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Boots of the Dead Dream  

Lore Item No Trade
Slot: FEET
AC: 25
STA: +7 WIS: +7 INT: +7 HP: +25 MANA: +75
Focus: Affliction Efficiency III
WT: 0.0 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)
Slot 2, Type 21 (Special Ornamentation)

Item Type:Armor
Color (RGB):50, 50, 50
Lucy Entry By:unknown
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-07-27 10:01:12
Page Updated:Thu Oct 9th, 2008

Expansion: Scars of Velious Scars of Velious

Rarity: Rare
Level to Attain: 60

[Drops | Comments ]


This item is found on creatures.

Temple of Veeshan
NPC Name
Lord Feshlak

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Temple of Veeshan

Uploaded July 5th, 2022 by halfridge
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Yep would not mind having it
# Aug 11 2003 at 1:20 AM Rating: Decent
Yep any class that does damage over time would love somthing like this as of now i am a Druid and Dots are what i am living by killing Elysians Snare Root Epic, Es vamb, Small dot, Med Dot, Large Dot, Doing aprox 410 damage pr tick. It takes nearly all my mana and a Kei to do it. Mana saveing would help ton. And in combat Grp wise I Pop mobs last long enough to cast a full set of those dots and have them all but Epic complete befor combat does so I feel i am at least helping some more than just DS, regen and Succor..

My 2cp
only DOTs now
# Feb 06 2003 at 4:38 AM Rating: Decent
Message by Alan from the EQ Developers Forum regarding the patch on 4th Feb 2003...

"We corrected a bug that was allowing these foci to work for too many spell types, including things like snares and slow. Affliction foci now only work on damage over time spells."
# Oct 20 2002 at 8:18 PM Rating: Default
Does anyone know what the graphic on these looks like on a Troll?
RE: Graphic?
# Dec 22 2002 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
They are black old-school plate graphic.
Not pitch black, but still dark. Approx the same shade as Shadowknight PoF armor (umbral).
Hope this helps!
Looking at the new effect...
# Aug 31 2002 at 8:35 PM Rating: Excellent
150 posts
I would think that these would be used to the best advantage of the guild getting them on an SK or Necro. Sk's can do an incredible amount of damage in the course of a long fight and now with the new spell stacking they will be even more formidable. Necros would benifit from the mana and the hit points for liching and the effect is VERY nice for them as well. Once they run OOM it is LIFE BURN time and the hit points aids that as well.
#REDACTED, Posted: Jul 27 2002 at 7:28 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) All ya need is love
#aurei, Posted: Jul 11 2002 at 7:53 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) as a cleric, and an enc and a shammy, and all other classes except nec and sk, I have a reasonable understanding, and even tho i been playing almost 2 half yrs i am still learning, and in last year i been on prob average 24- 40 hrs a week and see posts all time in researching things and most spend time arguing with other posts, and never getting there facts totally right, u do not need to agree to a roll in any given situation, and if u agree before hand what format your grp or guild/raid will go for then u will have no complaints.
#aurei, Posted: Jul 11 2002 at 7:32 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
# Jun 12 2002 at 4:51 AM Rating: Default
These were changed to Affliction Efficiency III. 7wis 7int 75mana , what caster wouldn't want these? Healer or Non-Healer.
# Jun 09 2002 at 3:13 PM Rating: Default
This would be a fantastic item for any class. If you wanted to argue about who should recieve such an item lets follow the NBG rule (as so many flamers do) and give this item to a NON-HEALER class only (seeing as how anyone that can heal does NOT NEED it)

Effect changes this
# Jun 07 2002 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
These are now Cleric/Druid then shaman now I'd say.

Maybe an edge to a druid, as Clerics are CHlers alot, which isn't effected by these, while druids are NTing everything in sight. Really would not be upset if someoone of either class got, nor would I have much sympaathy for a member of the loosing class saying "My class needs this more"

Pallies get better boots, anyone putting a need claim on them is laughable, and I would not be caught dead trying to out bid a cleric/druid on these under a DKP system. Monks get the destroyer boots, not these.

/random is for twink gear.

RE: Effect changes this
# Jun 09 2002 at 8:46 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
I believe these have been changed to Affliction Efficiency III. Makin' it a nice Shammy or Necro item, I guess.

Edited, Sun Jun 9 09:40:35 2002
RE: Effect changes this
# Jul 25 2002 at 8:46 AM Rating: Default
222 posts
Affliction Efficiency is a -25% Mana Cost to damaging spells. It would be nice for any caster, really.

I'm a druid, and I'd love it. +7 wis? +75 mana? and the AEIII? Gimme.
RE: Effect changes this
# Aug 06 2002 at 2:54 AM Rating: Default
Affliction Efficiency only applies to DoTs, snares, roots fear etc. It doesn not apply to DD spells.
RE: Effect changes this
# Aug 11 2002 at 1:38 PM Rating: Default
It only applies to DoTs, Snares, and Roots if they do damage (obviously DoT's will, but except for druid roots, no other root spell will be affected by this, and except for necro snare, no other snare will be affected by this since it doesn't work on item effects; what I mean by that is that IF it worked on item effect spells such as the druid epic effect, it would "save" you mana for casting that spell, but since it cost you no mana to begin with...yeah you see where I'm going).
RE: Effect changes this
# Dec 20 2002 at 10:03 AM Rating: Default
This affects ALL detrimental spells of greater than 6 ticks - Snares, DoTs, Slows, Tash, Malo, and probably Mezzes too. As such, in a raid context, it's probably of most use to a Shaman or Enchanter, followed by Necromancers and Druids. PS: As a 57 Druid, I was able to land my Magic-based DoTs on mobs like Derakor the Vindicator without any problems once Tash/Malo had landed, so the comment about how much they are resisted is wide of the mark.
RE: Effect changes this
# Dec 05 2002 at 12:52 PM Rating: Default
Also Malo, Turgur insect (the best slow, period)
If this goes to nec in stead of shm....that is sad.
and yes only nec and shm then dru should get this.

in raid like NToV dru's job is not dot the heck out of a mob (likely u will get lots of resist anyway due most dru dot is magic based)

Nec has better dot alrite but REMEMBER even a shm is lvl 65 he/she still use Turgur and Malo (unless u got malos already), and this item cute mana cost by 25% is the greats asset to them.
Many mob in high end zone doesn't get slow by one takes lots cast (watch aggro management)
Malo =300mana Turgur =275 mana and I bet in a bad luck case a shm will have to cast like 5times slow + 1malo/malosini before nec's 2 or 3 dot runs out(I dont play nec not sure how many dot affect by AF3 they use often in raid, my guess is 3, and if they stack too fast = dead nec)
# May 18 2002 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
i wouldnt be surprised if a monk wanted these. o.o weight with awsome AC with sta and hp. dont be complaining if a monk wants these. from what i have seen these are one of the best pairs of boots monks can get

Edited, Sat May 18 14:47:42 2002
#REDACTED, Posted: Nov 15 2001 at 9:18 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ~~~~~MONK LEWT~~~~~
got a pair last night
# Oct 25 2001 at 8:21 AM Rating: Default
Got a pair last night. Usually this stuff isn't randomed. It's done by merit. Taint many Randoming guilds gonna be able to handle the dragons that drop this stuff.
fonze left something out for shm
# Aug 04 2001 at 4:02 PM Rating: Default
For shaman we get Agrro'd on A LOT due to malise, Slow, and healing here and there. Something about slows really pisses off mobs lol.

Anyways thought you'd remember that shm go for AC NOT wisdom for the most part.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 23 2001 at 10:47 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) gotta love n00bies talking about rolling for items, sorry but thats not the way it works.
# Jun 29 2001 at 9:57 PM Rating: Decent
Well, as a bit of an off the subject with the previous posts good item. But as a loot situation; I'd say to all of the tanks (And yes monks included) If you get to roll on this then let everyone roll on CoF. This is one of those situations where you aren't going to find this item very often and it should go to those who get the most use of it, end of story. You don't roll me on this and I won't roll you on yer CoF, or CoCW, or that Haste Bracer from Veli :P
Caster Boots
# Jun 27 2001 at 4:25 AM Rating: Default
7 wis/int +75 mana isnt that good for casters? please pass whatever crack u are smoking...these own GEBS 10x over
Not War boots
# Jun 24 2001 at 1:43 PM Rating: Default
I would be very suprised to see these go to a warrior.

By the time a warrior would be here odds they would have Kael or SS quest boots. Since this place has neg faction for SS then probably Kael. Kael war boots = 32 ac.

Plate quest boots are pretty common drops in ToV.

BTW. Eduin has some good posts...though the loot order is not necessarily set like this for all zones.

#REDACTED, Posted: Jun 19 2001 at 12:54 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) chill the f* out peopl i mean GOD , as my troll would say yze pepul are bery pisdded ca....capitu....capituliztz ) just chill tell jokes admire but for gods SAKE STO FLAMING PEPL FOR HAVING AN OPINION DAMNIT
item name
# Jun 12 2001 at 5:42 AM Rating: Decent
Man, that's a cool name for an item (or a pair of items, in this case).
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 10 2001 at 3:54 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Roll for it and live with it...
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 10 2001 at 3:53 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I am not responding to any post in particular, just making a general observation concerning all the half witted opinions being posted (I am sure atleast some of us know which of the posts I am talking about)
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 09 2001 at 1:57 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) all i see is posts about casters getting 7int 75 mana items ... BUT NOT FOR FEET ... look at all our velious quested items, sure some of them have equal intel and mana .... BUT NOT FOR FEET .... true someone said coldain boots arnt much worse, at 8int and 35 mana ... but come on people .. at this lvl these boots render us an additional 39 mana, as most casters have reached there soft cap ... lets take a look shall we
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 05 2001 at 12:07 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Bah, I can see any zone i ever want to, who the hell needs an uber guild. Right after you kill something that has good loot, I train the zone using a technique i shall not disclose, while you simpletons run I grab the loot, I've done this before. I'll do it again. In your face EQ junkies.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 23 2001 at 5:53 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) you're my HERO!!!! /SALUTE
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 17 2001 at 12:28 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) FESHLAK TO ZONE!!!! Hahaha. Tallon Zek will never see that dragon.^^ Tks u.
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