For those below that wondered.. accuracy affects all melee attacks and not just ranged. That is why this makes it a great item for all that can use it (I'm a shaman, and the stun resist modifier is awesome as well as the best spell haste that affects all types of spells). Our first went to a rogue and although I haven't seen his post on it's affects, he has insisted he has seen a noticeable difference.
Regarding your question on accuracy Valsuvious, whilst I don't have this, I wear a Bloodlink BP which has a 20% accuracy Mod on it. I'm a shaman too and I've noticed a marked increase in the amount of times I now hit when I melee, hope that answers your question
At this point, stat wise. I don't think the lack of one stat on one item is going to matter. Anyone fully decked out in PoT gear is going to be one Pimped ****.
one question, do the Random Aura effects stack with one another...Aura of Resolution stack with Aura of Bravery.
Posted:Dec 27 2003 at 7:30 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Wis is pretty worthless either way, for a shaman.. Go for ogre Shaman, and HP gear..
Posted:Jul 19 2003 at 1:55 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ROGUES DO GET THE ACCURACY, AND NEED IT FOR THEIR BACKSTABS!!! BY BRELL, YOU KRAGBRAINS!!!