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Royal Attendant Breastplate of Sand  

Lore Item No Trade
AC: 69
STA: +13 CHA: +11 WIS: +10 INT: +10 HP: +100 MANA: +100 ENDUR: +100
Recommended level of 65.
WT: 3.5 Size: MEDIUM
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 1 (General: Single Stat)
Slot 2, Type 2 (General: Multiple Stat)
Slot 3, Type 3 (General: Spell Effect)
Slot 4, Type 21 (Special Ornamentation)

Item Type:Armor
Appearance:Velious Plate 1
Color (RGB):150, 100, 100
Price:1492 Points
Adv Merch Sold:Yes
Submitted By:Stradivarius Ensemble
Lucy Entry By:rale
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-07-27 13:14:16
Page Updated:Thu Oct 9th, 2008

Expansion: Lost Dungeons of Norrath Lost Dungeons of Norrath

Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 50

[Adventure Merchants | Comments ]

Adventure Merchants

North Ro
Merchant Name Cost Faction TS Skill
Daevyd Londayl [Adventure Merchant] 1492
Adventure Points
Dereu Ztr`Tn [Adventure Merchant] 1492
Adventure Points

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
North Ro

Uploaded December 5th, 2022 by iventheassassin
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# Jul 02 2004 at 5:58 PM Rating: Default
Ok I got my paladin the full set of this gear, and my aug slots are kinda bare considering I just auged it with a few that dropped in adventures. Any ideas or thoughts as to what to aug this puppy with? Oh and I am generally the one called to tank most of the time. Thanks.

# Jul 02 2004 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
276 posts
Ok...i someone linked this BP in my guild all 3 aug slots filled..looked at it here..he had like 45 wis and int 50 sta 99 ac 500hp 395 mana 100 endruance (that didnt get altered) sv everything + 46..cha + if anyone complains about it...its still good anyways...but it can be insane with augs
Details on LDON points
# May 13 2004 at 2:44 AM Rating: Excellent
OK lets settle this a little more clearly for ppl who seem to be confused a little.
1. You can earn points from winning Normal and Hard LDON's and also from losing but gettting the consolation prize if you finish in 30 mins. All these points count toward what items you can SEE at the adventure merchant.
2. The total points you earned at a particular camp = the most expensive items you can purchase from the merchants at that same camp.
3. You can see any item that you have earned enuf points for and also those items about 20% more than you earned, but you cannot purchase those higher ones yet no matter how many points you have in total.
4. Points earned at ANY camp can be spent at ANY camp but you can only purchase an item that is equal to or less than your total points earned at THAT camp.
5. When you earn above around 1300 pts at a particular camp, you will ALWAYS be able to view the entire shopping list at that camp no matter how many points you currently have unspent.
6. When you earn above 1492 pts at a particular camp you dont ever have to adventure there any more if you dont want to. You can spend several thousand points there on anything on the merchant by using points earned at some other camp.
7. Only adv wins count toward the plus-ups on your adventuring stone and hard wins count the same as normal wins, but consolation prizes dont count at all.
8. You need 80 wins at each particular camp before they stop increasing the stats on your adv stone, but any additional wins STILL count toward points earned and can be spent at any camp.
9. If you plan on getting a mess of Royal Attendant armors and the augments that fit your class, you're gonna need to get 1492 pts at several diff camps because the augs are all spread around.
10. hehe yes these armors, (with the augments for your class) are better than the Ornate armors, but don't go diss'in ornate if your only wearing misc junk armors. Spend some time in BOThunder and get some exp and ornate armor drops. Then the LDON wins will come much faster and you will be able to handle hard ones soon.
That will just increase the speed you get more LDON armors and the augments you want.
RE: Details on LDON points
# Aug 02 2004 at 11:49 AM Rating: Default
1,117 posts
One correction. For the 1300 point rule. You have to have earned 1300 points total in that camp, plus had 1300 total points from any camp UNSPENT at one time to see the high end items.

For example, lets say I have earned over time 1300 points in NRO. However, whenever I hit 150 unspent points, I purchased something. i would only see items up to about 180 adv points on the selection screen. Once I have 1300 UNSPENT points from ANY camp, I will then see all the NRO items.
RE: Details on LDON points
# Aug 06 2004 at 10:47 AM Rating: Good
I'm not sure what settings you have turned off for the Adv merchants for you to not see the higher end items for sale when you have less points to spend. I have earned over 2000 pts at every camp and just recently I had spent my points down to like 250. I was just wasting time waitin for my group at ecom and I was browsing the vendor to see what items I plan on getting next. I can still see every item at every camp but only the ones that were for 250 or less were lit up. All items that cost more than I currently had were darker color grey font, but I could still see em.
Maybe you have your "Gamma" turned down too low to see the darker font items if you cant see the higher end stuff. Once you earned above around 1300 at N Ro, you should always be able to see the entire list at N Ro no matter how many total unspent points you have or where you earned them.
RE: Details on LDON points
# Aug 18 2004 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
You missed my key point. The fact that you had at one time 2000 UNSPENT points, means you can see everything. Had you earned 2000 points in each camp but never had more than 250 unspent points, then the high value items would not be visible. Once items become visable, they never disappear, though they do dim out a bit if you presently cannot afford them.
Breastplate 8)
# Mar 15 2004 at 10:13 PM Rating: Default
ooh pretty
Rangers, Necros and Druids OH MY!

# Mar 13 2004 at 6:25 PM Rating: Decent
Ok i am about 7 wins from this and it seems that there is a 2/2/3 and a 1/2/3 slot variation on them. Can you pick which one you get?!?! also is it true what the poster said that the slot 1 was changed to slot 7? If this is true than you can get a 40hp from EC a 30hp from Sro and a regen5 aug all in this bp. Can anyone confirm this info

i got a look at the BP today, and it seems that the poster below has lied and that it still is 1/2/3

Edited, Sun Mar 14 22:35:01 2004
RE: Questions
# Mar 17 2004 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
The original version of this was 2/2/3 for augments. It got changed in a patch to 1/2/3. Alla still lists both due to those that got the original version got to keep it.
Response to a couple entries
# Feb 22 2004 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
Agonist: Type 1 Augment was changed to Type 7 Augment.
Buffeer: Usually when you pull up the adventure merchants they show you what your point spend area is .... if you have 200 points in the theme (being NRO/Tak theme) you will only see what you can buy with those 200 points. If you at any time have had those amount of points the list remains there however you have to reearn those points (any theme this time) to purchase that item. (hope that helps)
Wins vs. Points to Spend
# Feb 15 2004 at 3:08 AM Rating: Decent
139 posts
I have 1514 Points in Nro LDoN yet I cannot see the Royal Attendant armor. Do I have to have 1492 points able to be spent to see it or What?
RE: Wins vs. Points to Spend
# Mar 31 2004 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
Correct. You need to have that many to spend
RE: Wins vs. Points to Spend
# Apr 19 2004 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
not true...if you've earned 1492 points in a given theme, you'll be able to see anything available in that theme, regardless of how many points you have available.

total points *available* only affects what you can *buy*, not what you can see.

total points *earned* in a specific theme affects what you can *see*.
RE: Wins vs. Points to Spend
# May 04 2004 at 6:19 AM Rating: Decent
If you've earned a total of 1500 points over all of your adventures there and have spent some of those points along the way, you will not be able to see this stuff.

You would have to have 1492 points available to be spent at one time. Then, even if you spend those points, you will always have that part of the list.

Edited, Tue May 4 07:20:27 2004
RE: Wins vs. Points to Spend
# May 04 2004 at 11:35 AM Rating: Default
Wrong. Even if you have ZERO points available after spending it all but you have earned 1500 points in North Ro, you will see the entire list of items that is below 1500 points. However, you can not buy them.
RE: Wins vs. Points to Spend
# May 04 2004 at 4:10 PM Rating: Default
3,705 posts
Actually, neither of those is correct.

You CAN see items before you have enough points to buy them, but only those you are getting close to. I never actually tried to calculate it, but it seems to be something like 80% of the points needed.

However, if you have gotten 1500 pts in a theme, and then drop way below 1500 total (say down to 1000) left to spend, you will no longer see the higher level items.
RE: Wins vs. Points to Spend
# May 13 2004 at 12:25 AM Rating: Default
Actually Unkempt is right, once you have earned points in a theme, you can still see up to what you have earned in that theme, even if you have no points at the time. As far as items you can see before you have enough points, its a flat number around 90 above what you earned that you can see.
Good Augment for a Ceric
# Dec 27 2003 at 3:41 PM Rating: Good
Cleric's who get this may want to head over to Everfrost and pick up so they can add FT 2 to this for 510 AP.
Type 1 Aug Slots
# Dec 12 2003 at 2:53 AM Rating: Decent
Ok wondering if type 1 slots will hold any type of aug since all my research i have never seen a type 1 aug. So if you get this BP or EF BP which are both type 1,2 and 3 aug slots if you could place both the FT2 aug and regen4 augs that are chest slot only on this BP. 1 for type 1 and 1 for type 3 slot?
RE: Type 1 Aug Slots
# Dec 12 2003 at 1:45 PM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
To the best of my knowledge, type one slots will ONLY take those augments labelled for all slot types, like the dropped ones, or a few of the AP purchased ones.
Sham gear
# Dec 09 2003 at 9:01 PM Rating: Decent
Was wondering if anyone knew what the Shaman line of gear in LDoN is. Sorry this really doesnt have to do with this BP, but thought this would be a good place to post because I haven't seen the BP or anything for wis casters.

Narman Darksow
63 Oracle on TZ
RE: Sham gear
# Feb 05 2004 at 1:47 AM Rating: Decent
The Shaman line is called "Incorporeal <insert piece here> of the spectre"

The BP is called:

Incorporeal Chain of the Specter
Str:13, Dex:11, Wis:10
HP:100, Mana:100
FR:12, CR:12, PR:12

For more info on LDoN stuff you can check out this website:

HOpe it helped
RE: Sham gear
# Mar 15 2004 at 12:30 PM Rating: Default
it's in EF (poster before didn't say) is a searchable database of ldon gear.
RE: Sham gear
# Dec 09 2003 at 10:09 PM Rating: Default
go here for the ldon price lists
Haste BP
# Dec 09 2003 at 11:21 AM Rating: Default
Does the 36% haste Aug fit on this BP??????

RE: Haste BP
# Dec 09 2003 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
No, but you can get killer regen or FT augs for well as other nice things like see invis or ultravision, which would both be good for PvP servers, especially see invis. By the time you get this BP though, you won't have to worry about anyone actually running up and fragging you in 10 seconds.
RE: Haste BP
# Dec 09 2003 at 11:40 AM Rating: Excellent
6,998 posts
Does the 36% haste Aug fit on this BP??????

If you are referring to the Gravestone Fragment of Flailing Dead, it does not have CHEST listed as a possible equipment slot (HEAD BACK RANGE WAIST only), so you may not add it to this breastplate.
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