Just picked up a set of this stuff within the past few days (non-stop, mind you). Been killing anything that moved and wasn't named. Got most BA armor off of Pickclaw Destroyers, with the Coif, Mail, and Girdle off of Lord Pickclaw himself (with a lot of help, of course). Thanks Shanluk, for the assist. ;)
Been seeing quite a few BABS on the gobbies as well, mostly Destroyers, but also some of the lessers on 4. Not to mention the 1hs BA as well, which isn't all that bad to me and my ignorance of most higher end items. First time I'm grabbing a full set of anything, so its a fine day when this Black Dwarf goes strolling through the city in his new suit... Safe travels, folks...
"Insert Message of Wisdom Here"
Edited, Mon Jul 22 10:54:32 2002