#1- These drop in NtoV off Eashen of the Sky as Semi-Common, can drop more than one at a time if you're lucky.
#2- They usually go to Rogues, Rangers, Shamen first, as they get very few sleeves better than this, even in NtoV, Paladins, Shadowknights, Warriors, Clerics, Bards have numerous items in NtoV itself which put these sleeves to shame.
#3- Yes, Hp matters a crapload, but these are nowhere near "good" hp for the tank classes, go get Spirit Wrecked Cords or something, if your raid leader is dumb enough to award those to a tank (2nd best Rng/Rog/Mnk bracer in the game)
#4 - Monks do not get these, as they have a full suit of armor in NtoV which is more or less targetted at them, the Ancient Wurm, and Wyvern armors, as well as Destroyer pieces, all usually go to monks before anyone else.
#5- Druids dont get these because they are NOT a chain class, the way we tell what kind of armor type an item is, is trough looking at the lowest type armor user who can use it.
Example: Acid Scarred Chain Tunic.
-Useable by all meele classes by monks, all plate classes.
Ranger/Rogue/Shamen can all use it. They are the lowest armor type allowed user on the item. Therefore its chain.
Example: BP of Vindication, all plate users, and shamen.
Shamen can not wear plate, therefore BP of vindication counts as a chain BP (Even though Rng/Rog may not use)
#5 The Onyx Sleeves and Gloves are sadly the only good pieces of that armor, as the legs sort of suck for meeles with their lack of Hp
Oh yea, and another thing, if you can't post something usefull, please do everyone a favor, and dont waste their valueable cyber space with your idiotic drivel.