. My thinking is that the raid leader would prolly just merit it to someone. Or, if your guild does it, everyone will be putting up their "points" for it.
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 01 2001 at 11:36 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I've read all of your posts, and I believe that most of you, with the sole exception of Elaen, are a bunch of greedy bastards. Do you have any idea of what this item is to a monk compared to any other class? The current BEST monk bp in the game has a pathetic 40 AC, and not good stats at all. Compare this to the warrior's 60 AC bp that gives superior stats, and you can see who this mask is most likely meant for. As Elaen stated, saves are vital for monks, as they don't get a warrior's extra MR, high hp if they don't resist, and mass AC if they get hit along the way. Sure, the item may be All/ All, but saying that a caster who is very likely to not get hit, and if he does, even with the best AC stuff he can get, he is going to get smoked VERY fast, needs this mask is a completely and utterly inane statement. Also, I don't want to hear the crock of s**t about "If there's a 60 AC caster robe, imagine what monks will get!" cus that doesn't change anything. When I see the 80 AC monk chest with 30 to all stats, I'll post and say sorry, you were right, but till then I greatly expect that Verant will do the usual... give monk crap AC crap stats armor. There's my 2 dollars. ***** cents. I'm waiting for the flame.
RE: Bah
# Sep 07 2001 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
It almost seems as if everybody has forgoten about fd? Why do monks need ac when they can just fd and let someone else deal w/ the pounding. Granted there might be some mobs that don't fall for it but so far i haven't met one yet.

Deadite Tier
Silence your stupidity is giving me a migrane.
RE: Bah
# Sep 02 2001 at 7:08 AM Rating: Default
I wasn't aware monks needed mana or wis, sounds like a good melee caster item.
RE: Bah
# Sep 01 2001 at 6:32 PM Rating: Decent
Monks get less ac then warriors because monks aren't supposed to tank. start thinking you fruit.
and btw, the closest thing you'll get to that 80ac bp, is porbably the flayed barbarian skin leggings that dropped off of the AoW, and yes, they were labeled monk only. so stop whining and kill the aow.
RE: Bah
# Sep 01 2001 at 1:45 PM Rating: Default
This out of a monk. The KING of the Greedy bastards. Go back into your hole monk, you're not wanted out here. The monk chest you are looking for does not exist, will not exist. That blows away everything else anyone else gets. You know the limitations to your class. Live with them or don't. In fact, don't. Just die and stop whining, do the world and these posts a favor. You can stop waiting now, here it is.

Fleflah Hardy
Demigod of Hardcore
Proud member of Brothers of Destruction
Fennin Ro server
RE: Bah
# Sep 08 2001 at 5:57 PM Rating: Decent
Ah, I'm sorry. I wrote my toned down message a day after I was called a fruit by some guy, and King Greedy ******* by another. Didn't read you guy's posts until today, but only the fruit part offended me. King *******... hehe...
RE: Bah
# Sep 08 2001 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
Heh, trust to human nature for there to be at least a few people who actually RESPOND to something obviously written in a heated rage, by someone whose judgmental faculties were obviously clouded at the time. Sure, I bet you read my post and thought, damn, what an a**hole, and instead of being cool headed and just ignoring the post altogether, you responded with the same heated agression that I had at the time I posted. I suppose you didn't read my other post written shortly after the first after I had calmed myself down. Now, realize that when I say sorry if I offended anyone, I'm being serious, and not trying to get people to look upon you with disdain. I understand what caused you to be pissed, and I think we should all just chill out before we talk trash to each other and go into a pissing match. We're cool, alright?
# Sep 01 2001 at 10:44 AM Rating: Default
The sad truth is these "its a monk item" posts are by people who can only dream of going on these raids. They see 0.0 wt so think MONK!

Any monk who is old enough to go on these raids doesnt CARE about weight.
24.9 wt allowance and everything else in 100% wt reducing bags I dont ever think about wt anymore.

Only baby monks worry about that....
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 08 2001 at 12:32 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Yeah, monks are a bunch of whiners.
RE: Irony
# Sep 29 2001 at 9:57 PM Rating: Decent
just dont get it wet
# Sep 01 2001 at 10:25 AM Rating: Default

J/K need to lighten up folks ;-)
# Sep 01 2001 at 9:45 AM Rating: Default
U only have to kill a lvl 75 dragon for it. How hard can that be... saw a dragon kill like 70people in like 3min every 1 died
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