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Scythe of the Shadowed Soul  

Lore Item No Trade Placeable
Charges: Unlimited
Skill: 1H Blunt Atk Delay: 34
DMG: 22 Dmg Bonus: 33
This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls.
STR: +5 STA: +10 CHA: +5 INT: +20 HP: +20 MANA: +80
Effect: Torment of Shadows (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time: 9.0) at Level 50
WT: 5.0 Size: MEDIUM
Class: NEC
Slot 1, Type 4 (Weapon: General)
Slot 2, Type 20 (Ornamentation)

Item Type:1H Blunt
Light:Paw of Opalla
Lucy Entry By:Atarak
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-11-23 18:55:15
Page Updated:Sun Jul 23rd, 2023

Expansion: Ruins of Kunark Ruins of Kunark

Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 50

[Quests | Comments ]

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Necromancer Epic: Scythe of the Shadowed Soul


This item is used in quests.
Expansion List - Premium only.

Lake Rathetear
Quest Name
Necromancer Epic 1.5: Soulwhisper

Natimbi, the Broken Shores
Quest Name
Necromancer Epic 2.0: Deathwhisper

Northern Felwithe
Quest Name
An Epic Request (Necromancer)

Plane of Knowledge
Quest Name
Necromancer Epic 1.5 Pre-Quest


Uploaded November 27th, 2008
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Drexxell's new site
# Dec 09 2008 at 4:16 AM Rating: Decent
166 posts
Update January 2016: Verizon FIOS stopped supporting "personal web pages" in 2014, and my site was down for 2 years. I'm back up, and live at my own domain. Please find my guides there.

FYI, I've switched from Comcast to Verizon FIOS and therefore am being hosted on verizon from now on,
though I've switched my email to ymail.

Here are the relevant links:

Drexxell's general games page:
EQ page:
Plane of Sky:
Necro Epic:
Necro 1.5:

New email:

I'm still working out a few dead links, but should be mostly up and running now.

Edited, Jan 11th 2016 8:07am by DrexelNecromancer
too much time
# Oct 02 2008 at 9:24 AM Rating: Default
If a person applied themselves to obtaining a college degree, it would take less time and effort than acquiring an epic item. I just hate to see kids wasting their live chasing something that isn't real and will do them no good.
too much time
# Oct 12 2012 at 8:41 AM Rating: Decent
if you dont like EQ...dont play but dont bash peopoe who do...its better to be online with friends than outside doing drugs with friends......
too much time
# Dec 10 2008 at 2:46 AM Rating: Decent
53 posts
I disagree with this post. I happen to have a college degree and also my cleric's epic 1.0.
It's really not too difficult with a solid guild backing you up. I got mine back in 2003 or so.
too much time
# Nov 30 2008 at 10:49 PM Rating: Decent
54 posts
Frankly, I completely disagree with this post. I not only completed my 1.0 in one month, I soloed it. The one time I had a friend help was to spawn the mob in the Plane of Sky so I didn't have to risk losing the money. It takes years to complete a degree unless you have enough time and money to run a double shift of classes AND get all the homework done.

My question is; What is a person griping in such a manner doing on a site like this anyways?
too much time
# Nov 12 2008 at 5:10 AM Rating: Decent
166 posts
A bit harsh, no? Is the playing of games in general to be relegated to the ranks of "wasted time"? What about all other forms of entertainment? Movies? Romance? Drawing? Daydreaming?'s one component of a GAME. A life in balance should have such divergences mixed with the daily toil.
It's not that hard people..
# May 25 2007 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
125 posts
I really find it funny how hard people make this thing out to be. I am running my 2nd necro through it as we speak, and I am pretty much just lacking the sky drop.

If you just read up on peoples posts here, and elsewhere on the net, you can find the best way to do it, and most of your 1.5 as well, solo.

I was lvl 65-70 when i finished my first 1.0. I am 70 this time, so its even easier. I have already soloed my pallies in the karanas for my 1.5, lol.

Granted the item is crap, and no one will ever begin to use this effect. The PoTime clicky is much nicer. BUT, you have to do this for your 1.5 - 2.0, so why not get a cool old item out of it that you can look back on as a milestone.

The herbalist is cake for a lvl 65, the hardest thing is getting your cloak or spiroc feathers, but if you check the bazaar you can get your disc and your feather, you just need to get the cloak one day. The slime blood, eye, easily purchased in bazaar, najena's robe, easily purchaed. Cut your time in half buying these.

We all know that the 1.0's are pretty much worthless now, all but maybe the clerics, and there is nothing the new SOE is going to do about that. But, in order to progress we have to suffer through them. I promise though, you don't need 1 other person to get your 1.0 done, if you have patience and look around.

70th necro of bertox
It's not that hard people..
# Jan 18 2008 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,273 posts
Ranger epic 1.0 (the Earthcaller procs slow) is another 1.0 thats still frequently used. A little off-topic, but worth noting :).
It's not that hard people..
# May 31 2007 at 12:30 AM Rating: Decent
Yes you are correct its not that hard but if your trying to do this epic correctly and not buy everything that you can, then yes it is not easy to solo certain parts of this. Also not everyone can afford 150K+ for the S.blood of CT and most other epic parts that people price gouge in the Baz. If you want to buy your epic and can afford it then sure go for it. I myself would rather do it the way it was intended and actually kill the mobs and get the drops. The only parts of this that are really hard to get with out buying (and sometimes even trying to buy) is the SBoCT and the Parts in PoSky. Necro pets are not the best at tanking and most mobs in PoSky summon =/.

just not worth it anymore
# Jul 06 2006 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I don't see me ever doing this quest. Reward is just not worth the pain of trying to fight with other necros to get loot out of all 3 old world planes. Really not fair that some epic 1.0's are so much harder then others. I mean my Druid practically could solo 90% of his epic, but Necro you depend on full fledge raids for several parts.

If it had a better clicky Id be more interested in it.
RE: just not worth it anymore
# Jul 07 2006 at 10:49 PM Rating: Decent
1,087 posts
It can all be solo'd now.
Main problem being that someone usually has the golems permacamped.

It's still worth doing the old Kunark epics not only for the nifty title, but because it's a status symbo. Not a lot nowadays can say "Ya, I have it"
Pain Mistress Okami L`Assundre of Tarew Marr
Dark Elf Shadow Knight
Drinal (Tarew)
Retired after 500 days /played
Retired again
RE: just not worth it anymore
# Apr 17 2007 at 11:16 PM Rating: Decent
64 posts
I'll agree MOST of it is soloable depending on level
Under level 50, you're going to need a bit of help.
After level 60, it's mostly cheese.
After level 70, the only part holding you back is probably the final three items including the cape.

I had very bad luck on the cape and had to kill the horsie four times for it to drop (Thanks Swifft!!)

I will also take sides on the clicky effect being not-so-great. While it will possibly save you 300ish mana on a pull at level 50ish, I have noticed it gets resisted more than I'd wish seeing as how the resist check is neutral.
Nontheless, the stats are very nice at the minimum level you can obtain it (and after). Considering it has more saves than the Scythe of Sundering, I consider it a better item (it also looks a lot cooler!).

The best part is that I've only ever seen a hand full of necros with the 1.0 in the entire time I've been playing EQ for - now - obvious reasons.
RE: just not worth it anymore
# Jul 17 2006 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
166 posts
I'd debate that one thing prevents total soloing of this quest -- the Cloak of Spiroc Feathers (specifically the Black Silk Cape). The Deathtouch of the Keeper of Souls pretty much prevents soloing. It's certainly MQable though.

I can't speak as to whether the Slime-Blood or Eye are soloable, but they are purchasable.

The Herbalist is probably soloable by a well geared 70 Necro who makes it to the hut invisible and is able to maintain some crowd control at the hut. The turn-in "test" is very likely soloable too at 65-70th level. The rest is cake for even a solo 50 or so.

I'd be interested to hear of anyone who actually solo'd this without buying or MQing anything. Good for the guide.
RE: just not worth it anymore
# May 31 2007 at 12:38 AM Rating: Decent
Slime-Blood is not soloable as the Golems do a DT except for one but he does summon. With the LVL's now if you can find them up a well rounded grp can take them np.
RE: just not worth it anymore
# Aug 16 2007 at 9:00 PM Rating: Decent
377 posts
The non summoning Golem has long been 100% soloable, and if a caster has the 4th year Vet AA the DT ones are psuedo soloable, and they are easily duoable or with even more.
RE: just not worth it anymore
# Dec 11 2006 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
While i agree that this is definitely not worth it,a nd i regret 100% doing this in the past month on my necro, i did solo the herbalist step as a 65ish necro. It is necessary to use the chardok B zone trick, but nevertheless soloable.
RE: just not worth it anymore
# Nov 09 2006 at 4:35 AM Rating: Decent
Actually, the herbalist has been soloable for a long time...even before the level increase to 65. Just get faction in Chardok to non KoS.
RE: just not worth it anymore
# Nov 09 2006 at 4:33 AM Rating: Decent
Actually the herbalist has been soloable for a long time. Even before the level increase to 65. Just get faction to non KoS in Chardok...
Thank you, Drexxell
# Mar 08 2006 at 12:00 AM Rating: Decent
Finished my 1.0 this evening (07 Mar 2006), as it was one of only two epic 1.0 quests that I hadn't yet completed. Man, that was a pain, the drops, but a whole lot of fun! Never would have finished it without Drexxell's guide, thanks again for all that hard work!
Race Compatibility
# Jan 04 2006 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
Is it because the SS are old that it doesn't list Froglok's as a compatible race? Or is it because Frogs can't wear this? Maybe they get a different one if they complete the quest, I don't know. I'd like to know, send a reply to or online at SOE.Everquest.nameless.Deathcap or however the format is for in game character emails. Thx!

RE: Race Compatibility
# Jan 05 2006 at 3:36 AM Rating: Good
672 posts
# Apr 27 2005 at 10:46 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone have any tips on the chardok phase of this quest, like how many people to bring to the fight what lvl the mob is stuff like that, anything would help thanks.
details / scrapbook / walkthru
# Feb 12 2005 at 7:52 AM Rating: Excellent
166 posts
I finished my epic last week (Feb 8, 2005) and put together a scrapbook full of details that aren't generally found in this or other walk throughs. I hope you find it entertaining and/or useful.

Wayfarers of Veeshan

Edited, Feb 10th 2011 12:00pm by DrexelNecromancer
RE: details / scrapbook / walkthru
# May 16 2005 at 2:57 AM Rating: Decent
I just started my epic quest (a little early at level 35) and your site helped out tremdously, plus it gave me a few good laughs. Way to go with the walkthrough, myself and future necromancers thank you!!
#Grigner, Posted: Dec 17 2004 at 8:43 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This thing may actually be worse than the enchanter epic 1.0. What's with only +20 HP. Ya I know it's from a 5 year old expansion but come on. I wonder if its worth doing this for my necro. The effect is good.
epic 1.5 and 2.0
# Sep 16 2004 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
Anyone have any info on them yet?
# Jul 28 2004 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
21 posts
I finally completed my epic on Sunday 18th July 2004, and I wield it with pride. I admit that they could probably make it look a hell of a lot cooler these days, but you don't see too many epic'd necros on my server, and I am very pleased to be one of them.

The effect is not fantastic, and does get resisted a lot, but when I am soloing, it frees up a spell slot by giving me mana-free snare. I just click to pull, FD to shake aggro onto pet, pop back up again and away I go.

And yes, I like dead things =)

Edited, Wed Jul 28 10:34:54 2004
Consider some possibilities
# Jul 19 2004 at 11:14 AM Rating: Good
First of all, I just want to say I don't think it looks all that bad. A skull on a stick is a pretty nice way of saying, "I like dead things". Sure the skull could use some horns or something to make it look more like the dragon it's supposed to be, but the next time you have a chance, seriously examine it.. It's actually pretty neat.

Secondly, it has hp and mana as opposed to the z. heart, and the overall stats are still better. I don't care so much about the int as i'm maxxed, but the resists are nice.

Thirdly, I'll agree, they could have given it a better effect. I'm glad they stuck with a dot type effect though, that fits our class a little better. Although the effect ideas i read earlier were good, it needs something thats universal and pet based effects are not because there are plenty of cases you may not be able to use a pet. So narrowing down the types of effects this item should have, I think a lifetap would be a waste. I always use my lifetap over time spells, only lifetaps in emergencies. For direct damage I use hard nukes. I still say a dot is a better choice for the effect.

I think a good tap-over-time would have been a nice effect. Definately useful because they are unresistable. I guess what it boils down to for me is all of my snares get resisted easily. The epic snare seems just as reliable as the others, however instill and immobilize seem to be resisted less often than the others. Darkness spells have a freaking long cast time and use a lot of mana already, so in my opinion the snare/ dot effect of this is much more useful than people give it credit for. Reguardless of the low damage, its still mana-less and therefore useful in raids if it can stick. Like someone mentioned earlier too, we're the last guy to get picked for the team, so soloing is our thing. Just my 2cp

61 necro
tarew marr
# Apr 28 2004 at 5:37 PM Rating: Default
Plus if you dont think this snare is good:
When you solo you can put this on a button and use it as your first snare saves mana to not have to do an initial snare, I use a Z-Heart atm so I could put 2 buttons so when I pull I just click my Ducky staff on, click it, switch back to Z-Heart... That is a nice strategy for those who find the ducky epic useless now that the Z-Heart is out

PS just Killed Sir Edwin Motte and bought the robe... now for the herb in chardok

Caziq De' Lichous 47 necromancer (new main)
Lynxir Thunder' Kat 62 Savage Lord (now my alt)
RE: Plus
# Sep 19 2004 at 9:58 AM Rating: Default
At the Level you get the epic, no necro should be usung the Z-Heart, necros should stop usin it in the mid 30's.

Edited, Sun Sep 19 10:59:52 2004
RE: Plus
# Apr 30 2004 at 6:51 AM Rating: Default
"That is a nice strategy for those who find the ducky epic useless now that the Z-Heart is out"

They have completely different uses, so that commment is ridiculous.
# Apr 07 2004 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
Shouldn't a "scythe" be a slashing weapon? 8)
RE: 1hs?
# Jun 21 2004 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent
153 posts

Necromancers, who gain power through torture and death.

Their Scythe is blunt because it will cause more pain and suffering as it 'slices' through it's victim.
# Mar 31 2004 at 12:34 PM Rating: Excellent
55 posts
I see that the effect has changed from 9 sec cast time to instant. Can someone confirm/deny this please?
RE: Confirmation..?
# Apr 09 2004 at 5:54 AM Rating: Decent
Just yesterday I asked in the auction channel what the Necromancer epic casting time is... They all said 9 seconds.
My necro And her Epic
# Mar 15 2004 at 10:21 PM Rating: Good
Havent finished it yet but i can taste the epic ducky already, only reason im posting is because as i scrolled thro i read nothing but ******** and whining and the dates are in 04...check it out, epics, are OLD, HELLA OLD. Yea there's gonna be alot of junk out there thats better stat ups bla bla bla, does it really matter? Check this little peice of logic out, if you think the great Quack Attack Stick is a POS then DONT DO THE GODDAMM QUEST! its really that simple. As for me the new necro on the block, I cant wait to get this badass new toy :) WUUWUU

****** Rangrr Grrl of TP
RE: My necro And her Epic
# Mar 23 2004 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
Calamorrin that was beautiful, you are beautiful. Marry me?

i think this wep is great... not having but a 10 necro, and me highest is lvl 26... sooo its not realy about the reward for the epic, its the feeling when you say "i just finished me Epic!! and im feeling good! man i pwn" thats what it is all about
RE: My necro And her Epic
# Mar 20 2004 at 2:38 PM Rating: Decent
/cheer calamorrin

Well put. Hey, I hate brussel sprouts, but I don't b*tch and moan about how terrible they are... I just don't eat them.

-- Scruetayp Vivisectivore, 56 Iksar Necromancer, Quellious Server
dmg spells
# Mar 06 2004 at 2:28 AM Rating: Default
Heh all this whining about our epic not being great because 20 int is now attainable is bullcrap... excuse my french but this is also a symbol that we can work plus as was said earlier it helps our solo ability and everything... I know that I count my dmg spells and what can fit on list... well this is another dmg spell to put on list...
Lynxir Thunder'kat 59th season beastlord
Cazicc Thuule 21st season necro and rising

Yes only 21st but as I have no need for bst epic till later for showing off that I can work so I plan on leveling up necro, epicing and maybe then who knows maybe my new main...
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 03 2004 at 10:26 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) lmao yes a lvl 1 can be in full thurg armor and full ss armor noobs come to maelin server ill show you a lvl 13 war in full thurg armor oh and guess what he is warmly to coldain ally to tormax and ally to riff and ally to zek and glowers at to dain wow !!! how can this be omg cause instead of sitting here on this board or running through eq getting stuff i learned eq and use it to better me and my alts !
A Brief run down On PoSky
# Feb 29 2004 at 11:48 AM Rating: Good
Hey Folks,

I rarly post but wanted to give some fellow Necros RQ heads up.

Once you have all 3 drops (silver disc, Black silk cloak, and Spiroc feather) you will want to head back to Island one and go to the quest area using your Vesheen(sp) Key you will need to head to the far back right corner (from zone in) and hail one of the tall genie folks he will ask you a few questions. For the epic turn ins you want the test of Power given by Jzil. You will be handed a Tome give it back to the Genie and he will spawn Jzil Gsix for you. You then can turn in the 3 items you looted and walk away with the Spiroc Cloak.

And for you folks that don't realize the Importants and Pride of being able to carry around your Epic forgot, this is called Ever "Quest" not Ubber "Loot". I have better than the Epic but wear it proudly as most who just complain about it probably can't follow anything to completion in thier real lives much less in a game. For those of you who are working on your epic Keep it up! Folks in high places can tell the differance between a Twink and a self made Warlock.

What gives you more satisfaction, Finding gold or knowing that you worked for it? If both fall on hard times the only one that will survive is the one that knows they will have Gold again while the other dies hoping they will find it.

So keep working folks wear your Ducky stick with Pride!! Others will notice.

Drakov Darkon
Terew Marr Server
65th well seasoned Arch Lich of Cazic

"I Looked into the Darkness...and it Looked into Me."

Edited, Sun Feb 29 12:08:19 2004
Augment ??
# Feb 23 2004 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
Just wondering if there are any augmentation slots on this now with ldon out? Might make this a little more of a priority to get, lol.

Edited, Mon Feb 23 13:26:27 2004
RE: Augment ??
# Feb 25 2004 at 10:06 AM Rating: Excellent
55 posts
Says above; Slot 1: Type 4... :)

As I don't have it I can't confirm, but I guess it's accurate.
# Feb 05 2004 at 10:32 AM Rating: Excellent
55 posts
I don't get what the fuzz is all about. So we didn't get the überest epic in the game, OMG, someone kill somebody at SoE, please..!!!

Seriously though... I haven't got the epic yet, as I prioritize other matters, but here's how I see it;

We necros are THE most self-sufficient class in the game. This versatility comes at a price how-ever. At many stages of our journey to the top, we find ourselves alone, the last kid to be picked for the team. My point is, we are in our ace when we act alone. And that is where this item comes in so very handy.

This is a free snare/dot, saving you +/- 10% mana per cast ( and you need to snare...) Soloing in the 50's takes time, so you might want to cast it twice. Thats 20% mana per kill, and as all necros ought to know, mana is health and time. The 20% could be saved, allowing you to go straight to the next kill, or spent on cheaper, more effective DoTs. With this gadget you should be able to solo reds, or at least yellows, given the right location.

So why are you complaining over a lvl 50+ free clicky spell? And with stats to boot? Sure, you get better gear from planar raids, but let's get there first, eh? And if all you whant is to play the cool scary guy with über l33t loot, blasting away in a group, then why did you choose to be a necro? Almost everyhing we do, someone else does better. The difference is, we do it all, and we don't need the rest of em to do it...
RE: ....realy...!
# Apr 29 2004 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
Nice try, but your numbers are WAY off.

Clicky snare = very nice to have.

9 sec cast time clicky snare = useless except for first snare.

As for snare using 10% of my mana? You must still be level 20 or under. At level 61 I use dooming still due to the cast time. That's 120 mana, around 80 when focus items and spec come into play. 80 mana is 12 seconds with arch lich STANDING. At level 63 ill switch to embracing cuz its the first real snare improvement we have after dooming.

I soloed an Ice Burrower last nite for the first time. Even con in WW with about 24k hp. VERY resistant to magic. Prolly had 10 snares resisted in that 15-20 minute fight, yet I still finished fight at 45m. Snare mana is very trivial to a necro....

All that being said, this epic (as most except a few) has become a status symbol that says you spend time questing. Whoopee.
RE: ....realy...!
# Apr 17 2004 at 8:48 AM Rating: Good
Very nicely put!
# Jan 28 2004 at 7:56 AM Rating: Default
IMHO, the effect should be a LIFETAP of sum sort, and the whole scythe should look less like a DUCK SKULL!
# Jan 21 2004 at 4:07 PM Rating: Default
Ok, call me a bitter necro but WTF is this POS? Why would you want a low lvl spell(only slightly higher than 49 CD IMO) on a stick? And lower than I can get with CD and Book of the Lost City (BA3).

Grab a Zheart for the same stats and cast your own spells on things, CD is faster than 9 seconds anyway and realistic - you will be 59 soon if you arent already use Devouring Darkness, more damage, faster cast and oh yeah, you dont even have to be near the mob.

Every casters epic seems better, I mean cleric is basically 56 rez on a stick(have you seen one use it after a raid wipe?), why isnt ours something like Coc(56) or Mindwrack(58) or if thats too high Deflux on a sitck or even drain soul.

Sorry but this is one necro that thinks this thing should be stuck in the garage like the hockey stick it resembles.

And you wonder why its ultrarare, cause no one wants IT! BOOOOOOOO

And do I have it no. Will I get it, only if I am a 65 with about 6million AA and bored to death. Have I tried it, yes. Played on the betaserver with 65 nec with this, I put it back in his bag in the bank.

Edited, Wed Jan 21 16:09:04 2004
# Sep 25 2004 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
ok, so you dont like the necro epic? you think a mana free snare with 9 second cast time is horrible?
Heres an idea, go use your Zlandicars Heart, Book of the lost city, and your Cascading Darkness (300 mana snare, for that mana you could have stuck on a Envonemed Bolt (unadjusted 1132 damage)) and go solo something instead of whining on how bad the epic is.

A faster snare would have been nice, but that would unbalance things (9 seconds seem fair for a mana-free snare in my opinion)

By the way, Zlandicar's Heart is velious, epic 1.0 is kunark, and that Book of the Lost city? is LDoN, 6 expansions difference there between the book and 1.0.

each one has a different use, so they cannot be comapared to how one is better then the other, considering they can be swaped in and out.
# Apr 17 2004 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
Firstly, quit ******** about it. If ya don't like it, don't get it. Or use that uber l33t toon of yours to help others get the epic. ;)

That said, other effects that would be cool are things like rez (albeit 93%), summon corpse (would team well with a cleric epic after a raid wipe), summon pet (component-free), or Harmshield.
#REDACTED, Posted: Jan 14 2004 at 11:45 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) What really gets me about the epic with the latest expantion is that they made it upgraded so poorly. They gave it slot 4. Slot 4 is for weapons procs only, not too often does an epiced Necro join in on the battle with his pet.... My 2cp is that it should have slots 1 2 3. That is common on most LDoN equipment and would give us the chance to custimize our epic a little that woouldn't make it perfect but would certeinly help....I would love to be able to add say regen 5 or FT 5 to my epic....just my 2 cp
#REDACTED, Posted: Dec 23 2003 at 11:43 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I dont mean to sound like an ******* but this epic just seems, well, sub-epic. I mean seriously a darkness spell with a 9 second casting time on an epic? Like if they put like a lich type spell on it with a 9 second casting time it would be alot more desireable by necros. Yes i know it has nice int stats and all but nothing better then zlandicar's heart. But thats just my 2cp
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