70 pally could easily solo this ( with good gear that is) i know uber pallies and i watched one eat this mob tho he was anguish and qvic and Dpob gear'd he sitll did it =-P
Me and my bro spent nine hours camping this happy little frog. The group was lvl 70 warrior, enchanter, wizard, cleric, and a lvl 65 wizard (mine). The only worry we faced was a possible Trak spawn, because we werent 100% on when he got killed last. Weee.
Vital info is thus: 3 hour spawn like clock work. Always fabled and always has robe. Not snareable or rootable, per fabled mob resists. Was an enchanter, he nailed us with Wind of Tashania.
He summons and hits like a little froglok beast. Solo? I dont see how. He wore a lvl 70 warrior with 13k hps down. The tank had to be healed, so I dont know how a caster or any other class could stand up to that beating. To be honest, I would have to see someone solo him to believe it, and even then, I would have a hard time accepting it.
Serelon Jabbuk'Faern 65 Wizard of Primal Dreams Fennin Ro Member of the Four Horsemen
Posted:Mar 19 2005 at 9:51 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) lol i solo'd this with my 57th druid also was soooo easy lol i sold this loot for 360k !!!! hhahahaa im rich
First off.. I doubt you could have soloed this fabled level 73 mob with your level 57 druid. And second of all, maybe he is on the FV server where most NO DROP Items are droppable.
Actualy I'm on Tarrew Marr server and it's true. There's an earing that drops off fabled ulump pujluk guy that's dropable and isn't lore, it's even a haste item. Here's link to the guy