Any caster high enough level to obtain this item will all ready have 200 WIS or INT it's the +50 to mana and the resists that make this item worth having not the WIS or INT
Don't play any casters do ya? Any item with this much int/wis on it is a boon even if yer already at 255 or 300 even having an item with higher wis/int than other pieces allows you to swap other pieces for more FT or resists or whatever.
you really want to cram as much wis and int into one slot as you can... so you can take off a slot or two with lesser int/wis and fill it with resist gear/ac/sta/hp/agi/mana gear (in no order of importance).
I beg to differ. Not many ear items can compare in the wis/int department. A caster may already have the 200 wis/int, but getting this item would allow them to ditch other, lesser wis/int items in favor of higher AC or other stat items.
The HP and mana on this item do not amount to all that much in the high game. This is definitely valuable for the wis/int
You nailed that one perfectly... except for that hp/mana remark. Once you've reached level60 and your int/wis has topped off the only way to increase your mana pool is by mana items. Now 50mana might not seem like alot, but it doesn't take too long to add up to a few hundred points and that can make the difference between life and death. HP items are the same thing, add up real fast.
Posted:Jan 14 2002 at 2:50 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I don't really worry about mana gear much at all. The way I look at it, as long as I'm never full mana durring a raid, I am makeing good use of what I have and an extra few hundred mana will help for like 5 minutes at the beginning of the raid then it's a wasted stat. Of cource, being a necro, mana isn't as important because of the mana regen I have. Health, on the other hand, is much more important than mana to me. More health means that I can lose it to lich for a longer period of time and thus, more mana.
Uh, to put it bluntly Reegor, your an idiot. Sure HP is more important to us Necros than any other pure caster (Enc coming in a close second), but mana is just as important to us as it is to any caster. The higher your mana pool the longer you can chain cast with out going OOM. Soloing this mean the differance between taking one or two mob's at time. Or weather you have the mana in reserve to handle add's. And on a raid when things get hairy your going to want to be able to do as much as possible before your OOM. Besides even if your only looking at it from an efficancy angle, the larger than mana pool the longer you have to Lich before your FM.
WHY DO IDIODIC(spelling? i dunno , its late) MONKS keep posting this is monk stuff, i think there should be a change in the score filter to exclude all posts containt "THIS IS A MONK ITEM" if it were a monk item, it would be monk only , and what makes this crazy , this is 15 wis/int why would a monk even dream of saying this is a monk item , just goes to show ya...
Posted:Jun 17 2001 at 3:30 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Agreed. The fake Monk posts must stop.
Posted:Sep 28 2001 at 12:16 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This is definitely a Monk Item. No other class in the game can use it as well as a monk can.
This earring has been in-game for a very very long time. It drops on the "boss" dragon in Veeshan's Peak, not Temple of Veeshan. If you want one, get 40 friends together and kill Trakanon about 10 times for the teeth you need to make keys to VP zone and then go kill the other dragons in your way. BTW Phara casts, among other things, AE stun (with 900 damage) every 12 seconds... and the stun lasts for 12 seconds... so you better pray you have some bad-*** resist gear as well. Good luck =)
Its a normal method for making up names at Verant. Originally they just took names backwards, i.e. the famous Qeynos = SonyEQ. However, after players figured it out, they decided to change it a little (not much as to not actually make the GMs work <shiver>), so now they take a words backwards then move the letters around a little. I.e. Tolapumj = Jmupalot = Jumpalot. So Yunnb = Bnnuy = Bunny. There, you were right :)
1. most organized high level raids dont use the rng to determine who gets loot.
2. what would even make you think any resonable guild with the levels to actually get this item, would exclude casters other than druids and necros as a possiblity of looting said item? both those classes arent useful in an end game encounter like this. perhaps because its trendy to hate druids and necros? think before you post.
Posted:Jun 14 2001 at 4:23 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) only "decent" ?
Posted:Jun 14 2001 at 12:25 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Stupid uber veeshan items, verant is making these to **** off the people that will never get to go there. STOP MAKING UBER ITEMS make more mid lvl items, there must be 30+ swords with stats that are 10/19 or 10/22 or 10/20 that have stats and are no drop that ceom from this one f%$@! zone!
Realize that this probalby isn't "new," but rather has just been discovered and/or reported. We're talking about an extremely high level area, here, and the fact of the matter is Veeshan's Peak raids don't go off every day.
Cronuus, you now see evidence of the average intelligence level of a viewer or a poster, especially the jerkoff that keeps posting about how everything under the sun is a monk ite, if it weighs 0.1 or less. Sad, isn't it?
First off, I didn't see a reason for either of Cronuus's posts to be rated awful so I rated it Excellent and evened it out. Secondly, what's a meat flute? And thirdly, who are you calling an elitist **** *******? I'm not trying to flame you at all, just trying to make some sense of your post because, again, I'm just over tired. :)
PS. All of my posts START with the rating of good because I have the title of sage.
LOL. I can't figure out this score filter thing. I had the title of scholar for awhile, but then my posts started getting auto-scored lower & lower, & I lost my title. Wassup wit dat?
I think the starting score for a post is based on the average score of all your previous posts. So, as you post more and more junk that people rate poorly, your new posts start with a lower score...
Umm, I am thinking that Monks should be looking for AC items, and since this only has 2AC, I am not thinking many monks would actually use this. Just because of the weight people think its a monk item. Man, its an Earing! of course it doesnt weigh much! Get a better earing like a Cougar Claw or Orc Fang or something else thatr would be better put to use by you. Gotta think about the whole picture, not just the weight!
i notice alot of people flaming the "wow .1 weight this +15 int/wis +50 mana item is for monks" guy...
now the question i propose is HOW LAME do you have to be to think that was serious? it was so obviously a joke. get a sense of humor and some wit.. jeez
Of course it's a joke. Not particularly funny (or original) but that doesn't matter; it doesn't belong here either way. This forum is supposed to be for posting usefull information about the item. I'm sure whoever posted it here thought it was clever (thought being the key word) but it just doesn't belong here.
I too would rather see useful information here, but we're talking about a website devoted to a game here. People are bound to joke around and make stupid posts. Just think of the posters as a little brother/sister they're gonna try and get a rise out of you by annoying the heck out of you so just try and increase your annoyance resitance =P lol ok that was a bad EQ joke too but anyway....
Posted:Jul 14 2001 at 5:43 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Of course it has to be a Monk item. Can't everyone see that it has low AC and a really good Mana bonus. The other bonuses may be used by a Monk just as well as some other classes however. Get real!! I want to meet the poor overloaded fellow who has gotten every one of the "light=MONK" items that he has ever come across!! That would be quite the sight!
Posted:Jun 13 2001 at 5:15 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) forget the weight, 15 Wisdom for a monk is truly oober...helps 'em make wise decisions while pulling so the group doesn't get trained...should definitely go to the ruling monks!
There are a few shaman that would like to get their hands on a few extra Wisdom...and if they are tradesmen, the intelligence will not hurt (have'nt got a clear answer on whether int will do much when high wisdom in present). Yeah, I think I could make do with this hanging from my Northsman priests ear.
It's based off whatever's highest... So if your wis is higher then Int you learn trade skills off your wis... and you get the added bonus of better success for a high wis...
close. for skill-ups it is based on the higher of int or wis. the only stats that affect success are str, for smithing only, and dex for fletching only. no other stat has any effect, and no other skill has a secondary stat. this is per Yak, the Verant trade skill guy. If you are curious about tradeskills, the only site to go to is
Yep, that's what we all thought for quite a while...then Yakatizma turned around again and said that secondary stats affect the chance of a SKILL INCREASE only. He said that str is the secondary stat for smithing and that dex is the secondary stat for fletching AND tailoring. See the "Stats and Tradeskills" part of the FAQ on the EQTraders message board: This is information that Yakatizma told Niami Denmother directly at a fan faire; I suggest reading the message boards if you're curious about this. (Niami is the person who runs EQTraders, who nearly everyone in the tradeskill community owes a big debt of gratitude.)
Unrelated comment (relevant to the earring, but not the above post) that's not worth a separate post: just because int or wis is easy to max doesn't mean that stat bonus is useless--far from it. I'm not even talking about race/class combinations where wis or int is important but starts relatively low, it's great for _any_ caster. It allows you to swap out more of your int or wis gear for gear that boosts other important things, like resists, HP, AC...